Death of the Entry Level Job


Active member
May 5, 2021
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Newsom does it again!  When does working at Del Taco deserve $22 per hour?  When I was growing up McDowells was filled with high school kids and criminals on parole. They worked around your night classes and everyone knew is was an entry level position.  You proved yourself and moved on to a better paying job.  Now everyone wants to afford a house in nice neighborhood flipping burgers.

Maybe if Kalipornia made it more appealing to companies that could pay higher wages, folks would not be stuck in dead end, entry level jobs & be able to pay their electricity bill......................  Dumb Ph.u.cks...........

First job was Jack n the Box.  Did it for a few months, then went to work at the mall, then up and up from there.

This is a snowball shetstorm of bad ideas, bad policies and a worthless population segment growing.

This is also another nail in the coffin of "fast food".

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The same people that want the raises are the same ones that are going to complain when buying a cheeseburger at McDonalds is 10 bucks. Gone are the days of the work your way up mentality! People just want something for nothing these days!


The same people that want the raises are the same ones that are going to complain when buying a cheeseburger at McDonalds is 10 bucks. Gone are the days of the work your way up mentality! People just want something for nothing these days!
They want to start at the top and make the same as someone who has put in years and earned their higher pay. Pisses me off 🤬🤬

And where do they think the money is going to come from to pay these newly ford council members salaries?

The new law will create a new 10-member Fast Food Council with equal numbers of workers’ delegates and employers’ representatives, along with two state officials, empowered to set minimum standards for wages, hours and working conditions in California.

And where do they think the money is going to come from to pay these newly ford council members salaries?

The new law will create a new 10-member Fast Food Council with equal numbers of workers’ delegates and employers’ representatives, along with two state officials, empowered to set minimum standards for wages, hours and working conditions in California.

From the union dues.... .........


Little Caesars pizza joint now has a locker looking thing that you pick your order up from. You don't even see a person at all. Order on the app, app gives you a code for the locker your order is in, Badda Bing, Badda Boom

Does this mean In and Out is paying $30 an hour now, they were already near $20 an hour.  Working retail is still at $15 an hour or lower, not sure why fast food workers are above the peeps working a a clothing store?


Little Caesars pizza joint now has a locker looking thing that you pick your order up from. You don't even see a person at all. Order on the app, app gives you a code for the locker your order is in, Badda Bing, Badda Boom
I love less employees. Home Depot and Lowes self checkout. Walmart. The little Caesars locker rocks!! 

ILocal Wendy's here in Colorado is advertising $20 per hr to start.

 I'm a painting contractor and have trained many high school and college kids over the last 28 yrs how to prep/paint.  What skill you need and tools to carry. A skill and work.ethic they can take and make decent living no matter where they land. 

I can't compete $ wise with all the money these fast food places are paying ,for basiclly bodies anymore.

Hard to charge $40-45 an hr for a kid/employee that is learning a trade.

This craps killed the trades.

In CA, with the cost of living, i would think that a fast food place would be $18-20 a hour,  Dealing with POS people all day and handling food, seems like a fair wage, 

This just means everything will get more expensive - and not what they think will happen, which is that you can all of a sudden afford to rent place to live in CA when making 20+ an hour...The intent is good, but the outcome won't be.  Rent and other cost of living expenses will just rise and the rich (landlords) just get richer.   There's really no win for entry level jobs in CA...raising the wage will just result in everything else relatively raising along with it.

First job was Jack n the Box.  Did it for a few months, then went to work at the mall, then up and up from there.

This is a snowball shetstorm of bad ideas, bad policies and a worthless population segment growing.

This is also another nail in the coffin of "fast food".
Things actually work out differently than you think and I thought. I thought exactly the same, but Seattle tried the $15/hr experiment yrs ago and what actually happened was all of the fast food joints demoted all of the full time 40 hr/week employees to 30 - 35 hrs/week with no benefits. So now they have no medical benefits, sick leave or vacation time. They laid off a couple employees per shift and the remaining crew had to do the same amount of work with fewer people. The bottom line was all of the employees took home less than before, all of them worked fewer hours per week, a few of them got laid off, the companies bought machines to automate some of the jobs (like the payment kiosks in McD's now) and the companies actually lowered cost per unit sold as a reaction to paying more per hour. The food prices stayed the same but working conditions got tighter (higher output per worker per shift) and company profits went up slightly.

If we see $22/hr, you can bet all of the fast food places will be installing more automated equipment, no cashiers or only 1 per store and demanding much higher productivity per hour. No way will they lose any profitability or increase prices to the point of losing sales. Prices will increase due to rising food costs, but they will cut down labor costs in response to rising wages. The big losers will be the workers.

Rent and other cost of living expenses will just rise and the rich (landlords) just get richer.
The same "rich" landlords who had squatters living in their apartments / condos for free the last two years.  i guarantee the banks didn't let them slide on their payments.

The same "rich" landlords who had squatters living in their apartments / condos for free the last two years.  i guarantee the banks didn't let them slide on their payments.
True, but rent will still go up while their mortgages stay the same...squatters are going to exist regardless.   If I owned a bunch of apartment buildings or rental properties, I'd be happy about this change.

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