CA bans the sale of new diesel trucks by 2036! Jeebezus! Things are out of control in CA.

That is a ban on big rigs and unless they find a way to make electric big rigs that don't way a zillion lbs this is never going to work.   

Not to mention the fact it would take 50+ years of use to make up for all  the pollution caused by making the batteries for said big rigs.   Electric vehicles saving the planet has to be the biggest scam ever.  
Logic / making sense has never stopped them from implementing poor legislation in the past!  They have been tightening regulation at the port for years.  They are fining warehouses in So. Cal. for every diesel trucks that delivers or picks up (Indirect Source Rule 2305).  LNG trucks can work (sort of) in short hauls but are not zero emission.  EV's cost $500K+ and with enough batteries to go 250 miles reduced payload of 5,000 lbs. so your maxed out around 38,000 lbs.  

But they look cool!!!

EV Truck222.jpg

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I just passed what I think was that shell starship electric semi on i40 in New Mexico a few hours ago. He was bobtailing (no trailer) getting on i40 on the onramp. I was moving too fast to get a picture but it had some weird skirts covering the rear tires that got my attention and the front had a long slope. It had a shell emblem on the side. 

I didn't think it looked very cool 

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Logic / making sense has never stopped them from implementing poor legislation in the past!  They have been tightening regulation at the port for years.  They are fining warehouses in So. Cal. for every diesel trucks that delivers or picks up (Indirect Source Rule 2305).  LNG trucks can work (sort of) in short hauls but are not zero emission.  EV's cost $500K+ and with enough batteries to go 250 miles reduced payload of 5,000 lbs. so your maxed out around 38,000 lbs.  

But they look cool!!!

View attachment 67527
That’s also less than a 5 hour day at speed limit before depleting the full charge, followed by (I assume) 10-ish hours to fully recharge. 

Or, 150 miles of operation (2-3 hours), followed by an hour stop at a high power charge station (powered by Magic I assume) to get back up to 80%, then another 200 miles followed by a full charge for a  full 8 hour day.

City delivery, and drayage work is the only viable application for the battery trucks. We used to BS at coffee with a FedEx driver pulling a wiggle-wagon Vegas-Phoenix-Vegas five days a week. That's not long haul per se, but there is no way an electric rig can turn that run in one day.

A lot can change in 13 years, hard to say where CA will stand at time.

That’s also less than a 5 hour day at speed limit before depleting the full charge, followed by (I assume) 10-ish hours to fully recharge. 

Or, 150 miles of operation (2-3 hours), followed by an hour stop at a high power charge station (powered by Magic I assume) to get back up to 80%, then another 200 miles followed by a full charge for a  full 8 hour day.
At that rate The Bandit and Snowman will never get the beer delivered on time. 


They don't care about world pollution, only the Air over Ca.  All of this is only to clean up the air, in the end we might have clean air but can't drink the water due to lead poisoning.
If you can't get China and India on board it's a moot point. Also, there isn't enough rare earth minerals to make all the batteries. It's a joke. 


If you've been through North Las Vegas in the last few years... They're on a tear building tilt up warehouses the last couple years.  My guess, to store the goods brought in by "clean" rail to the PORT OF LAS VEGAS.  Then Those dirty old nasty diesel trucks can take it from there to the rest of the country that still lives in the real world.  

If you've been through North Las Vegas in the last few years... They're on a tear building tilt up warehouses the last couple years.  My guess, to store the goods brought in by "clean" rail to the PORT OF LAS VEGAS.  Then Those dirty old nasty diesel trucks can take it from there to the rest of the country that still lives in the real world.  
That or because the land is really cheap.  LOL!!! 

these are the same people that don't understand basic biology ...

The technology is not there yet  ... they are running into the fire doused in gasoline carrying sissors

We really not to give politicians common sense and IQ tests before they can run

CA has become a dumpster fire

No one can do math 

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these are the same people that don't understand basic biology ...

The technology is not there yet  ... they are running into the fire doused in gasoline carrying sissors

We really not to give politicians common sense and IQ tests before they can run

CA has become a dumpster fire

No one can do math 
The Worst part of the whole chit show is they CAN do math, they just don't F'n care......they know they are destroying the country...they think they'll be safe. What's gonna happen with 20 million AR owners lose everything and have nothing to live for??  
