Duner's Diner

.. man I haven't been there in a decade (since my group always camps in the washes).. Also, not as fun going there in a SXS I'd think.. can't get those up past 100 mph.

.. bummer

Actually when your SXS is in the sandcar ruts it makes it a little more exciting at 75mph.  LOL!!!  

It use to be a lot of fun on the way back when you could go to Gordon's and dune to Patton Valley and then cut back into the sand highway to the rest of the way to Roadrunner and then cut through the dunes back to the washes.   We clipped off a good amount of miles on those rides.  

Wait a minute...isn't that restaurant less than 100 employees? Shouldn't be liable for this BOGUS Mandate!

In fact, I heard just that yesterday from Tucker Carlson that this Mandate isn't actual...it isn't in writing...????


Can I get an AMEN?


We be open fer bid-ness in dees parts hombre, my Korean azz Aids kicked the shiz out of the Covid virus, it ran like a tiny 8oz biotch.
Korean AIDS is no joke.  Shalom, Peace be with you and Knocka, Knocka, Peesai....Glad you made it out alive.

On IG Pratt said this IS because of Newsome's mandates. Unvax had to wear a mask, who is going to regulate that? Lots of BLM & Sheriff presence and Pratt doesn't want the fines levied against the restaurant,,,, paraphrasing what he posted on ig
This ☝️ - having employees in the position of mask patrol is a losing proposition.  With all the opinions and choices being made out there it puts employees in the line of fire if they try to uphold the establishment's/company's rules.  It's the same in corporate offices these days.  Teams like Facilities Management or HR are having to act like police to enforce rules they don't even believe in just to keep a job.  You'd have to believe Duner's Diner would have their hands full dealing with so many of us that are against the mandates.  It would put employees in a place they don't belong or want to be.  So I respect the decision if it's strictly due to the impact on the employees, the fines and/or legal backlash that could come with it.

Wait a minute...isn't that restaurant less than 100 employees? Shouldn't be liable for this BOGUS Mandate!

In fact, I heard just that yesterday from Tucker Carlson that this Mandate isn't actual...it isn't in writing...????


Can I get an AMEN?

It would be more local mandates for Imperial county and what ever Warden Newsome has thrown down as he continues to give the middle finger to the recall attempt.  

This ☝️ - having employees in the position of mask patrol is a losing proposition.  With all the opinions and choices being made out there it puts employees in the line of fire if they try to uphold the establishment's/company's rules.  It's the same in corporate offices these days.  Teams like Facilities Management or HR are having to act like police to enforce rules they don't even believe in just to keep a job.  You'd have to believe Duner's Diner would have their hands full dealing with so many of us that are against the mandates.  It would put employees in a place they don't belong or want to be.  So I respect the decision if it's strictly due to the impact on the employees, the fines and/or legal backlash that could come with it.
He apparently knows that some would not respected whatever was needed to get the place open and would harass employees over crap that is not in their hands.   Kind of a shame that he can't trust the community he wants to service to behave. 

Who was towing you with their sand rail?
LOL!  No towing involved.   I know the Wildcat can't get much past 50mph and all. LOL!

I have hit 85mph down that stretch in the X3.   

Way back in the Rhino days we towed a friend's sandrail back. That was a long day.   

He apparently knows that some would not respected whatever was needed to get the place open and would harass employees over crap that is not in their hands.   Kind of a shame that he can't trust the community he wants to service to behave. 
Taking a hypothetical and blaming the off-road community (us) is a pretty progressive way to go. Maybe think about the unconstitutional requirements set forth by the governor that put these businesses in this situation to begin with and not automatically assigning blame and causation to our community as to why these businesses aren't opening.

Wait a minute...isn't that restaurant less than 100 employees? Shouldn't be liable for this BOGUS Mandate!

In fact, I heard just that yesterday from Tucker Carlson that this Mandate isn't actual...it isn't in writing...????


Can I get an AMEN?

What happens is the Health Department comes down and makes surprise visits, followed by the Liquor Board who make investigations into reports of misconduct and once they ( Employee's of DD) get tired of jumping thru all of those hoops the Fire Department shows up to count heads.  He won't be open past Thanksgiving and be fighting fines till next season. So it is better to just keep it able to open back up at some point. Leasing it out to somebody else wouldn't help because all of the violations will stick around once the other guy is closed down. 

On IG Pratt said this IS because of Newsome's mandates. Unvax had to wear a mask, who is going to regulate that? Lots of BLM & Sheriff presence and Pratt doesn't want the fines levied against the restaurant,,,, paraphrasing what he posted on ig
I've got no inside connection or special knowledge but maybe the challenge to find labor, risk of liability, fines, etc. just isn't worth it when running the business that isn't main income source?  As mentioned - who's going to enforce?  I was at Staples Center Saturday - first security check is for Covid - they didn't even bother - you could have handed them a your 4th grade report card or flashed your pic on phone of anything - if you said it's right here and pointed to phone - they sent your through.  Masks required as you entered - once inside - took the mask off.  90% of people in my section didn't have a mask on.  Nobody enforcing anything in downtown LA at a televised event.  

Taking a hypothetical and blaming the off-road community (us) is a pretty progressive way to go. Maybe think about the unconstitutional requirements set forth by the governor that put these businesses in this situation to begin with and not automatically assigning blame and causation to our community as to why these businesses aren't opening.
 I said some, not all.   I understand people's stances on the issue and  the owner of Duner's Diner clearly does not want to deal with the mandates.  You do not think part of the reason is also he does not want to deal with or subject his workers to what people might say or do if he decided to open up and follow whatever mandates are in place?   

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 I said some, not all.   I understand people's stances on the issue and  the owner of Duner's Diner clearly does not want to deal with the mandates.  You do not think part of the reason is also he does not want to deal with or subject his workers to what people might say or do if he decided to open up and follow whatever mandates are in place?   
Have you been to duners diner? Pretty sure most of the staff that used to work there would also not be okay with any BS mask mandates...

so no... at the end of the day... it's because of the irrational government mandates. 

Have you been to duners diner? Pretty sure most of the staff that used to work there would also not be okay with any BS mask mandates...

so no... at the end of the day... it's because of the irrational government mandates. 
I am sure 99.9% of the reason is he does not want to deal with the mandates.   Maybe he could call the diner a peaceful protest sight and then the mandates won't apply.  LOL!!!

A bummer it will not be open.    

Most people are also overlooking that they bring in almost the entire staff from Idaho for the season.  It wouldn't be DD without that crew, and it doesn't make sense to bring that crew down for the season with these stupid mandates, and knowing they could be told to close at any time, plus reduced capacity.  People thing something like DD rakes in the cash... but there's what, maybe 10 big weekends a year where they have a line for maybe, 4-5 hours in the AM?  The rest of the season they have more employees than customers almost every day.  And how much do you think that remodel cost?  It takes a lot of heart attack bowls to pay for that... 

If I had to guess, I bet DD produces a massive loss every year.  I've mentioned this before and people are quick to say "yeah but I bet they use it as a tax write-off" and things like that.  So what?  The fact is the family that runs it does so because they love the dunes, and duners... not to make a fortune (they already did that, lol).  Once it becomes too cumbersome and painful, as it has now, can you blame them for closing? 


Most people are also overlooking that they bring in almost the entire staff from Idaho for the season.  It wouldn't be DD without that crew, and it doesn't make sense to bring that crew down for the season with these stupid mandates, and knowing they could be told to close at any time, plus reduced capacity.  People thing something like DD rakes in the cash... but there's what, maybe 10 big weekends a year where they have a line for maybe, 4-5 hours in the AM?  The rest of the season they have more employees than customers almost every day.  And how much do you think that remodel cost?  It takes a lot of heart attack bowls to pay for that... 

If I had to guess, I bet DD produces a massive loss every year.  I've mentioned this before and people are quick to say "yeah but I bet they use it as a tax write-off" and things like that.  So what?  The fact is the family that runs it does so because they love the dunes, and duners... not to make a fortune (they already did that, lol).  Once it becomes too cumbersome and painful, as it has now, can you blame them for closing? 

Huh? Mandates ?

Could be closed at any time?           Maybe if they have health violations, (NOT COVID violations BS)

Reduced capacity in Imperial County? Maybe I guess, this isn't LA County though.  

So all in all, what I'm getting from your comment is , it was a bad business idea/plan to begin with.  If so, I can agree with that. Running a business out there is not an easy task.

Huh? Mandates ?

Could be closed at any time?           Maybe if they have health violations, (NOT COVID violations BS)

Reduced capacity in Imperial County? Maybe I guess, this isn't LA County though.  

So all in all, what I'm getting from your comment is , it was a bad business idea/plan to begin with.  If so, I can agree with that. Running a business out there is not an easy task.
Mandates?  You're not familiar with them?  The screwball in the oval office is making all sorts of them, as is the cum-stain in charge of things in Sacramento.  I think any business owner is aware everything can/will get shut down at anytime whenever these Effwads please. 

Now, if you call making an awesome destination a for duners, and doing it just because you love duners/dunes a "bad business plan" then sure, I guess it is.  But sometimes people do things that don't make business sense, because they are passionate about it, and because they can afford to. 

