CA bans the sale of new diesel trucks by 2036! Jeebezus! Things are out of control in CA.


  • 21.1% of all new cars sold this year in California were ZEVs, according to the California Energy Commission

    124,053 ZEV sales in California in Q1 2023
  • 1,523,966 total ZEV sales in California to date

[*]40% of ZEVs sold in the U.S. are sold in California, according to the Veloz EV Market Report

  • Context: California has more ZEVs than New Hampshire has cars, twice as many ZEVs as Wyoming has cars and more than twice as many ZEVs as Norway

[*]Up to $24,500 in grants & rebates available for low-income Californians (learn more here)

  • California has provided consumers with nearly $2 billion in incentives and rebates through programs like the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project and Clean Cars 4 All

[*]California approved one of the world’s first regulations last year requiring 100% of new car sales to  be ZEVs by 2035, following Governor Newsom’s 2020 executive order to develop new rules for in-state sales.

[*]U.S. EPA last month approved California’s plan to require nearly half of all new heavy-duty trucks be zero emissions by 2035

[*]ZEVs are a top state export thanks to California’s success, spurring major advances in manufacturing and job creation

[*]California is home to 55 ZEV and ZEV-related manufacturers and leads the nation in ZEV manufacturing jobs

[*]Billions of dollars are going out the door to build ZEV charging infrastructure across the state, with a record amount dedicated to disadvantaged communities:

  • $2.9 billion investment plan approved by the California Energy Commission in December accelerates California’s 2025 electric vehicle charging and hydrogen refueling goals
  • $2.6 billion investment plan approved in November by the California Air Resources Board supports a wide range of ZEV projects, with 70% of the funds directed to disadvantaged and low-income communities – the state’s largest-ever investment in the equitable expansion of clean transportation
Better hop on the EV $$ Train now..

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Heh, when I'm official bi-coastal, I'm bring my TN registered coal roller and cat-less Ferrari with titanium exhaust to troll CA bishes.

That is a ban on big rigs and unless they find a way to make electric big rigs that don't way a zillion lbs this is never going to work.   

Not to mention the fact it would take 50+ years of use to make up for all  the pollution caused by making the batteries for said big rigs.   Electric vehicles saving the planet has to be the biggest scam ever.  

That is a ban on big rigs and unless they find a way to make electric big rigs that don't way a zillion lbs this is never going to work.   

Not to mention the fact it would take 50+ years of use to make up for all  the pollution caused by making the batteries for said big rigs.   Electric vehicles saving the planet has to be the biggest scam ever.  
Yep, next to global warming.

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Wait until the trucking companies say 'fine we won't run our trucks or deliver in CA.' See how that works out for the supply chain, fuel supplies, groceries, etc. 99% of these BS CA laws never amount to anything, just a desperate ploy to be 'the most progressive' state by our F tard governor....

They don't care about world pollution, only the Air over Ca.  All of this is only to clean up the air, in the end we might have clean air but can't drink the water due to lead poisoning.

Not if my Asian wife is sitting passenger.  She brings legitimacy to my illegal immigrant game, hawmie.  :bluesbros:
Do you not remember how United Airline handled this???

So, we’re gonna electrify all of our semis. Based on this hilarious report:

PDF Document · 251 KB

Which includes hilarious tables like this guy:


Even if we believe these stats… After we’ve spent nearly $1T (1.8M trucks, most likely $600k per semi) to save $26B in healthcare?

Also: why would 8 people with a couple of hospital visits equal $87M? Are multimillionaires the only ones dying of diesel fumes? 
Speaking of diesel fumes: particulate emissions are already near zero with current diesel requirements. We spent billions on that already. 
Not if my Asian wife is sitting passenger.  She brings legitimacy to my illegal immigrant game, hawmie.  :bluesbros:
You show up in Summer and you wont get past the border..



So, we’re gonna electrify all of our semis. Based on this hilarious report:



PDF Document · 251 KB

Which includes hilarious tables like this guy:

 View attachment 67518

Even if we believe these stats… After we’ve spent nearly $1T (1.8M trucks, most likely $600k per semi) to save $26B in healthcare?

Also: why would 8 people with a couple of hospital visits equal $87M? Are multimillionaires the only ones dying of diesel fumes? 
Speaking of diesel fumes: particulate emissions are already near zero with current diesel requirements. We spent billions on that already. 

Short/medium range trucking, I suppose is feasible, but long haul…?

After heat loss, Diesel is about 20x as dense energy wise as batteries (assuming 100% conversion on EVs, which doesn’t happen), so the 300 gallons of diesel a truck carries would be replaced with 42,000lbs of batteries to get the same range. Guess you won’t need the 3,500lb diesel engine, so 38k ish in added weight. I guess if you charge it every night, you could get by with 1/3 of that weight penalty.  This assumes charging increases in speed enough to fully charge the battery overnight.

Most semis can legally haul 42-48,000 lbs. Sweet. Maybe they can transport their own discarded C18 to the recyclers. Just drain the oil/coolant first…

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I guess your boy Gavin doesn't like the revenue the that is generated from three of the 10 largest shipping ports in the US... 

You think there is an exodus now? 




  • 1.a mass departure of people, especially emigrants:"the annual exodus of sun-seeking Canadians to Florida"
