Continue the story but don't finish

tender and strong when returning from the Gym with Latin Lover who exposed himself to.........................Peace

3 nuns in the park. The first one had a stroke. The second nun had a stroke and the thrid nun said....... 

shall we go upstairs and examine.......Peace

deeper than the expected..........Peace

But that would have been all right, had the string not gotten tangled around your.....

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Circular vein that continues to pull on........Peace

it until out pops a bag of marbles. That was an unexpected surprise that.....

began to swallow but the thought of downing.........................Peace

in the Glamis Canal because my brakes on my new S P E E D  utv wouldn't stop in time..........

for reasons unknown to the human eye that sees only..........Peace

Long toned legs wrapped in pink from the toes to the ..... 

bottom of A barrel with three circular.......Peace

vents that aired out into the.......

space are out of this...

inherently bogus beginning to something that was..............Peace 

about to happen then chEFF pulled a..........
