How is your view from work today?

This was a month ago we finished picking 160 acres of soybeans. Now we will drop the bean head off and put on the corn picker head and keep harvesting.



This is from a couple weeks ago. WE helped a transmission set and transfer 70 poles in 3 or 4 days. We were movin and groovin! 

2 Hour plus zoom call on a Saturday with colleagues in Seattle ....

Only good is I am not in Seattle

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Dual clutch trans out of this 2018 RS3 today for a trans fluid leak. It’s turnt to the moon on E85 and I already put a new engine in it 12k miles ago after #2 rod knocked holes in the block. Turns out the main input plate for the dual clutch finally got tired of the repeated super aggressive launches and twisted/cracked all to hell.




3 days late but it was a fun Sunday morning.


Working from home. Had to head outside due to it being too noisy inside, started a bathroom remodel on Monday! I had to be on conference call, so here I am. 

Doesn't suck. 


