Good bye Mother G! Hello St. Anthony? Pocatello, ID. Permanetly?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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49 years old. Been going to Glamis for 50 years (the math checks out ask mom). Moved to Az from LA in 1981. Been sick of the heat for too long. Addicted to sand. Wife said “I want to move” but but glamis!?!?!?! Ok. Where? Idaho. Oh! By St. Anthony? “Yeah saw this place (Pocatello) like right down the street from st. Anthony”!! Housing is good, schools, etc.? “Appears to be” ok let’s go!!!

Does anyone know about this Pocatello place?

Research shows it’s great for raising a family, good weather, all the outdoors stuff we like to do…Mormons (were in north Mesa currently, we can handle them just fine)

I can’t find any real reasons that would deter us..

Thoughts and details appreciated.

sounds like a great place, St Anthonys is great, only been once but had a blast, good luck and Glamis will always be there
St Anthonys will be fun, just at the opposite side of the Calander from Glamis. Be a big change from the area your now in. You only live once, if something is on your list better do it while you can.
Doesn't even seem like a choice to be made....why you waiting?


You can always still go to Glamis still.
I like Idaho falls better. If you really want something small and cool, check out Driggs ID. Wish I could convince the wife to move, I'd be there in a heartbeat.

My wife can go anywhere with her job and carry us for a while if needed. I’d be leaving a really good job, very employable and can help any company build and succeed but I will have to work for another 12-15 years.
I like the views out every window. you'll like the move AZ heat is a dry heat tho. HA 105* is 105*. Don't care how Dry it is. Peace
I was reading an article, and who knows if it's true, it was stating that Idaho has the largest concentration of "white supremacy".
A godsend for some, and a problem for others.🤷
It’s most prevalent in the Northwest and often includes antigovernment folks that aren’t necessarily Supremacists.
You don’t run into it much unless you go looking for them.
I was reading an article, and who knows if it's true, it was stating that Idaho has the largest concentration of "white supremacy".
A godsend for some, and a problem for others.🤷
I saw one comment where they said if your right leaning republican racist you’ll fit right in.

Can’t control the ignorant, unless I’m there.

Seems most comments are about it being a little bit college town with lots of young families.

I want to see stars again…
Yep, Pocatello (Pokey to locals) is a growing diverse town. The FBI just made a major investment there moving operations related to data / data storage.
We’re not short on Progressive justice warriors on a Jihad against all things White, they’re mostly in Boise with a growing population in Idaho Falls.