My buddy did New Age because he wanted metal cabinets. They are decent for a mass produced China product. The only issues he had was the stem wall (curb) around the garage & not taking the slope of the floor into consideration. All of his cabinets sit 4" away from the wall because of the curb. He tried installing one on top but felt the cabinet wasn't designed to hang on the wall and needed to sit on the floor. The other issue was slope, a garage floor slopes from back to front. All of his side wall cabinets are misaligned and look crappy. The cabinets we make are designed to sit on the stem wall and be attached to the wall studs.
Its should be a Polyaspartic for the exterior, problem with any exterior coating is Moisture Vapor Drive. When the ground under the concrete gets wet the heat of the sun draws the moisture in a vapor out of the concrete. When you install a non-permeable coating outside you have high probability for blistering or bubbling (same thing). Also a poly wont bond to concrete like an epoxy so if they go direct to concrete with the poly the chances are greater that it'll peel. There are a lot of new companies pitching garage coatings for exterior use but a lot of these guys offering 10 year and lifetime warranties haven't been in business very long. If warranty is a basis of your decision be sure they have been in business long enough to stand behind a warranty. I love to ask "can you give me the address of a job or 2 that you did 8-10 years ago with this same system you are offering me"? I've been in this business for 25 years, I have seen a lot of guys come and go. I have seen a lot of customers left worse off than before they started. My advise for exterior coating is don't do it but if you must make sure you use an experienced contractor, understand the limitations of what you are doing and have the expectation that you'll have to maintain the coating.