Death of the Entry Level Job

This just means everything will get more expensive - and not what they think will happen, which is that you can all of a sudden afford to rent place to live in CA when making 20+ an hour...The intent is good, but the outcome won't be.  Rent and other cost of living expenses will just rise and the rich (landlords) just get richer.   There's really no win for entry level jobs in CA...raising the wage will just result in everything else relatively raising along with it.
And now all of these dummies will pay more, much more, in income taxes. The GOV just greatly expanded the TAX BASE.

I agree with a lot of what you guys are saying. My son is 20 so I know a lot of people in his generation! Yes the younger generation has quite a bit less work ethic than we do. I would like to chalk that up to parenting but I was hard on my son as he grew up to be a man and work for what he wanted. In the end, like said earlier, that generation grew up watching easy money makers on you tube so they are all trying to find an easier way in life. So saying that, it still doesn’t change the fact that the cost of living is out of control therefore raising minimum wage to try and help. Also, in todays world, unless you know somebody that can give you a leg up job wise, the younger kids are stuck with fast food and Kmart jobs for the most part. Too many educated people out of work that can take the higher paid easier jobs. I for one would love it if my son could move out. I charge him $300 a month rent, he pays his truck registration, his phone, his gas, his small RZR payment ( $150 ), and takes care of all of his spending money. He works full time at $17 an hour for RCP. No way in hell could he afford to move out on his own. The cost of living is just way too much.

Looking for Electricians right now. I need a Working Foreman $30- $32/ hr., A good what I call Mechanic or some call a Journeyman $27-29 / hr. Even a couple lower level guys $17 if they can spell Electrician on the application to $25 if they have done the work before and can at least BS there way thru a interview. 

So I had a kid call today, zero experience, gave it a moments thought when I asked him if he could read a tape measure, when I asked him if he considered himself mechanical his response was I thought this was for electrical work.  So then I asked what kind of wage you looking for  AT LEAST $25/ hr.  Told him best I could do to start was $17 told me he couldn't live off that cause you know I got bills Bro. 

@MWB Not sure how desperate you are but we just hired the guy your talking about.  But....  it went down like this.  

I will start you at $17/hour for 3 months.  Kick a.z.z and you goto $21/hour.  Kick a.z.z for 3 more months and your goto $25/hr.  1 day of being a and your fired. 

It almost worked.  He is at 5 or 6 months and while not kicking a.z.z he is hustling so he is kind of stuck at the second pay range.  We didn't think there would be anything between kick a.z.z and douche..  

I have to say he is better than the overwhelming majority of DBs that applied... 

My son had to move back home for a minute, the house from the room he was renting a 1/2 mile from my house for $700/month, burned, so he had to move back home temporarily. He's 25 and now a licensed massage therapist. He makes $40/hr and I'm glad he skipped the college routine. We're going to co-sign for a 2 bedroom apartment here in the Aliso Viejo area. Will be $2800-$3000/month so once we find a roommate, most of his wages will be paying for his 1/2.

When I was 19, I rented a room in Garden Grove, an apartment for $300/month. Rent is definitely 'out of whack' but who wants to live in Garden Grove. His private clients are $80-$120 per session so that's the only way the kid will ever be able to pull down enough to survive is with a full book of privates. The $40/hour gig is at 2 different Chiropractic 'Doctor's' offices, San Clemente and Ladera Ranch.

Very proud of the path he's chosen.

Work ethic for his generation IS bad.. Instafool, Funny-gram and YouDumb … they all want to be famous for the easy buck it seems. My son was living on his own for 3 years. I love him, but he ain't livin' with me ...








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He works full time at $17 an hour for RCP.
That's effing criminal! It's not like he just started or anything.  The homies down at Home Depot charge more than that.. under the table.

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That's effing criminal! It's not like he just started or anything.  The homies down at Home Depot charge more than that.. under the table.
Tell me about it! I wish he would come work at my company but he’s not ready yet.

Shoot since we are kind of on the topic. I live in San Diego, Alpine to be exact, any of you guys hiring for decent pay? My son has been turning in job apps left and right. He is ready to move into a job that has room for growth. The only job he has had is at RCP. Right now he is the warehouse manager with a forklift certificate. Shameless plug!

My son had to move back home for a minute, the house from the room he was renting a 1/2 mile from my house for $700/month, burned, so he had to move back home temporarily. He's 25 and now a licensed massage therapist. He makes $40/hr and I'm glad he skipped the college routine. We're going to co-sign for a 2 bedroom apartment here in the Aliso Viejo area. Will be $2800-$3000/month so once we find a roommate, most of his wages will be paying for his 1/2.

When I was 19, I rented a room in Garden Grove, an apartment for $300/month. Rent is definitely 'out of whack' but who wants to live in Garden Grove. His private clients are $80-$120 per session so that's the only way the kid will ever be able to pull down enough to survive is with a full book of privates. The $40/hour gig is at 2 different Chiropractic 'Doctor's' offices, San Clemente and Ladera Ranch.

Very proud of the path he's chosen.

Work ethic for his generation IS bad.. Instafool, Funny-gram and YouDumb … they all want to be famous for the easy buck it seems. My son was living on his own for 3 years. I love him, but he ain't livin' with me ...

It's tough to make money in "therapy" jobs like that.  You may make $40hr, but you aren't booked 8 hours a day, everyday.  

ILocal Wendy's here in Colorado is advertising $20 per hr to start.

This craps killed the trades.

I've got to start my guys at $20.00hr now too. It's got to be passed on to the customer. I have no choice. And for the first year in our trade, they're going to watch! I too am one of the Employers disappointed. Peace

It's tough to make money in "therapy" jobs like that.  You may make $40hr, but you aren't booked 8 hours a day, everyday.  
For sure. He’s already booked at 5 clients per day, but not private. So he brings down $200/day every week day, plus another $50-$100 in tips. He's basically making about $50k/year. My sister had her private practice at that level. 

Once he gets there with private he brings down plenty. $400/$500 per day. 

Nice rate for schooling that only cost him $7k and 9 months. He paid for it with savings from working.. wait for it.. at fast food.. Jimmy John’s.

He also works for me, so maybe he takes over the business, but that’s a different subject. Fortunately, the kid is ambitious. He also has a side business in vintage clothing that brings in some scratch. Fortunately, his tax liability is nill.


PS. As he builds up his private practice, he'll come to your home and do a session for $80, everything included, not tips required, working in South O.C. PM me if you need work done on you. I've had about a dozen massages and my kid is the best I've ever had. He really is committed to the practice and has the skills.  

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PS. As he builds up his private practice, he'll come to your home and do a session for $80, everything included, not tips required, working in South O.C. PM me if you need work done on you. I've had about a dozen massages and my kid is the best I've ever had. He really is committed to the practice and has the skills.  

Selling kids services?? Is that wrong?? HAHA! Peace
