Do strobe lights work to defend yourself?

This might be a decent deal for a little flashlight. If its your first time signing up you get a free Red Keychain flashlight. I did the Bundle with the Gober light and got the free Red light. Came to $54 shipped. Could make for a decent xmas gift coming up. 

Negative is that its the Cool White version only.

This might be a decent deal for a little flashlight. If its your first time signing up you get a free Red Keychain flashlight. I did the Bundle with the Gober light and got the free Red light. Came to $54 shipped. Could make for a decent xmas gift coming up. 

Negative is that its the Cool White version only.
As far as flashlights go these are pretty good. Nice and compact and bright. My Son got me a couple.

I should have wrote its a sale on their new model. Ends today. 

Has some potentially cool features like a magnetic bottom. Magnetic charger. Comes with a 90degree mount you stick to the wall. Proximity sensor might be nice. Says it turns off after 30 seconds if you forget and place it face down on a table. Im good for doing that once or twice a year. 

edit: only 2 bundles are left.  

If you dont mind the Red Mini Flashlight, they have a similar deal where you buy a baton3 pro and get free mini red light. 

Which means first time customer would get the baton3 pro and then two of the same red keychain light. 

I almost bought another last night to give to my sister for upcoming xmas. 

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Get her bear or wasp spray. It sprays really far, and unfortunately is a better than nothing answer. It requires little effort and is effective if properly placed. 

As for lights, my opinion is they have no business on a gun. May as well advertise “here i am aim at me”.

Get her bear or wasp spray. It sprays really far, and unfortunately is a better than nothing answer. It requires little effort and is effective if properly placed. 

As for lights, my opinion is they have no business on a gun. May as well advertise “here i am aim at me”.
Wasp spray isn't like it used to be. The old chit would blind you new stuff is a mild irritant

As for lights, my opinion is they have no business on a gun. May as well advertise “here i am aim at me”.
That's assuming the enemy has firearms and can shoot back.  Perhaps it's a mob of 'teens' with knives and sticks. You still need to "terminate:  with extreme prejudice."


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10-15 ish year ago, I may or may not have had a disagreement with someone who had one of those flashers. It didn’t help him. 

I yell curse words at oncoming traffic when driving at night. Straight up blinds me bad. If the roles were reversed and someone shined a super bright light in my face i dont think i would be able to defend myself with much accuracy. Guessing i wouldnt be able to see whats in his hands either. If its a crowbar he just took from the back of my truck i would charge him. If its a knife or worse im planning some type of retreat. Biggest threat here is a tweaker bum or someone running from the cops. Happened just a couple roads over. It made the news. Guy was running. Turns off onto a dirt road and tries to break into the first house he comes to. If he went down this street it would have been me. I think he had a gun. The home owner might have even fought him off. Now its hard to remember and i might be creating a story in my head. Member Jason told me about it. Guy whos wife sings at Vets. He told me because he knew we were close to where it happened. The guy pulled up to the house ready to take it over and take down anyone in his way. I know a lot of you guys are well prepared for that. In that situation if he had not spotted me yet i wouldnt be shining no flashlight. Maybe wave an offer him a beer before he shoots me. Isnt that a method told to young people? Tell the ruthless home intruder to please put down his weapon. Or....heck if its a young boy in 2022 just say wait cant shoot a woman or child!! (that was a gender joke)

Shine a bright light in somebody's face expecting them to stop doing harm to you or others is foolish.  If your lucky the worst thing that happens is you look like one of those spot lights they use to shoot into the night's sky every time you open your mouth.

Nah youre way late in your thinking but its all good. Nobody is suggesting what is written above. 

I yell curse words at oncoming traffic when driving at night. Straight up blinds me bad. If the roles were reversed and someone shined a super bright light in my face i dont think i would be able to defend myself with much accuracy. Guessing i wouldnt be able to see whats in his hands either. If its a crowbar he just took from the back of my truck i would charge him. If its a knife or worse im planning some type of retreat. Biggest threat here is a tweaker bum or someone running from the cops. Happened just a couple roads over. It made the news. Guy was running. Turns off onto a dirt road and tries to break into the first house he comes to. If he went down this street it would have been me. I think he had a gun. The home owner might have even fought him off. Now its hard to remember and i might be creating a story in my head. Member Jason told me about it. Guy whos wife sings at Vets. He told me because he knew we were close to where it happened. The guy pulled up to the house ready to take it over and take down anyone in his way. I know a lot of you guys are well prepared for that. In that situation if he had not spotted me yet i wouldnt be shining no flashlight. Maybe wave an offer him a beer before he shoots me. Isnt that a method told to young people? Tell the ruthless home intruder to please put down his weapon. Or....heck if its a young boy in 2022 just say wait cant shoot a woman or child!! (that was a gender joke)
I hate bright headlights as well, but I've learned to look elsewhere and resist the urge to look at them waiting for them to turn off (honestly what I used to do, LOL).  Dude who used one on me, I stepped back when it came on, he stepped forward, and by then I was already looking past it and was able to see enough to figure out what he's doing. Was always trained to look center of torso in a, err, disagreement, so the light didn't affect that too much.

I keep lots of butane torch lighters and full cans of starting fluid laying around. Sometimes tape the lighter to the can and use like a blowtorch (remember aqua net hairspray and a lighter?). Hiking, camping and stuff always have some around. It'll scare the chit out of wild animals and will Eff somebody up if they wanna Eff with you. You kinda have to think a little but way more effective than pepper spray or swingin a stick around.

Thats funny man. I did exactly that a few nights ago. Walked into a dark garage armed with a butane torch i was putting back. I thought to myself that if someone was there i could at least have the torch rippin and maybe burn the guy before one of us wins the fight. Depending how the guy looks i might just run away. Especially if its more than one person. Im pretty fast and know where a better weapon is located. 

I like the idea of a torch to spook wildlife. Just this morning 2 dogs came in the yard. Im not home but see it on the cameras. They wanted to get into the chicken coup. Will have to try the torch sometime and see how dogs or coyotes react. Ive got the harbor freight weed burner too. With attachments to use the small green propane. That might work well to scare off a coyote or stray dogs. 

Aquanet childhood memories are the best!! I like seeing old pictures of the big wave hairdo. 

WTF is up with that?  YOU come on here and say your worried about your mom walking her dogs around coyotes and I try to offer you help so she doesn't get hurt and you wanna attack me?   I'm 6'2" and 285lbs... I can take care of myself... But hey, Good luck with your mom.  
Yep sorry man i meant to apologize months ago. I had read your previous message and took offense. It felt like you were saying "eh screw your mom....if she cant deal with coyotes then just stay home....she dont need to walk" 

Reading back i realize i was wrong. You were not trying to say that. My family is pretty big on working to stay healthy. While still drinking wine and having fun. My mom walks twice a day....on purpose??? Sounds horrible. My grandpa lived into his late 90s. He had a motorized wheelchair but would constantly refuse to use it. He said once you lose mobility you never get it back. He walked around with an oxygen tank until he died. Was able to use the restroom by himself until that day. Tiny little Italian dude. But a hard worker. Was up at 2am working in the produce business since he was 14 years old. Skipping school to go work. Dude built an empire. Him and his brother are kind of famous in a way. Perricone Juice Company. All came from hard work and not sitting on your rear. I think my mom is trying hard to stay flexible and keep the joints moving into her 80s and 90s. Problem is her little Yorkie dog looks like a vienna sausage. 

Coyote Vest are a thing, also makes yore Mom's dog look like a bad-ass too!  :washwife:

Nice golf club also, lightweight and packs a punch  :golf2:

If it's simple and will work. Strobe light for a hungry coyote...I don't see it doing anything. Yore mom smacking the shit out of the golf club on the cement will make them think twice.

Almost got to test the strobe feature on 2 stray dogs this morning at 3 am. I happened to wake up around 3:01. Normally peek at my phone. Notice there are camera notifications from 2:59 in spots that should not have motion that time of night. I quickly scan through to see if its a bunny or a dude and it was the shadows of 2 dogs. By that time im already wide awake so i look at more videos and its 2 dogs i recognize from before. They came in when i was gone and they are not aggressive. I was hoping our dogs wouldnt notice because i didnt want to get up. Sure enough our dogs bark, i grab the flashlight semi exited to see how the stray dogs react to strobe. I know they wont bite me because ive already watched them on camera from before. Theyre just neighborhood dogs strolling around and spook easy. Big white dog and small blackie. By the time i get out there theyre gone and our own dogs are running around. I tried to not shine our dogs in the face. 

The little Baton3 Pro posted above is pretty good i guess. I dont have much to compare it to. Laurie thought i was shining a spotlight last night. I had it on turbo mode. The strobe light is super fast. Im surprised how it doesnt effect my eyes that bad looking outward. No joke i actually got a migraine yesterday. Happens only once every 2 or 3 years. I have to close my eyes and put shirts over my face to block out everything. That was around 7pm. I couldnt believe i was able to look out and use the strobe just hours after a migraine. Was just kind of weird. I had already tested the strobe days before. Its so fast it makes it easy to see from my point of view. Matter of time to see how a coyote or dogs react. I might feel bad shining the big white and little blackie. They did try to break into the chicken coup and eat the chickens 2 weeks ago. But can you blame them?

Theres a sweet black friday deal going on. If you ever wanted to spend $100-200 on a crazy bright flashlight. 

For $140 you get the Maurader mini, a utility knife ($16), a headlamp ($29), and a small keychain flashlight ($18) 

The 3 extra gifts make the flashlight that is already on sale an even better deal.

edit: Small keychain battery is only for previous customers who spent more than $5. So if youre a new member that deal will not show up. The store added it to my cart without me clicking anything. They also added a $10 coupon that i didnt realize i had. I like that feature. It seems to add any valid coupon by itself. 

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Trying to come up with a Christmas gift idea. What do you guys think about putting a laser and flashlight on a pistol? 

Some of these are on sale right now. No clue whats good or what is compatible. (going on a Glock i dont know the model yet)

They also have the Baton 3 Pro on sale with a bundle. I just bought 4 of them this morning for gifts. I really like mine so far. I got them the Green Color with the Titanium Multi Tool.

What about a Byrna pistol? Non lethal, but a paint ball of pepper spray gonna deter a lot of people/animals. 
