Continue the story but don't finish

slowing moving slightly discombobulated traveling......Peace

around the dunes then came upon the most epic......

back flushing the toilet until...... Peace

someone else decided to...........Peace

Santa and his reindeer were actually...Peace

pretending Da cheff was writing his own story before someone realized.......Peace


…she could take the cherry stem out of the drink and tie it in a knot with… 

the tip of her tongue if only she was..........Peace

cross eyed and had........

a bag of frozen peas in the freezer for the rough night of.......

sitting next to @dbart at the campfire. He was soo annoying and irritating that it reminded me of the time @ChEFF decided to stick his RZR in a hole on a night ride that it caused a..............

wonderful gathering of good people who could.....................Peace

Laugh at the @ChEFF and make him wear funny badges and fetch beers until the alarm bell went off and @John@Outfront showed up ready for an EPO to start.........

Everyone gathered around the Green Funco only to discover there was an issue with the motor! Somehow....the car was taken the night before while Cheff was stuck up to his roll cage in the dunes AND Replaced the  Outfront Subaru motor with a shiny new LS 7 V8 :lol:

John wanted to be pissed off BUT he loved the power it Rocked on his way to the washes that he Blurted Out............

Laugh at the @ChEFF and make him wear funny badges and fetch beers until the alarm bell went off and @John@Outfront showed up ready for an EPO to start.........

Everyone gathered around the Green Funco only to discover there was an issue with the motor! Somehow....the car was taken the night before while Cheff was stuck up to his roll cage in the dunes AND Replaced the  Outfront Subaru motor with a shiny new LS 7 V8 :lol:

John wanted to be pissed off BUT he loved the power it Rocked on his way to the washes that he Blurted Out............
"dbart! My motor has more power and torque than y0re 'heavy duty' truck! Bwahahahahahahahahaha..."  Cheff then offered dbart a free garage door so he could hide his truck to avoid further embarrassment.  dbart then responded....

I would love a new garage door.....Lately I have been feeling "exposed" when Im riding my camp chair around in circles in the garage..... Id like a door with NO WINDOWS just like....................

the front of my all glass house! Good Lord the glass walls of my privy make me feel oh so......... 
