fireworks for the New Years


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2021
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Such an illegal activity, i would hate to participate in the fun.  So where should a guy not go if he was in Phx to buy some?  Had a co worker drive from Albuquerque yesterday and said he didn't see any places off the 40.   I know in the past driving through Gallop NM i bought some.   

Don't go to Road Forks, just across the AZ/NM line on I-10.

Kind of like the wine brick during Prohibition:

Grapes were a hot commodity in the 1920s and 1930s. Shipments of rectangular, brick–shaped packages traveled from California to the East Coast and flooded the market. Included on the packaging was a peculiar and highly specific warning:

“After dissolving the brick in a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cupboard for twenty days, because then it would turn into wine.”


You could do the avi casino. Pretty expensive though. Pahrump has way better deals but is quite a drive 

I was going to say something nasty about those who shoot off big mortars on my street every holiday and scare my dogs to death, but that would likely offend many of you who enjoy such activities. Please take them miles out of town to shoot them off, NO ONE wants to hear them every 10 seconds all night. 

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For those that live near me who always shoot off the big rockets during holidays and scare my dogs into siezures, I hope you blow your hands off this year!
Had a dog that lost her chit during fireworks. Started making her sit and gave her super favorite treats like hot dogs, spam, something that she’ll sit still for. 

Doesn’t like them now, but they don’t really bother her either. Better than shivering and pissing herself in a corner though. shows at least 40,ring in at 190 decibels.

Bunch of other ideas here, but the above worked best for her. 

Had a dog that lost her chit during fireworks. Started making her sit and gave her super favorite treats like hot dogs, spam, something that she’ll sit still for. 

Doesn’t like them now, but they don’t really bother her either. Better than shivering and pissing herself in a corner though. shows at least 40,ring in at 190 decibels.

Bunch of other ideas here, but the above worked best for her. 
My dogs get sedated.  Just ask the vet.  It's easier on all of us.  I don't need 400lbs of Rottweilers loosing their chit over fireworks.

My dogs get sedated.  Just ask the vet.  It's easier on all of us.  I don't need 400lbs of Rottweilers loosing their chit over fireworks.
Tried that (wife’s in the vet field, all her friends are vets). Hot dogs worked better long term, other than she starts begging every time there are fireworks…  :biggrin:

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Tried that (wife’s in the vet field, all her friends are vets). Hot dogs worked better long term, other than she starts begging every time there are fireworks…  :biggrin:
My dog Kegogi is well behaved, hardly moves at all during fireworks, she’s not fond of the crockpot though…

My dog Kegogi is well behaved, hardly moves at all during fireworks, she’s not fond of the crockpot though…
Lol, mine is the pressure cooker. Same deal: make them sit while it’s making noise and feed them hotdogs…

Now she knows it’s full of beef stew, lol

Tried that (wife’s in the vet field,) all her friends are vets). Hot dogs worked better long term, other than she starts begging every time there are fireworks…  :biggrin:
Hot dogs?  How does that work?  Is it just a distraction?

In our neighborhood fireworks will go off for HOURS.  Give them each a Tramadol, everybody is Fonzy.

Hot dogs?  How does that work?  Is it just a distraction?

In our neighborhood fireworks will go off for HOURS.  Give them each a Tramadol, everybody is Fonzy.
Your dogs will sit through anything for meat humans will eat right? Make them sit through loud ass fireworks noises giving them treats only when they’re calm and sitting. Start with the stereo at full tilt, then move on to other similar sounding items until they give zero Fs about it. Once they start pawing at your leg for treats, job done. Congratulate them/reinforce it every now and again, but should be good. 

Some dogs will never do it, but worth a shot and better than getting them stoned, unless you want to analyze the back of a $1 bill together…? :biggrin:

Kinda like this, except hot dog chunks instead of bumpers:

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I was going to say something nasty about those who shoot off big mortars on my street every holiday and scare my dogs to death, but that would likely offend many of you who enjoy such activities. Please take them miles out of town to shoot them off, NO ONE wants to hear them every 10 seconds all night. 

We had a BIG fireworks display (Thanks Kirk) in our camp last year. It actually started making some of us nervous because it was so close to our MOHO's / Trailers. I think this year we should walk over to the little dunes and blow em off. It would make a lot of people less paranoid! Peace

Call me Karen if you want.  I agree with the unpopular opinion. My property is 4 acres but backs up to a trac home neighborhood and these asshats think fireworks need to be shot from 5pm to 3am non stop.  Dogs and horses are always stressed the entire time.  Really hate the ones that shake the house too. 

As kids we used to shoot of fireworks at midnight for about 10 minutes and that was it. What are we celebrating at 5pm?

Call me Karen if you want.  I agree with the unpopular opinion. My property is 4 acres but backs up to a trac home neighborhood and these asshats think fireworks need to be shot from 5pm to 3am non stop.  Dogs and horses are always stressed the entire time.  Really hate the ones that shake the house too. 

As kids we used to shoot of fireworks at midnight for about 10 minutes and that was it. What are we celebrating at 5pm?

One of my employees lives out in the sticks. In small town TX.....They shoot off Shot Guns. He doesn't sleep that night. STUPID! Peace

Call me Karen if you want.  I agree with the unpopular opinion. My property is 4 acres but backs up to a trac home neighborhood and these asshats think fireworks need to be shot from 5pm to 3am non stop.  Dogs and horses are always stressed the entire time.  Really hate the ones that shake the house too. 

As kids we used to shoot of fireworks at midnight for about 10 minutes and that was it. What are we celebrating at 5pm?
I live in Fontucky and these ass hats decide to celebrate the 4 starting in June and ending in September. 

Call me Karen if you want.  I agree with the unpopular opinion. My property is 4 acres but backs up to a trac home neighborhood and these asshats think fireworks need to be shot from 5pm to 3am non stop.  Dogs and horses are always stressed the entire time.  Really hate the ones that shake the house too. 

As kids we used to shoot of fireworks at midnight for about 10 minutes and that was it. What are we celebrating at 5pm?
Cocaine.. helluva drug 
