Garage floor coating?


May 6, 2021
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Looking to coat my rv garage floor (approx 14'x40'). Had a company quote me $3000.  Has anyone done their own floor and what product did you use?    Would you do it again?   Pics?

I've done it myself and I've had someone do it.  I'll always have someone do it from now on.

Mine was $5000+ but my garage is 1200sqft.

Ask Stugots.  He does this.

Stugotz is your man. My new home is 2000 sq ft garage. Can't wait to see the floor covering. Peace

You are at 5.50 a square foot.  Thats a good deal, I charge more..

Make sure they do a full grind and a Polyspartic top coat.

If you want post up the bid with the outlined scope of work and I will look it over for you. Or you can pm it

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To add, dont do it your self.

It is a buy once cry once deal.. If you don't do it 100% correct  you will regret it and only have yourself to blame when you have to pay more to have it done right. 

It takes a lot of expensive equipment and experience to do them right. Not saying it can't be done, but by the time you buy good materials, rent equipment and study what to do, someone can turn it over in 2 days and your done..

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One thing I would suggest is spend extra and have them shot blast the concrete and put the moisture sealant down. Then do your epoxy floor coating. 

When we got our house one of the first things I had done before we moved in was have the garage floors coated. Because I’ll never have an empty garage again. The guys I used came out and put these moisture tests down. I did have what I thought was minor efflorescence in a few spots, and my houses is new enough that the vapor barrier was placed under the garage floors. 

Sure enough the 3 test they put down all showed enough moisture that they said they would not do the job without doing a moisture sealant.  I went ahead and had them do it and it was totally worth it. I’ve had no issues, but later after meeting my neighbors, two of them told me they had their floors done and they both have blisters from the moisture. They had no idea there was a product that could have been put down to seal the concrete first. Maybe it was not around at the time? 

I did my shop about 7 years ago but I knew what I had. I built the shop with a 10 mil moisture barrier and wet cured the slab for 10 days then did the coating about 3 months later. Concrete was very solid and would test about 4kpsi with no cracks or stains. Acid etched it then used two coats of a two part epoxy from Griot's Garage. Got the sprinkles from the local Dunn-Edwards. I'm not very nice to it and it's holding up quite well. No lifting but does show signs of wear and isn't shiny like it was before. Advice..If you don't know what your slab is and you're not entirely confident in what you are doing..Get a guy who knows what he's doing and has references and let him do it. It's real easy to screw up.


Alex aka penny wise has blown my mind with the services he provided me . When the stripper pole goes in the garage and my drunken clam neon sign I’ll post some pics . 

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 Hire a guy. I have one if you want to get a bid. He did the kitchen at work.

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Good question for penny wise . Sounds like he has a cabinet shop that builds them to his specs . @Pennywise

Great thread, I am looking for cabinets right now. I am looking at the NewAge Bold series brand that Costco carries. Anyone have any experience with these ? 

Also, I am having my garage, patio, and carport done with a newer product that is some sort of poly-something or another that supposedly stands up to the sun light and does not turn color ? 10 year warranty for sun exposed areas, lifetime for garage and non exposed areas. Roughly 2500 sqf.
