Happy Juneteenth everyone!

Those were jokes. TBH, even my black friends joke about the lack of father figures in the black community. Ignoring it, or making it a taboo subject isn't going to make it go away, or make anything better.

You're beginning to sound like a snowflake.
Oh gosh, I am soooooo sorry... That was a joke, Karen.

 Businesses have to make money. 

Just live your life. 

Yeah,....and just accept whatever is rammed down your throat!

Oh gosh, I am soooooo sorry... That was a joke, Karen.
A "male Karren" is called a Chad"........... Please address members with their correct Pro Nouns.....Your "Karren" comment is hurtful!


BET has been around since 1980. Even before MTV. And it is not all black. There are channels the do lean toward their desired audiences. How can you really have a problem with that? Businesses have to make money. 

Just live your life. 

Nice job ignoring the truth. If a TV network was all white, you know exactly what would happen. Why are you supporting a double standard? You are, in effect, supporting racism.

If this holiday is so important, why did it take 158 yrs and a demented pedo socialist to turn it into a federal holiday? If we're going to start celebrating ethnic holidays, I fully expect to see a Hiroshima Day, A Nagasaki Day, a federal Internment Camp Day, a national Holocaust Day, a day celebrating the Pogroms of Russia, the Chinese genocide...

you know, events that affected a lot more people and did more to shape world history. That's the right thing to do, recognize everyone's suffering, not just the loudest ones.

Lolz. Thanksgiving and the 4th of July weren't official US holidays until 1870.  If they are so important why did it take almost 100 years since the founding of our great nation to turn them into federal holidays ? ?

Lolz. Thanksgiving and the 4th of July weren't official US holidays until 1870.  If they are so important why did it take almost 100 years since the founding of our great nation to turn them into federal holidays ? ?
Because snail mail was even slower back then.

I have a question... My great-great grandfather (and family) were indentured servants (my guess is today's woke means the same as "slave") He was brought in from Scotland.   Cant get more Caucasian than that.  So, reparations for my grandfather??  I think not!  No holiday for you!!

My heritage goes back to Scotland, my wife to Ireland.  I've sen the argument that white people were only "indentured servants"...MOTHER F*CKER...TRANSLATION...SLAVES!

This whole BLM, Floyd and June-teenie-eth is stupid.

Sucks that Xiden couldn’t have waited until Monday to sign this crap. Nobody knew if they had to be open or closed today and plummeted the markets. Took a big old kick in the dik today. Hell I work for the gubment and we were notified at 1530 yesterday to not come to work today and Monday. (We are on split shifts)

Just another idiotic move by this horrible administration that divides our nation even more. 
Scared to think about where the greatest nation in history is headed these next few years

Is she black? Did they give all employees the day off? Does this mean Starbucks is closed?
White chick.  She's an admin type working from home.  No idea if it's across the board or what.

I hear some hilarious inside scoops on their liberal policies.  They have people who's sole job is to deal with their homeless issues since they've allowed them to hang out all day in and around the shops.

The 19th of June is the actual recognized day. It is a day no different for the race of folks who were enslaved than July 4th is for folks who said the King is no longer the boss of me. Not a single one of you was ever the subject of King George, so you should never worry about Independence Day. You weren't there. 

This is one truly sad thread. You should be embarrassed. You know who you are. You know what you are. 

We are all currently Americans.  No one alive was the subject of American slavery.

What's sad, is to compare the 4th of July and some Marxist attempt to divide Americans.

I know that for Christmas, there is Santa Claus and presents and a tree, for Easter there a bunny and mass, for New Years we get really drunk (St Patrick’s too) and Halloween we give out candy to children,  but what sorts of activities might be appropriate for celebrating Juneteenth?
Eating ribs and watermelon.

I will be celebrating Juneteenth with some fried chicken and colt 45

YES ....... Really !  Thank God that everyone isn't buying into all this POLITICAL THEATRICS!


Yeah......... Imagine that............... WAKE UP People!  

Don’t fool yourself.  GD. Is an echo chamber.  Just watch what happens if I say: “guns kill people”

there are a lot of useful idiots buying into this Schiff, if they avoid taking a moment to think about it, it makes them feel like “good people” for buying into it.    Shiny packaging, just like Obama and re-elected Obama.     

I will be celebrating Juneteenth with some fried chicken and colt 45
Gotta be Church’s. With Jalapeños. 
I grew up in 83% black Pine Bluff Arkansas, I know. KFC is where all of the uppity White folk went.

Gotta be Church’s. With Jalapeños. 
I grew up in 83% black Pine Bluff Arkansas, I know. KFC is where all of the uppity White folk went.
That’s a luxury that’s not in my budget. Maybe if I make a sacrifice and get some Samuel Jackson Beer instead of Colt 45. 

I know that for Christmas, there is Santa Claus and presents and a tree, for Easter there a bunny and mass, for New Years we get really drunk (St Patrick’s too) and Halloween we give out candy to children,  but what sorts of activities might be appropriate for celebrating Juneteenth?
