So St. Anthony's...
The place isn't as spread out as G is, but the dunes are f'n HUGE!!! When you're standing at the top of Choke Chery, the people at the bottom look like ants. And it steep, FUCKING STEEP!!! The dunes are huge and they are spread out. It's awesome.
So it's close to dinner time one day. The sun is low in the sky, and it's PERFECT riding conditions. We all realize it will be dark after dinner, so we tell the wives...
Hey, we are gonna go for a quick ride!
We get the look, but we head out anyway. As they say about most any place in Idaho, if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes! Well in five minutes, we were in for the surprise of our lives. The temp dropped, the wind came up, and now it's HAILING ON US!!!

We HAVE to stop, cause we are in shorts and t-shirts, and it's to painful to ride in the hail!!! lol We make a circle with our quads, hunker down, and look at each other with nothing but the "oh fuck" look on our faces. It's fucking FREEZING COLD right now!!!
So we wait...
And in five minutes, it finally stops. We look around. We are the ONLY fools in the dunes, and we are almost to Choke Cherry. What to do???
The sand is now PEFECTLY FLAT. The top of the sand is wet and sticky. Conditions like that are exquisite!!! Head back? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
So we bomb the fuck outa there. Do a few rips up and down Choke Cherry and head over to Devils Dune. There is nobody out there but us!!!
We all think we have died and gone to dune heaven. There aren't even wind ripples in the sand, much less any kinna ruts. FUCKING PERFECT!!!
But the sun is going down now, there are no more shadows, so we haul azz back to camp. We are in all in fifth gear and running flat out, for miles and miles on end.
We get back to camp, happy as fuck, and we got our azzes CHEWED OUT!!! The wind tore up the camp. Destroyed everything, and there were only the women and children in camp to deal with it, and the kids were scared out of their minds!!!
We trying not to laugh while getting screamed at by the wives, but we all have the permagrin plastered all over our faces. It really was the most epic ride ever.
But we definitely took some shit for it!!!!!!!!!
Here are the couple of pics I could find. This was back in 2005.