Happy Juneteenth everyone!

The 19th of June is the actual recognized day. It is a day no different for the race of folks who were enslaved than July 4th is for folks who said the King is no longer the boss of me. Not a single one of you was ever the subject of King George, so you should never worry about Independence Day. You weren't there

This is one truly sad thread. You should be embarrassed. You know who you are. You know what you are. 

Well f@k, better cancel Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving etc. I mean they already cancelled Columbus Day...

Well f@k, better cancel Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving etc. I mean they already cancelled Columbus Day...
I think they've been trying to cancel Christmas for years, they've been discouraging the use of the term "Christmas Party" and trying to force people to use "Holiday Party."

Well f@k, better cancel Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving etc. I mean they already cancelled Columbus Day...
See! Win/Win!! No more searching for the absolute most bestest Christmas/Valentine's Day present yet again!

We are all currently Americans.  No one alive was the subject of American slavery.

What's sad, is to compare the 4th of July and some Marxist attempt to divide Americans.
If the folks who's ancestors were slaves would like to commemorate that day to celebrate the end of the slavery, how does that hurt you? Read the first post. 

KFC is where all of the uppity White folk went.
My first job. KFC in Casa De Oro. $2.90 an hour. Got me a raise to $3.10 an hour. Thought I was big money. A month later they raise minimum wage to $3.10. Pissed me off! Do I eat KFC anymore? NO! Peace

My first job. KFC in Casa De Oro. $2.90 an hour. Got me a raise to $3.10 an hour. Thought I was big money. A month later they raise minimum wage to $3.10. Pissed me off! Do I eat KFC anymore? NO! Peace
Not even their white meat buffalo wings? They're GRRREAT!

Not even their white meat buffalo wings? They're GRRREAT!
Haven't looked at their menu since I've left. I was trying to gain weight back in that day. Couldn't get over 170pds. No problem clearing that number now! Peace

Haven't looked at their menu since I've left. I was trying to gain weight back in that day. Couldn't get over 170pds. No problem clearing that number now! Peace
Oh man, they have Great White Buffalo wings!

My first job. KFC in Casa De Oro. $2.90 an hour. Got me a raise to $3.10 an hour. Thought I was big money. A month later they raise minimum wage to $3.10. Pissed me off! Do I eat KFC anymore? NO! Peace

Do you remember the El Barrelito mexican food place just up the street from KFC ?  You know, the one shaped like a giant whisky barrel 

If the folks who's ancestors were slaves would like to commemorate that day to celebrate the end of the slavery, how does that hurt you? Read the first post. 
You really don't see it do you? It's just like gun control laws. They don't come straight out and try to take our guns, they chip away at our rights little by little. Outlawing certain magazines, certain guns, making ammo harder to get, until they've chipped all of it away.

Same with this. Black superiority and the double standard. First it was "affirmative action." Tens of thousands of white men were passed over so that blacks who scored lower or outright failed advancement tests could be given promotions they didn't deserve, but were given because they grew up "underserved." How many college kids were denied scholarships they should have gotten due to their 4.0 GPAs because they were white, but a minority kid with a 3.4 GPA got a scholarship and a free pass into a university that normally doesn't take under 3.6 GPAs. Know how many companies (especially with federal contracts) have quotas to hire a certain percentage of minorities even if they aren't qualified.

Now we have another holiday just for blacks, to go with all of the TV channels just for blacks and a double standard in how things are handled. White parents and black parents got into a scuffle at the local pool. The black girl who started it all was never charged, the white cop who grabbed her and arrested her was fired. All of the white parents were identified by a minority org, their employers harassed and they were fired. None of the black parents were fired, their employers were never publicly forced into it.

What's the next step?

Reparations. HR 40.

“The centuries-long injustices of slavery and its legacy, fueling the persistence of racial inequality today, remain largely unaccounted for,” said Dreisen Heath, racial justice researcher and advocate at Human Rights Watch. “As states, cities, and other institutions pursue reckonings, Congress should step up to lead the nation in accounting and atoning for the ongoing impact of slavery. The committee vote on H.R. 40 is a crucial step in that direction.”
Are you ready to pay your reparations? Are you starting to see the pattern here? Should I spell it out for you in even finer detail?

South Africa has already declared war on any white family that owns a farm. They're slaughtering them and "expropriating without compensation." They feel they are entitled to murder and steal the land, the gov't does nothing to stop it. Do you feel that's legal or moral?

Wait for calls to abolish Memorial Day.  Oppressive White men and their wars deserve no day of remembrance. 

Race check on white privelege and national holidays?  MLK, Jesus of Nazareth.  Only 2 people with a national holiday and one is hated by the left.  No white Americans.  San Diego County observes Cesar Chavez Day.

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Great Presentation Regarding what is being FORCED down our societies throats

If the folks who's ancestors were slaves would like to commemorate that day to celebrate the end of the slavery, how does that hurt you? Read the first post. 
A 9 year old gets the "picture" more than yo do!!!!.......... BLM........Juneteenth.......Just treat others with dignity and and respect and all this BS goes away!
