Duner's Diner

It's not that big of a deal that the diner is going to be closed again this season. Almost every time we would go there would be a huge line to order food, with winter's shorter days that was time wasted not being IN the dunes. I find it so much more interesting to not have to have a "destination" when venturing out on a run. Like the swingset, Olds and the drags, it's just the same old BS stuck on repeat. 

It's not that big of a deal that the diner is going to be closed again this season. Almost every time we would go there would be a huge line to order food, with winter's shorter days that was time wasted not being IN the dunes. I find it so much more interesting to not have to have a "destination" when venturing out on a run. Like the swingset, Olds and the drags, it's just the same old BS stuck on repeat. 
Think we have gone twice since reopening once got lucky it was not crowded the other times not worth the trip anymore.I miss the old place more.

I've got no inside connection or special knowledge but maybe the challenge to find labor, risk of liability, fines, etc. just isn't worth it when running the business that isn't main income source?  As mentioned - who's going to enforce?  I was at Staples Center Saturday - first security check is for Covid - they didn't even bother - you could have handed them a your 4th grade report card or flashed your pic on phone of anything - if you said it's right here and pointed to phone - they sent your through.  Masks required as you entered - once inside - took the mask off.  90% of people in my section didn't have a mask on.  Nobody enforcing anything in downtown LA at a televised event.  
We went to Joe Rogan on 9/11/21 at the Forum in Los Angeles and you had to show a vax card or a negative test with in 72 hours of that that day to get in.  Same thing- show them a picture of a document on your phone and they glanced at it and waved you right through. There were signs all over the place saying masks were mandatory but my son and I didn't wear one in line with our tickets, in line to get the cell phone bag or the security line/metal detector.  No on said sh!t to us about masks.  Once in the venue there were people walking around with lit-up signs saying masks were mandatory but we just ignored them.  I'd guess about a third of the people were wearing masks. Funny to see people with a beer pull their mask down, take a sip and pull the mask back up.   

I really bummed about Duners not opening again this season.  It is a destination for some food, drinks and hanging out.  We usually went a couple times a season.  I'm friends with the owners son an we talk regularly.  Duners isn't about turning a profit, it's about the atmosphere and like minded people having a place to get together.

One more season of not having this view...


I enjoyed going down there a few or more times a season, I'm going to miss it. I'll add it to the list of things not to hold my breath over, like The Glamis Bar, Mama Jeanies Pizza, Boardmanville on a dune toy, and our latest victim Duner's Dinner. All gone because of the criminals that run Imperial County and Commifornia. 

I call bullshit. How is it that Boardmanville has remained open all this time?

It's a choice not to open and not ours to make. Also I don't think this was ever built/purchased/remodeled to be a huge money maker but rather an extension of his enjoyment of the sport and it's participants.

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It's a choice not to open and not ours to make. Also I don't think this was ever built/purchased/remodeled to be a huge money maker but rather an extension of his enjoyment of the sport and it's participants.
Exactly. A lot of posts, both here and on Facebook, make it sound like he's obligated to keep it open in order to serve the dune community. He's not. It's gotta be easier to just keep it closed vs dealing with all of the stupid bs. And he certainly doesn't need the money. 
