Death near Osborne, now with news report of how

You clearly missed the sarcasm. Of course he doesn't blame the RZR or the gun, don't be an idiot.

Why in the name of God's green earth would you blame the rental agency?? I guarantee they can produce a document with the renter's signature showing that he acknowledged the importance of utilizing the safety equipment. You and people like you are what's wrong with the world when chit like this happens. Why would the rental agency be culpable at ALL if a 29 year old ADULT didn't put his freaking seat belt on???????????
I'm not surprised he feels that way. He has always stated that guns kill people. As many times as he's stated that illogical thought process, this concept he has that someone else is at fault falls right in line with this crazy theory. Apparently bartenders should be held accountable for how much people drink, armorers murder people, not Alec Baldwin who actually pulled the trigger and a film student (this screams libtard to me, which means moron) is obviously not responsible for buckling his own seat belt. Someone else has to be held responsible for doing it for him since his mother wasn't there to do it.

In case anybody gets confused (we know who they are) I am NOT condoning this ridiculous thought process, merely pointing out the pattern.

I honestly think that despite our gov'ts attempts to thwart Darwin and Natural Selection, the really exceptional ones still manage to exit the gene pool. Natural Selection cannot be stopped by legislation or technology. I re-watched Idiocracy last week and some of the similarities between what Biden and Camacho said are chilling. We are much closer than we think.

Look at self driving cars and self driving space capsules. Astronauts used to be highly trained aviators. Now they're celebrity passengers. If anything went wrong, they're as screwed as a libtard with a blown engine in the middle of Death Valley in August. 

I've worked on movie sets for years (Back in time) and only after non union craft were hired did the sets have safety issues. Now I'm not saying the union worker wanted anyone dead, but IF an effort to force the production company to rehire union labor by "creating an issue" went south and Halyna Hutchins was shot, I blame more that the guy that pulled the trigger.

Yes, the armorer dropped the ball, but again, one person doing two jobs, against union rules/wishes.

The entire cluster fcuk could have been avoided if the "Producer/Trigger Man" paid more to support the crews.

The crews were short on help, (Money) this created problems, (money) non union crew hired to

continue production, (money) sudden escalation in problems. (money)

Like many things, "Follow The Money".

Disclainer: I was sued by the union for doing more than one job on film sets. The issue went before the NLRB, and the union lost. (1)I drove the truck with film equipment. (2) I ran the generator. (3) I ran second unit camera. (4) I ran the Nagra IV sound recorder. (5) I supplied grip equipment. (6) I supplied electrical for the generator.

The picture is Rich Little, filmed in Beverly Hills March 1971 where I was doing "Still Photography" also.

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Looks blurry 

Something I have noticed over the years. The younger generation has a serious lack of common sense. It seems to get worse as the generation gets younger. I have made several bad decisions in my life and thankfully it never bit me in the ass. If it did, the only person to blame would be myself.

Something I have noticed over the years. The younger generation has a serious lack of common sense. It seems to get worse as the generation gets younger. I have made several bad decisions in my life and thankfully it never bit me in the ass. If it did, the only person to blame would be myself.
100% because there are no consequences for their actions. They’ve never experienced responsibility or discipline.
