How is your view from work today?

Everyone says that, until you are in Indio, in August, and it's 126* with 40% humidity......

Then I'm praying for a desk job....
I wish I could work outside, in San Diego, by the beach, when the temp is between 72 and 82, and the tourists are not swarming the place & there are a bunch of hot chicks in bathing suits.  other than that.  I like my desk.....  LMAO.

Everyone says that, until you are in Indio, in August, and it's 126* with 40% humidity......

Then I'm praying for a desk job....
Ya, we hit 110+ with no ac have to have perfectly still air. I've also worked in concrete elevator shafts in thunderstorms in the summer. I’ll take hot outside over hot inside 😂

breakfast of champions


Lightning / Thunder this morning! Peace


Do wanna build a Snowman?
