Ghost camping 101

Sand Shark

Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Well the season is about here and I am sure the ghost campers will be heading out to get their spots.   So I think it is time for the rest of us to learn the proper way to ghost camp.   

Lets hear it ghost campers.  Give us some of your secrets.  

Do we go with tire covers or no tire covers for the RV and trailer?

Patio furniture - yeah or nay?

What is the proper distance between rigs so it does not look like ghost camping?

Fuel jugs allowed? (might as well quash that rumor in this thread.)

Time to have some fun people.  It is almost dune season!!!!   

Always have 1 guy there to move things around so it looks like there are people in camp. 

What do you leave outside and what do you secure....................I mean you can't be a rookie and have your slideouts in, what camper would do that?  

I do think the correct spacing between rigs is super important. What is it, is it written down somewhere?

Last year a trailer sat there for 5 days, nobody came and went, we had someone coming, so we had them park right up next to the trailer, that if some one wanted to move it we would had to move to get it hooked up.  Wasn't a big deal, since we left 5 days later and the trailer was still there with zero evidence that someone had been there in the last 10 day.

What do you leave outside and what do you secure....................I mean you can't be a rookie and have your slideouts in, what camper would do that?  

I do think the correct spacing between rigs is super important. What is it, is it written down somewhere?

Last year a trailer sat there for 5 days, nobody came and went, we had someone coming, so we had them park right up next to the trailer, that if some one wanted to move it we would had to move to get it hooked up.  Wasn't a big deal, since we left 5 days later and the trailer was still there with zero evidence that someone had been there in the last 10 day.
So many questions that need to be answered by the experts.

There was a guy that I do not think left wash 9 all season.  Totally rookie.  Everyone knows you leave your stuff on Gecko.  

How about the Michael Jordon on the train to make it look like there is someone in the motor home???  but make it go all the way up & down the hallway in the MH.


Or one of these with the articulating head & the antlers removed, so it looks like you have an oddly shaped dog???


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How about the Michael Jordon on the train to make it look like there is someone in the motor home???  but make it go all the way up & down the hallway in the MH.

Or one of these with the articulating head & the antlers removed, so it looks like you have an oddly shaped dog???

LMAO!!!  you know someone is going to try it this season.  

There was that guy that was in Wash 13 all season.  Nobody cares in the washes.  Pad 5 is probably already full.
The guy with the 5th wheel? 

I got my driver delivering my rig to pad 5.  We will be good all season.  I have my Jordon on a train on order and my patio furniture.   

Max 6' spacing between rigs so another can't squeeze between you, block access to anyone hooking up and towing your rig away, solar lights and/or one running on a timer / inverter, a trusted body to come by every 48 hours and lay down fresh tracks and footprints through camp, blast tunes for at least an hour, light off a small unattended fire every couple days to ensure the woodpile gets shuffled around, move the patio furniture around, and to make sure nobody is effing with your stuff.

how about run a set of lights and a small computer fan up under your fire pit & have it on a timer.  it comes on @ 9:00PM & off @ 3:00AM & just blows sand up in the air & the light reflects off of the sand.  next day the wind will "reload" the fire pit.  LOL. 
