Do you have fun when you break?

As long as nobody gets hurt, breaking stuff and getting back to camp is part of the fun for our group.

Few years ago my son wadded up his lt80 splitting the case on day 2 of an 11 day trip. Got it back to camp and started teariing it down. No one thought I could salvage his trip. I had to try.  Had it torn down, KC in  Brawley found someone to weld it up and i had it back together the next evening.20190325_113107.jpg20190325_112923.jpgResized_20190325_111955(2).jpgIMG_8960.jpgIMG_8985.jpgIMG_8981.jpgIMG_8988.jpgIMG_8984.jpg

When we get ready for a ride, we do a count of who's coming. Once we see all the riders and machines they're on....."You're OUT" The look on their faces is devastating. We're not pulling you back. Quick way to ruin a good ride. Allow a SQUID on a clapped out machine to join ya. Peace
Sometimes, you got to help others by telling them...this isn't for you.  Other got to think about yourself.  I need a good ride...and not have to babysit.  Sorry man.  It's not mean, it's just looking out for others and yourself.  If that happens to you, don't take it personal.

Not Glamis but on a boys trip to slick rock in moab my buddy wadded up his cr500 pretty bad. Screwed his back up and put the clutch basket threw the side cover. Got him back to camp and tore my cr500 apart. Rode doubles on the back of another buddies bike and threw my clutch in and rode it out.

On another moab area trip I was in my 2 seat vw rail with my BIL who was on crutches at the time and 4 of my buddies wives on their quads. We were about an hr from camp on our way back and I blew a cv. Girls say no problem, they know the way back and will go get my boys. Well, they didn't. They got completely lost. One of my best friends started getting worried and took off looking for us. His wife wasn't even with us. Found the girls almost out of fuel and water and got them back to camp. Grabbed some beer,  tools and my spare CV setup and took off on his dirt bike to find us. He found us right away as I had told him the general area I was taking the girls. Was about a 6hr ordeal.

Good times. Many more stories. But these stand out..

Sometimes its an adventure, Sometimes its a nightmare. Punched a hole in the clutch cover of my kx250, had to walk it out nearly a mile to where we could get a truck, in O.W. blew a cv in the dunes, got in another car to go get a joint, lost my car in the dunes...... been stuck 1 or 2 times. Flat tires.  ..... towed a broke rzr miles out of the Dunes in early season fluff. Last season somebody got a giant stick in the tire, waited hours for someone else to go get another tire. Oh yea, and rolled one time, bent the trailing arm mount on one side so bad I could only make left turns. But I drove it out. Found a witch eye one time, bent the lower a arm, and toasted the p.s. unit. Locked up, that was fun, luckily I was only 2 dunes out of wash 3.

All in all, its fun, I got a buddy that loves rescue missions. Has has a raptor that has been everywhere including China wall.....

In the late 70's a friend with his beam swing axle hot dog buggy let his 8 yo drive it around camp. Well 8 yo punched it at the wrong time and plowed the trailer. Mashed the left front corner back about 10". We all being "bodymen said no problem. Got out the jacks and chains and went to work. We got it about 95% back in shape. It was the last 5% that killed us. When he built this car he didn't use universals on the steering shaft and in stead just welded the shaft to the vw steering gear. Missing that 5% meant the now the shaft and box didn't line up straight so when it turned it was flexing the metal every time. Didn't take long for the shaft to break off. Being creative we took 2 ropes, tied them to the third arm on the spindles, ran the around an upright on the frame just behind the beam and to the seats. He, in drivers seat had one and me in the passenger seat the other. I would pull for right turns and he would pull for left turns. Worked so well that after a few beers we went down and raced comp hill. People were definitely concerned with what they were watching but we had a blast. 

Last season buddy broke a CV flange, had to tow him back to camp. Got him repaired and next run I destroyed my ring n pinion and locked up the trans. Was a bitch to get it back since I didn't have a triple square bit to take off the axles. Had to keep running to camp on a quad to get more tools. Finally made it back but took a couple hours. 

Thank god for a cooler in the buggy stocked with beer 😅

Same buddy has broken more times than I can remember. It's always stressful, but once yore back to camp and everyone is OK. it's all good. 

Breakdowns are part of the adventure and as someone else stated are usually the better stories at the campfire.   

As long as everyone makes it back safe that is all that matters.  

 TIt was guys that would break down every trip for the same thing that wore me out. These were the guys that wouldn't do basic maintenance on their toys, show up with the bandaid on their toy from the last trip expecting the quick fix to last the rest of the season, etc.
Agree. This drives me nuts.    Especially when It’s not running properly BEFORE going on the ride and you’re going to make everyone have to stop and fix it or tow you back.

Our group doesn't put up with this for long, a little pestering in  camp and in bewteen trips either gets them motivated or find another group.

Breaks in the dunes are a good time, we make the most of it, when the weather is good.
We hand out a Justin Bieber pillow case as a “flag” and zip tie it to anyone’s whip who causes more than a 30 minute dune ride delay. 

Breaks can be fun. Figuring out how to get someone out is rewarding.

 The unexpected break downs never got to me, it was always an adventure. It was guys that would break down every trip for the same thing that wore me out. These were the guys that wouldn't do basic maintenance on their toys, show up with the bandaid on their toy from the last trip expecting the quick fix to last the rest of the season, etc. Most of them have left the sport so not much of an issue any more.
Those are the worst that knowingly failed to maintain something then rely on your help every trip ruining your trips.Im one who goes through car after every trip msst times its fine and ready to go or i may catch something going out or broken i replace it.Sure breaks happen  to the best of us but usually something you cant predict til its too late.

Yes for entertainment, not out of hate.    
The only legitimate reason is to learn more about it. YOU might call it entertainment, but it's really to mock the efforts he put in and those who saw the potential from the beginning.

I think I'll start a Cant Am thread, you know, for entertainment. So many pics and videos from this weekend alone of CanAms missing their front tires, I don't know where to start...

Is the front tire and spindle an option on the X3s? There were so many of them out there, it would make more sense if they were delivered without them rather than them falling off left and right!


No UTV is perfect, then add the fact we drive them in harsh environments...

I'd like to see @Sand Shark and @Lord of the Dunes start Threads in SxS Tech...something to the effect of

"Common Issues and Failures of XYZ Utv - How I fixed it".

Do one for Each Make and Model that you own, others can chime in their personal experience and fix....and it can be a great technical thread, all the :bs:  type stuff will get moved to bench racing thread as appropriate. :deal:

Come on LOTD...tell us about your wildcat....Sharky can do same for his Can Am (Kinda already has a few)

But lets stop bleeding your SxS feud into all other threads...this one is about breaking down and is it fun or a headache when it happens...


