How many leo's does it take to kill a dinosaur? (12)

Was brought out and craned onto the top of someone's trailer as a joke.

Joke was over, the Dino was sold off and then later left and found in the dunes.
'Sold' is the same as 'my car was stolen, no I didn't wreck it' or 'I was asleep in the back, I don't know who was driving' 

* I wasn't there so I don't know for sure but maybe it was sold for $1 

It was said on IG that 'the guy that bought it said he was taking it to Mexico,,,,,

Baller 1 had rainbowed up Baller 2 on social media.  Baller 2 one upped Baller 1 and brought out the Dino and placed it on Baller 1's trailer.  It was funny seeing it on top of the trailer.    
OK, that is pretty damn funny. 🤣

wait a minute, ballers and a rainbow dino, I knew there was some 🏳️‍🌈 connection, you sure :chummin: wasn't behind this?

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My bad you guys were camped next to it.   LOL!  

By the way it was nice meeting you and good leading on that ride.  I am one of Tim's friends that joined in when we stopped to say hi to Tim.  
Didn't realize that was you.  Good meeting you as well.  That was a fun ride.  I'm sure we will see each other out there again.

Won't be hard to find out.  It was on top of P trailer of one of the Pad 5 ballers.  They posted all over social media the hoisting of the Dino on the trailer with a crane. I  would not be shocked if they get a ticket for littering.  

The dino was cool, but did they really think it was going to last in the dunes.   
Those dorks think everyone comes to glamis to see their chit. 

I'd be down for no more things added to the dunes. The memorial for the kids who got hit by the train, Hot Shots and Vets, Swing, I'm down with all of those... my fear is just hitting some big metal.. thing while riding at night. If there's another reasonable reason to put up a memorial, I'd probably change my mind, but otherwise, we should just leave the dunes as is... only burnt RZRs... 

My $.02


By the looks of where the gay Dino ended up didn’t look like much of a destination it looked more like boring flat land. As far as “destinations” I think we have enough and there’s still a couple that are speak easy spots that are not blasted all over social media.

What happened to bring it in, pack it out??? That thing , In my opinion, is trash. You can’t do that at the national forest, right? Why do it here?  And why can or would you dump off trash and call it a destination? Stupid Idiots. 

Would have taken them about 4-6 months for them to send out the bid to remove it. Then it would have cost $250,000. 

Was interesting that they smashed and flattened the chit out of it... to fit it in the dumpsters and ensure its "extinction"...
I wonder if the company with the contract to empty those dumpsters will take it with that much metal in the dumpster, preventing it from closing and possibly preventing their equipment from being able to lift/empty it? 

Amusement parks are available for those that like this crap. Keep it out of the dunes.

The joke was funny and well played between those guys. Selling it and it showing up in the dunes wasn't a surprise and somewhat expected. 

They should have taken it home and owned it IMO.

This will lead to the swing set coming down, and any other fabricated "destination" in the dunes.
110%.  I love the existing destinations, but all these little rando ones will ruin it.  When everybody thinks they have to put a destination up, especially one that was supposed to just be an inside joke, it'll get the rest taken out too.  Look at the palapas, for example.  There used to only be one, and it was something like 7mi South of Road Runner.  Then another (very nice) one got put in ~1 miles South.  It was awesome, and I spent plenty of time there... but it didn't last long because it was too easy to find, too accessible, and it ended up being destroyed along with the original.  The Swingset, Flagpole, and Fireman's will all end up taken out if everybody keeps putting chit up everywhere.  

The BLM should get busy and go clean up all the trash @ olds...........
Again, couldn't agree more.  Seriously, why can't they bring a crew to take care of some of the trash?  To be clear I wish it wasn't necessary, I wish duners were better and weren't leaving chit, and I think that's something we need to fix within our community.  But in the meantime, get a crew out there and get rid of it. 

Did anybody else see posts this morning that there's already another destination up?  It looks like a friggin' amusement park ride.  I don't really know how to describe it, it's a... ummm... some big spinny-thingy-mabobber? 

Whether or not I agree with putting up destinations, I will say the guy/group that placed it on one of Pont's 42 rigs are awesome people.  I was duning with them when I broke the Funco trailing arm last season.  The dino guy is the one who towed me out with his brand new big-buck car with a Fresh Albins in it.  Not many people are going to tow you out w/ their $30k transmission when they've only met you once or twice. 😉


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Didn't realize that was you.  Good meeting you as well.  That was a fun ride.  I'm sure we will see each other out there again.
For sure we will have to go for another ride.  See you out there. 

We stayed at Roadrunner a couple of weeks ago and my kids wanted to explore the canal, flat area south of Roadrunner since we're not up that way very often. A couple miles south of Roadrunner, we ran into, I don't even know how to describe it. A multi-colored half see-saw, half slide iron beam. Ugly contraption. We asked why? What's the point?

I'm a destination guy. My kids love the swing set. We usually hit it up and the flag pole on Friday before all the crowds come in, they get their fix in and then we avoid them the rest of the weekend. But, there has to come a time when the BLM has to make a stance to it doesn't become overwhelmed with them. I guess this might have been it.

While we're on the subject... of hitting things.... 

... I don't care if you're solo riding.. or with a group.. IF YOU BREAK DOWN IN THE BOTTOM OF A BOWL... GET THE Eff OUT AND TO THE HIGHEST POINT AND BE VISIBLE AROUND THAT BOWL .. try to slow people down so they don't hit your ride.. down a bowl you're invisible until it's too late... I just added a bunch of road flares to all my rigs (vehicles and SXS)... plan to use them in these situations.. usually get someone in the group to go and park at the top if we have multiple rides... 

... go up there (if at night.. or even day)... light a flare.. I almost KILLED a girl at night near Comp... she was at the bottom of a bowl by Comp squatting taking a piss (or poop,.. didn't check).. her ATC was turned off... no lights (duh keep it running) and no one around... came screaming down this bowl on my 1984 ATC250R and BAM!.... there she was.. I barely missed her.. scared us both to death.. .. and it wasn't a turn on.... 

... I would have stopped but.. I'm not a total pervert.. so I just slammed on the brakes, barely dodged hitting her...  and left the bowl...

I can picture her squatting and the scared look on her face today... this was probably 1988.



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While we're on the subject... of hitting things.... 

... I don't care if you're solo riding.. or with a group.. IF YOU BREAK DOWN IN THE BOTTOM OF A BOWL... GET THE Eff OUT AND TO THE HIGHEST POINT AND BE VISIBLE AROUND THAT BOWL .. try to slow people down so they don't hit your ride.. down a bowl you're invisible until it's too late... I just added a bunch of road flares to all my rigs (vehicles and SXS)... plan to use them in these situations.. usually get someone in the group to go and park at the top if we have multiple rides... 

... go up there (if at night.. or even day)... light a flare.. I almost KILLED a girl at night near Comp... she was at the bottom of a bowl by Comp squatting taking a piss (or poop,.. didn't check).. her ATC was turned off... no lights (duh keep it running) and no one around... came screaming down this bowl on my 1984 ATC250R and BAM!.... there she was.. I barely missed her.. scared us both to death.. .. and it wasn't a turn on.... 

... I would have stopped but.. I'm not a total pervert.. so I just slammed on the brakes, barely dodged hitting her...  and left the bowl...

I can picture her squatting and the scared look on her face today... this was probably 1988.


View attachment 22378

Man, I don't know how that's not common knowledge/practice anymore.  It's something I learned very early in duning, so early I can't pin-point it.  Anybody that's ridden in a group with me knows anytime somebody breaks and ends up in a low point, I'm always the guy that goes and parks at the crest of the highest point of that bowl/ridge whatever (unless they're on fire, or crashed and might be hurt... then obv I go to them first, but as soon as I can I go up to the high point).  


While we're on the subject... of hitting things.... 

... I don't care if you're solo riding.. or with a group.. IF YOU BREAK DOWN IN THE BOTTOM OF A BOWL... GET THE Eff OUT AND TO THE HIGHEST POINT AND BE VISIBLE AROUND THAT BOWL .. try to slow people down so they don't hit your ride.. down a bowl you're invisible until it's too late... I just added a bunch of road flares to all my rigs (vehicles and SXS)... plan to use them in these situations.. usually get someone in the group to go and park at the top if we have multiple rides... 

... go up there (if at night.. or even day)... light a flare.. I almost KILLED a girl at night near Comp... she was at the bottom of a bowl by Comp squatting taking a piss (or poop,.. didn't check).. her ATC was turned off... no lights (duh keep it running) and no one around... came screaming down this bowl on my 1984 ATC250R and BAM!.... there she was.. I barely missed her.. scared us both to death.. .. and it wasn't a turn on.... 

... I would have stopped but.. I'm not a total pervert.. so I just slammed on the brakes, barely dodged hitting her...  and left the bowl...

I can picture her squatting and the scared look on her face today... this was probably 1988.


View attachment 22378

Man, I don't know how that's not common knowledge/practice anymore.  It's something I learned very early in duning, so early I can't pin-point it.  Anybody that's ridden in a group with me knows anytime somebody breaks and ends up in a low point, I'm always the guy that goes and parks at the crest of the highest point of that bowl/ridge whatever (unless they're on fire, or crashed and might be hurt... then obv I go to them first, but as soon as I can I go up to the high point).  

That same weekend, I broke a belt in the RZR at the bottom of a bowl. We parked my son and daughters quad at the highest point on each end. My younger kids (4 and 7 years old) were down playing in the sand by the RZR while we worked on it. A sand rail comes haulin by my sons quad and enters the bowl towards us. He locks it up once he sees us and is able to stop a good distance away so not really a close call. He stops to see if were ok and says "man, I didn't see you guys at all". I said that's why that quad is parked there with no one near it. He says "ahhh, I didn't think about that." Nice enough guy but something should have clicked in his head that there is a riderless quad on a hill.


That same weekend, I broke a belt in the RZR at the bottom of a bowl. We parked my son and daughters quad at the highest point on each end. My younger kids (4 and 7 years old) were down playing in the sand by the RZR while we worked on it. A sand rail comes haulin by my sons quad and enters the bowl towards us. He locks it up once he sees us and is able to stop a good distance away so not really a close call. He stops to see if were ok and says "man, I didn't see you guys at all". I said that's why that quad is parked there with no one near it. He says "ahhh, I didn't think about that." Nice enough guy but something should have clicked in his head that there is a riderless quad on a hill.

Tunnel vision

or just not that bright.. if I see ANYONE.. within shooting range, we turn it down.. 

... common sense.


PS. Apparently if you wear white pajamas in Dubai,.. no seat belts.. you just get ejected... sometimes the car smashes you.. sometimes... you ride a camel back and smoke a hukkah.. drink tea... 

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