Do you have fun when you break?

No UTV is perfect, then add the fact we drive them in harsh environments...

I'd like to see @Sand Shark and @Lord of the Dunes start Threads in SxS Tech...something to the effect of

"Common Issues and Failures of XYZ Utv - How I fixed it".

Do one for Each Make and Model that you own, others can chime in their personal experience and fix....and it can be a great technical thread, all the :bs:  type stuff will get moved to bench racing thread as appropriate. :deal:

Come on LOTD...tell us about your wildcat....Sharky can do same for his Can Am (Kinda already has a few)

But lets stop bleeding your SxS feud into all other threads...this one is about breaking down and is it fun or a headache when it happens...


That's why the CanAm came up in this thread. They break down so often.

No UTV is perfect, then add the fact we drive them in harsh environments...

I'd like to see @Sand Shark and @Lord of the Dunes start Threads in SxS Tech...something to the effect of

"Common Issues and Failures of XYZ Utv - How I fixed it".

Do one for Each Make and Model that you own, others can chime in their personal experience and fix....and it can be a great technical thread, all the :bs:  type stuff will get moved to bench racing thread as appropriate. :deal:

Come on LOTD...tell us about your wildcat....Sharky can do same for his Can Am (Kinda already has a few)

But lets stop bleeding your SxS feud into all other threads...this one is about breaking down and is it fun or a headache when it happens...


I kind of am doing that with my build/cake decorating  thread.   I have no problems doing one.

Hey I did try to stay on topic, but LOTD had some creative editing.  It is all in fun.   

Camped in Wash 22 for 10 days one trip. Watched everyone come and go. And so did one other camper. There is a kitty track (8-track) berm track whatever you call them and this one guy was camped right in front of it. We've watched everyone kid / adult ride there. Everyone was cleared out of the wash and I was sitting in my chair and watched this dude take his 2-wheeler across the flats. Turn around and haul butt back toward his trailer. All I kept saying to myself....."Dude, you're going to hit that track." BOOM. It's like it was in SLOW MO. Seat Bounce hang on for dear life until it's too late. Over the bars he goes....Collarbone SNAP. And he has NO VEHICLE or people at his camp. I head over and tell him the story. "You've been sitting here all week staring at the berm track. What are you thinking?" He agreed. And he had a great excuse. I was pinned and enjoying the rush. Forgetting everything in life! Luckily we had some pain pills and a pair of sweats to tie up his shoulder. He said his wife was coming back in the morning and he'll head to the hospital then. YES.....I laughed my aiss off the rest of the trip. Was it wrong to Enjoy someone else breaking? Peace

Camped in Wash 22 for 10 days one trip. Watched everyone come and go. And so did one other camper. There is a kitty track (8-track) berm track whatever you call them and this one guy was camped right in front of it. We've watched everyone kid / adult ride there. Everyone was cleared out of the wash and I was sitting in my chair and watched this dude take his 2-wheeler across the flats. Turn around and haul butt back toward his trailer. All I kept saying to myself....."Dude, you're going to hit that track." BOOM. It's like it was in SLOW MO. Seat Bounce hang on for dear life until it's too late. Over the bars he goes....Collarbone SNAP. And he has NO VEHICLE or people at his camp. I head over and tell him the story. "You've been sitting here all week staring at the berm track. What are you thinking?" He agreed. And he had a great excuse. I was pinned and enjoying the rush. Forgetting everything in life! Luckily we had some pain pills and a pair of sweats to tie up his shoulder. He said his wife was coming back in the morning and he'll head to the hospital then. YES.....I laughed my aiss off the rest of the trip. Was it wrong to Enjoy someone else breaking? Peace
Had a buddy break a handful of ribs one trip. Drove him to Pioneer they X-rayed and gave him a handful of happy pills. Get back to camp and ask him do you want to hang here for the rest of the weekend or go home to the wife and two kids with broken ribs.  He said it's going to be a good month of agony ahead and he would like to just hang in camp for the weekend.  My buddy Joe then steps up and say's  "hey I will let you kick back in my coach I will put the air on throw a tape in the VCR. You can just sit back and chill. 

Joe gets him all set up in a comfy chair turns on the air puts a tape of 5 hours of the Three Stooges and we leave for a ride.

Oh and he hid the remote.

:lol:   Joe is a evil bastard sometimes

I can honestly say breakdowns are fun but they are way more fun when it’s not you that broke down! Same with getting stuck entering or leaving the desert!

Y'all are fkin crazy. Breakdowns aren't fun. They are bound to happen and are part of the experience but I'd rather be ripping bowls or falling asleep next to the fire than to deal with broken chit :lol:  Sure, McGiver'ing some chit and the satisfaction of making it out on shoestrings and shewed bubble gum can be satisfying. I've had my share of breakdowns and am pretty well prepared, probably better than most... so I can get that pain and suffering over with quickly and back to actually having FUN :cheers:

I have been and been around plenty of breakdowns and usually the first word said starts with an F! I have never heard anyone say bust out with joy! It's part of the game but not a fun one.

The only legitimate reason is to learn more about it. YOU might call it entertainment, but it's really to mock the efforts he put in and those who saw the potential from the beginning.

I think I'll start a Cant Am thread, you know, for entertainment. So many pics and videos from this weekend alone of CanAms missing their front tires, I don't know where to start...

Is the front tire and spindle an option on the X3s? There were so many of them out there, it would make more sense if they were delivered without them rather than them falling off left and right!

You two need to get a room!! campfire!  :laugh1:

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