Best Dune Rides

First big ride with my girls. Until this Vets trip, we had just done Scrapalapa, Vendors, Troll Hut, Olds once..
Had no plans to hit the Flagpole. Buddy Kevin was leading and we just kept going deeper and deeper in. Kids kept up and never had an issue. Even Kevin's boy on the '82 R was mobbing well.
I snapped this picture once we got there. All of us were proud.

This was a fun ride, not so much hauling ass but just playing on perfect sand with no one else there up above the flag pole

Those Bowls above the Flag Pole are awesome! Peace
Here is NOT a good day duning.
I was out with Booshy (Bill) and Supreme Air (Aaron). also present was Craig (Dirty Whiteboy) Wild Bill, all the big boys were out. I was there cause I was starting to do designs for Booshy's truck. It was May I believe and no one there, Booshy asked me to load a cooler and it was all waters, thankfully.
Started off great, Aaron was driving and as you can imagine what it's like driving a sand car with a imagine that hood is about as wide as a garage door. Visibility is Negative A Buck 380...and then some LOL. Came over this little rise and UGH! 9 hours later....all was good!

You young guys always "On The Gas", sometimes miss the real
memory making rides. I have had some awesome rides in Oregon, BAJA,
Coral Pink, Nevada, but I like this ride.
To try and list my best dune run would be just about impossible

Would it be the time I was told I was leading some fast guy ride walking out of my trailer to find 30 see riders waiting on me? First time ever lading a group over 6 riders.

Or another "fast guy" ride where I had bikes and quads, side by sides and sand rails all following me and when we stopped all I heard was a bunch of hooting and hollering on what a ride that was. I knew those of us up front were having fun, but you get a tail that long it is hard keep it moving without stepping on it. Lots of Crazy Ivans on that run for sure.

Could it be the one-time the original FOG (EPO Champion Clay), John Green Jeans Pajama Guy and I had to fix Clay's bike in W22 before the Vet Ceremony. We had the bike fixed and ready to roll at 11:00 straight up. The four of us took off and were on the gas heading to the event. As I was leaving camp Metallica's Battery was just beginning to play. This was by far the fastest I have ever gone thru the dunes on a Quad. Green Jeans was leading, Clay was in 2nd and Guy was in 3rd I'm bringing up the back. There was more than one occasion that I was launching off a dune only to see both Clay and Guy still in the air and John just landing. We arrived before the moment of silence just as the song was ending

Or could it be one of the million Saturday afternoon sunset rides where we were nice and wore out from a weekend of riding where we would just ride till we found a nice shady dune side where we would just hang out. Laying on the side of a dune just staring at the sky. Until somebody said it was getting too dark or someone was getting hungry.

One that still sticks with me was an early Friday morning in April. A selected few other riders and I in camp silently got ready and without saying much to each other just got on our bikes and cruised from W13.5 to the train trestle at W20. We all knew where we were going and why. Once we arrived at our destination. we shut our bikes off and all looked at each other wondering who among us was as fast as they thought. Nobody really said much the morning was quiet we just waited like our message had told us to do.
Then off in the distance we hear a lone bike start up. We can hear it as it approaches it pulls up to us the rider removes his helmet pulls out a list and take roll call. He tells us to follow him back to his camp and we will get this party started. He took us to W22 where there was a big camp set up where the rest of the racers were all getting ready for the Verbena Dash, one of the first EPO races. The rider who came to get us was SndSmplr and that was the first time meeting and riding with him. It was the first but not the last by a long shot.

One of the best campfire stories though is the night I met the Cheff of da World
Had so many great rides. Even when bad things happened it was still just great being there and enjoying the sand. I always had to lead, while sometimes I was tired of it and just wanted follow and relax, only happened on some of my early summer adventures. Leading keeps you on the game, you drive where you are, and at the same time 2 to 3 dunes in front of you. I tried to entice others to lead, and no one would. O well we had fun.DSCN0082.JPG88B58D0E-032D-4498-89B8-985B33DBC0F2.thumb.jpeg.80879c4767f6c533fc3f9bde8d656e71.jpg


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One of my too 5 dune rides was in St Anthony's.

I need to be at a computer to type that one out.

One of the best campfire stories though is the night I met the Cheff of da World

MWB.........I remember that night very well............Amazingly. First time I've been to W13.5 meeting the crowd. Although the next morning was quite embarrassing for Da chEFF. Should have looked around at the audience present. Nope.................Mouth starting running. And the jokes told, well, some of them shouldn't have been said with ladies present. Once everyone went to sleep, I looked around and there were 20-50 quads everywhere. It took me forever to find mine. Classic night! Peace


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So St. Anthony's...

The place isn't as spread out as G is, but the dunes are f'n HUGE!!! When you're standing at the top of Choke Chery, the people at the bottom look like ants. And it steep, FUCKING STEEP!!! The dunes are huge and they are spread out. It's awesome.

So it's close to dinner time one day. The sun is low in the sky, and it's PERFECT riding conditions. We all realize it will be dark after dinner, so we tell the wives...

Hey, we are gonna go for a quick ride!

We get the look, but we head out anyway. As they say about most any place in Idaho, if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes! Well in five minutes, we were in for the surprise of our lives. The temp dropped, the wind came up, and now it's HAILING ON US!!! :eek: We HAVE to stop, cause we are in shorts and t-shirts, and it's to painful to ride in the hail!!! lol We make a circle with our quads, hunker down, and look at each other with nothing but the "oh fuck" look on our faces. It's fucking FREEZING COLD right now!!!

So we wait...

And in five minutes, it finally stops. We look around. We are the ONLY fools in the dunes, and we are almost to Choke Cherry. What to do???

The sand is now PEFECTLY FLAT. The top of the sand is wet and sticky. Conditions like that are exquisite!!! Head back? NO FUCKING WAY!!! :ROFLMAO:

So we bomb the fuck outa there. Do a few rips up and down Choke Cherry and head over to Devils Dune. There is nobody out there but us!!!

We all think we have died and gone to dune heaven. There aren't even wind ripples in the sand, much less any kinna ruts. FUCKING PERFECT!!!

But the sun is going down now, there are no more shadows, so we haul azz back to camp. We are in all in fifth gear and running flat out, for miles and miles on end.

We get back to camp, happy as fuck, and we got our azzes CHEWED OUT!!! The wind tore up the camp. Destroyed everything, and there were only the women and children in camp to deal with it, and the kids were scared out of their minds!!!

We trying not to laugh while getting screamed at by the wives, but we all have the permagrin plastered all over our faces. It really was the most epic ride ever.

But we definitely took some shit for it!!!!!!!!!

Here are the couple of pics I could find. This was back in 2005.

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So many stand out over my 50 years of going to Mama G.. I remember one Vets Day ceremony we were all LOADED down and Sampler had his can am at that time loaded down too and we had to get too the flagpole with everything to set up. He says follow me and we Duned to the Flagpole fully loaded and it was Great..

The Very fastest I ever had been through the dunes was following Grant from Funco.. It was after an EPO and a guy was saying his different brand car could keep up with the Funco's on a dune run.. Well Grant shows up in camp with the crew says Wes lets go.."I had a Hustler" at the time and we all take off with that guy "trying" to hang.. I was 4 in line and we were 80 plus through the Dunes just flying. We stopped the Guy tapped out and Grant and all of us carried on and what a ride..All the rides i got to follow Grant when I was driving the funco were epic!!

Nowdays we are chasing CHEFF through the dunes in SXS's and its GREAT.. He always knows who is with him and Keeps the line flowing.. I look back fondly of past rides and look forward to the future ones..