How long since your last ticket? how many times have you talked your way out of one?


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Apr 30, 2021
It has been a really long time for me maybe 10 years or 12. i have had some close ones but have talked my way out of at least 2 in the last year. Makes my wife furious as she gets pulled over for not having a front lic plate

Ill tell you mine later.....

tell us your story..............
been probably 8 years but i was in the wrong. right turn on a no turn on red. i didnt try to talk out of it took my ticket and moved on. that was the last time i was even pulled over. i got alot of fix it tickets back in my mini truck days in the early 2000s but in my 27 years of driving only one speeding ticket and the one ticket i got 8 years ago.
i have been driving my car now for 9 years with no front plate and tinted windows never had an issue. in the ticket mentioned above i was driving the truck that day. i do have a front plate on the truck because the rangers in glamis have nothing else better to do.
there is a company that is approved by the DMV that will make a sticker of the front plate so you dont have to drill into the bumper if the car does not have a place for the plate. i have been meaning to order one but just have not.
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Been a long time - but two red light tickets - in both cases I argued the duration between when the light turns yellow to red was not in spec based on posted information available on the net (I.E - IF speed limit is 45 MPH the duration time should be 3 seconds, if 25 MPH, it's 2 seconds, etc). I had video of the duration showing it was not in spec - in both cases the judge asked the red-light picture representative if they had proof of testing their lights and if they were in speck - in both cases they did not.
I was racing a guy up the 15 freeway out of San Diego, an Escondido motorcycle cop pulled us over at 115 mph.
Cop talked to the other guy first who claimed I was chasing him (Road Rage).
When the cop came up to me I told him “I’m the guiltiest douche you’ll pull over today.”
He laughed and told me what the other guy said and then informed me he’d seen us racing for a couple of miles.
He bumped my ticket down to 80mph in a 65 mph zone and took the other guy to jail for reckless driving. I had already resigned myself to going to jail.
This was 2005.
I got pulled over about 10 years ago going down I-15 right at Hwy 76 around 6am. I was stuck behind a car in the fast lane that was doing 65mph and he was on the phone. I was locked behind him for a couple of miles, then I finally had an opening to pass him. I was driving a CTS-V at the time, I downshifted to 4th gear and made my move. I passed him and about 30 secs later I had a nice red light in the mirror.

I pulled over and he told me I was doing 105mph, I basically ask a bunch of questions back, when did you get that unmarked CHP car, where was he hiding, I told him he was good at his job. He replied and said he was in my blind spot for the entire time waiting for me to make my move on the slow ass in the fast lane. We both chuckled.

I couldn't find my proof of insurance and that is all he wrote me up for. Treat the cops like humans and they are usually very fair. I have been let go of tickets at least 10 times over the past 40 years..
I was pulled over Labor Day weekend last year coming home from a wedding. Doing 93 on the 91fwy. Cop was cool, I was cool to him. He asked if I knew why I was pulled over, I told him of course I do, and we laughed. He ended up writing me up for 85.

I used one of those "fight your ticket" websites. It cost me $100, and I had to send in the $383 fine. Ticked company uses a trial by declaration type of thing, and you send it in, no more than 7 days before due date, so not 8 days before, not 14 days before, but less than 7.
It took a while, but last month I got a letter from the court that my ticket was dismissed along with money back.
Haven't had a ticket since 1980, but deserve one nearly every time I drive. Been pulled over several times, but was let go without a ticket. Here is an example of one time I was let go.

Around 1990 I was in Bend Or. at a family gathering at my wife's grandparents house. A friend met me there and we left Bend to go scout out an antelope hunt we had drawn tags for. We were on our way to Christmas Valley and I was doing 75 in a 55. We were drinking beer and had a cooler behind us in the cab full of beer. A pickup coming at us went by us and my buddy says "shit, that was a cop". I see his bake lights come on and he turns around to stop us. We throw the open beers out the window before he gets close, and he lights me up and I pull over. The cop has a bad stutter.

cop: Can I see your license.

me: I left my wallet in Bend (true)

cop: well, can I see your re re registration and p p p proof of insurance.

me: (After rummaging around looking for the documents and not finding them) Can you ask me for something I have (buddy audibly utters oh God)

cop: (chuckles) wa wa wa what's your name and ad ad ad address. (he goes back to his run my info)

cop: comes back and said my info checked out and ask, y y you boys been dr dr drinking?

me: (standard answer) we had a couple beers with dinner. Have you been drinking? (buddy quite audibly lets out an oh shit!)

cop: starts laughing and says, n n no, I have a b b bad s s s stutter!

We all three are laughing at that point and the cop says just slow down and lets me go.

I have found that acting respectful and using humor goes a long way towards a positive outcome!
New young CHiPs are asshats wearing $150 pants chasing taillights all day..........................

They don’t even hand write tickets, they give you a CVS long ass receipt ticket!!!!

I have been to Advanced EVOC 3 times and taught driver safety classes in my career, drove over 100,000 miles in marked vehicle and the snot nose 24 yr old yout wrote me for 72 in a 65 on hwy 62 going down the grade.

Started interaction with very nice and polite conversation, but snot nose boy pulled the "I have the Power, how dare you endanger the public with your reckless driving" tud and so I proceeded to dress him down with PC codes (basic speed law) and real life situation.

I was also a real dick and told him to have a better day and I was going to his moms house and we could talk in the morning!

A procedure CHiP has is to have the pulled over driver leave the stop first so they cannot come up behind you for officer safety, so I just parked it. He yelled at me on the PA and I just ignored him. After about 5 minutes he finally pulled out and left the scene.

Just to be more of a dick, showed up in court, the judge recognized me, I explained my case and he dismissed.

Only ticket in 30+ years.

Talk about the EVIL EYE glare when he see me.

Don’t do what I did, I know how far I can push the law
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Couple buddy's and I went surfing at Church's where we got to park on base since one of them was in the Marines stationed at Camp Pendleton.
Great day surfing...driving out in my Dad's 83' GMC long bed single cab, I get pulled over by MP. Said I was going 50 in a 25. Give him my license and Registration and he walks aback to his vehicle. I was like there was no way I was going 50 and get out of the truck and walk back to his car.
Inside, the cab, not knowing what was about to happen, Evan says to Mark...Dale's going to jail!!!
It was when I got up to the officer's car that I had realized I made a HUGE mistake, when the officer looks up and I see him shake his head and utter the word "FU*K" and he rolls his window down!
I gulp, and say to the officer, Excuse me but I really don't think I was speeding and can I see your Radar? (Boy that was dumb of me)
The office politely says he doesn't need to show me SHIT and to get my happy ass back into my truck before he SLAMS me!
GULP......Oh shit...sorry Officer!
I get back to the truck and Evan (The Marine) was like, DUDE WTF we're you thinking? You idiot! LMAO
The officer comes back and proceeds to Read me the Riot act and tell me the act of getting out of my vehicle and approaching his car is an act of violence and he could have slammed me to the ground and cuff me!
He then told me this was military property and he doesn't need to show me SHIT, but that this was going to only be a $50 ticket and it won't go on my record!

UGH, sorry Officer!
he said, Have a nice day, now get out of here!

I was pulled over Labor Day weekend last year coming home from a wedding. Doing 93 on the 91fwy. Cop was cool, I was cool to him. He asked if I knew why I was pulled over, I told him of course I do, and we laughed. He ended up writing me up for 85.

I used one of those "fight your ticket" websites. It cost me $100, and I had to send in the $383 fine. Ticked company uses a trial by declaration type of thing, and you send it in, no more than 7 days before due date, so not 8 days before, not 14 days before, but less than 7.
It took a while, but last month I got a letter from the court that my ticket was dismissed along with money back.
I used one of those services on a red light ticket. Got dropped.
Last ticket I got was about 7 years ago. On my way to work in my Duramax and was merging onto the 241 from the 91 at about 4:30am. Noticed there was a motorcycle splitting lanes on my driver side (i was in the right lane). I was going about 78 and their was slower traffic in the left lane. So I moved over slightly to let him through, then I noticed he wasn't moving so I decided to hit the skinny peddle thinking he just wanted me out of the way. Welp.... I completely dumped a large amount of coal out of the exhaust and was moving. Moments later that motorcycle's headlight turned blue and red.... FACK...

I pulled over and the cop asked for the usual and went back to his bike. He came back and asked if I knew how fast I was going. Said no Idea, I though you were some speedy street bike wanting me to get out of your way. He replied and said, "you went from 78 to 105 driving up hill and smoked me out." I apologize and told him again I was just trying to get out of your way sir. He replied and said, "I am just impressed you are able to get this turd to go that fast up hill!". I smile and said... "must be a ford guy huh?". He said "yup" and gave me a ticket for 15 over instead of ruining my morning lol.
I have plenty of stories...... but it was just last night at 9:30pm that prompted the new thread. my wife and i go to visit our grand kids in corona (her in her car, me on my bike). we leave at the same time going south on the 15 to Murrieta to go home. i start doing my typical 100-110 cruise and see another biker way up the rode so i step it up some more (i always like to pass other bikers, its just an itch i cant stop) anyhow i get close and he is tapping his helmet (cop alert) so i slow down, I see the cop and we are following him for 5,6,7 miles at about 80-85 sometimes a bit higher. always stay well behind. now getting close to Elsinore and i am bored driving this speed. then the traffic lightens up and the other bile proceeds to slowly pass the Suburban K9 CHP. I watch and think fo sure he's going to get lit up. 100yards, 200yards and nothing still going 85ish i am still flanking the guy like his left wingman. He then abruptly slows down in the middle lane to be side to side with me for a moment. I'm like what is this going on? then he pulls behind me and lights me up a mile from the off ramp. i slowly make my way over to the slow lane and exit showing him a big RIGHT ARROW with my left arm. then i pull off on Central. Then i give him another RIGHT ARROW that I'm pulling into the Home Depot parking lot.

He gets out and says what do you think you are doing riding in my blind stop at 90MPH? I said, well I'm not going to pass you like the other guy did- I didn't know I was in your blind spot. What's the speed limit? I said 70. I then say why didn't you pull over the other guy who passed you? He said he was on a call and going faster than normal and then they cancelled the call and at that point the other guy was too far ahead. he then asked, Do you have kids? i said yes 6 of them and 13 Grandkids. (trying to make small talk) Then he says if you jump off a cliff do you expect your grand kids to do the same? No sir! then dont be driving 90, license please, I'm going to see if you're a felon. He comes back and said you are clean and free to go, I thanked him. He was pretty cool!

I get home just after my wife does, she knows I drive fast and said what happened? did you take the long way home? I said no i just Got lit up and pulled over. She said well did you get a ticket? I said what do you think (cause I always talk my way out of them) I said of course not.......She rolled her eyes as you would expect and walked away---Priceless!
Last one was a couple of years ago. I was late to pick up my daughter from school and left the light faster than I should have. Saw the cop sitting in the grass as I hit 3rd gear. I knew he was coming after me so just pulled over. He kept asking why I was going so fast and telling me that the people of the neighborhood had requested more enforcement. I was nice and polite thinking this was going to be a warning, but no, I get the ticket. I get it, I was definitely speeding and deserved the ticket, but the condescending tone was irritating to say the least. Write me for the violation, but don't sit there and give me a lecture.
Been atleast 10-12 years for me. Was stupid too. Chp lady thought she saw me out of the 2 right lanes when towing. She pulled up on me lit me up and said if o disagree go to court.

Dumb bitch straight up lied and I lost. I never leave the right lanes when towing and I knew what lane I was in. Funniest was she said she was giving me a warning on the speed said I was going 70 I laughed but stopped real fast. No way my 2500hd gasser is going to get to 70 with a cabover camper with a flatbed and buggy loaded. Especially on the 91 west just past the 710 fwy at 4:30 pm.
we are from Nevada so hear me out,
Was coming back from Dunehoon shop in Sandiego at night doing about 80mph with a flat bed trailer, mind you this is the norm in Las Vegas, go pulled over by a very young cop, and he was about to be by the book, his partner came up and said "you are going the wrong way Glamis is the other way"
Showed the officers the TRX-4 with whipple 440, and let us go,

Later that night back in Vegas, now doing 88mph in the fast lane, NHP comes behind us flashes the roof light to move over into the center lane, and blows by us doing over 100 and pulls over a car doing over 100mph

What a Day,
The last time I received a ticket I actually got 2 on the same day. One for riding the center lane to make a left which made me late for work and the 2nd one for speeding. That was 28 years ago. I haven’t got a ticket since. Knock on Wood!!! 🤞
It's been a while, Last time I was in the Dodge, with a Honda Quad in the back heading home from Glamis down the 78 thru the rollers. Was doing like 75 or so, saw a car oncoming glanced down at the radio to tune in my XM radio, looked up saw it was a CHP. Didn't think anything of it, how can he even know how fast I am going towards him. He flipped it around and I learned about LIDAR. Asked me why I didn't slow down when he flashed his lights at me. Told him I would have had I seen that, I was changing radio stations.