I'm confident everyone has had some awesome Dune Rides. This one was EPIC. Only three of us (sndsmplr / Rivermobster / chEFF) on quads ripping thru a beautiful day in Mother Glamis. did I say Ripping? We were on the Gas. The only stop was to breathe. Cause it was one of those rides. Da chEFF didn't have to look back with these guys in tow. It was a classic run. And, Rivermobster happened to take The most Beautiful Pics of all time. Notice the silhouette of a Professional Duner........the strength behind all that HP. The Reason for Being. OH.................and that back drop.........................Breath Taking! Share some of your great Rides. Tell us your stories. And if you have some pics to go with it.........I'm excited to see and hear it. This is the first of many from Da chEFF! Thanks Rivermobster for the Killer Pic! Peace
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There is NO better ride than riding with da chEFF of the world and his brother Rob T. These guys KNOW how to read the sand like no other.
One day we stopped and chEFF tells me...
You wanna lead?

I'm like...
Fuck no!!! I have no clue what I'm doing!!!
Well, I did get a lesson from Rob one day. He told me you Always ride to the ridge, take a good look around, to make sure no one is in the aera...
Then look back, and make sure that last guy in the line is still there (the last guy is just as important as the leader, cause if Anyone breaks down, he will stop and wait with him), cause if he's there, you don't have to worry about anyone else. If he's still there, LET IT RIP!!!!!
So I knew that much about leading, but that was about it, so chEFF tells me...
Look at the sand, right here, under your feet, see the ripples?
Me: Yeah? And?
See how the tops go a certian way?
Me: Yeah? And?
So that's how you know how what direction the wind blew last night! And when you know that, you know what side of the dune will fall off, and which side will be soft and smooth!
Me: Uh, ok, So now what??
He laughs his big ol chEFF laugh and says, now look around mobster, you see what I'm talkin about, when you look around you?
I look. And I'm starting to SEE the dunes in a whole different way...
He says, now look for the lines you can take. Look for the path that's not there yet, but that you're gonna make in the sand bro, see it??
And I kinna do. I see the lines you can connect the dunes with. I see the curves, the twists and the turns. I see the ripples, telling me which side of the dunes to stay on. Can I do this? Can I lead??
Go mobster. YOU lead he says!
I'm like, ok, but I really don't know what I'm doing here, but If I go slow...maybe??
I get about maybe a dozen GOOD turns in!!! I'm like holy shit, this is WAY COOL!!!
I pull up to the ridge to look around at the dunes, at the pack, look down at the sand, and I'm thinkin...
This ain't no fun!!! I'm spending all my time thinking. Planning. Watching. Totally focused on everything around me, that I'm not Enjoying the ride half as much!!! lol
I said...
Someone else lead, this shit is work!!!!!!!!
Rob and Jeff are just naturals at it. They have been doing it for decades on end.
I fall back to my favorite spot. The #2 rider. And I'm happy to be in MY spot.
That's my story. Here's my wall pic. I think
@Chummin took this one of me...