At what gas price do we stop


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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So on the way out last week I filled up for 4.50 a gallon on diesel, on the way back 4 days later the same station was 5.20 and I passed another that was at 5.50. This is Az prices, I don’t even want to guess what you poor effers in Cali are paying. 

When do we waive the white flag and call uncle? Fuel for this trip alone was close to 350.00, that is between the truck, trailer and sxs. 

On a side note, saw this at a station and couldn’t stop laughing….until I saw the final price, this I cried. 


Screenshot_20220307-202108.jpgOn eBay if you search for "biden" the first two things that pop up are "biden I did that stickers"

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350 I wish I could do that.  I filled up last week when oil hit 110.  spent 600. knew my last glamis trip was next week. Now a week later that would be $750.  Summer trip to Idaho is going to hurt a little.  at 6 bucks a gal I think a lot of people will slow down. 7 I know I will be also. I use about 3,000+ gal of fuel a year. that is going to hurt the pocket a lot. 

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Today I figured at $5 a gal, it’s costing me $15 a day to go to work & back. I might consider asking to work from home one day a week to make up for the increase in costs. Unless he wants to give us a cost of living raise, which I don’t see that happening. 

As far as desert, river or just camping trips, I can see that getting cut way back. If the RV is on empty it’s going to cost close to $500 to fill it at yesterdays gas prices. Who knows where we are at next week. 

Maybe this is all part of the “Green New Deal” plan. Price us out that we surrender and are begging for electric vehicles. Have not heard a single peep out of Newsome. The President does not see the urgency. 

I was at $400-$500 per trip in fuel alone and that was before the war.  Not looking forward to my next trip this weekend as it will probably be $700.  Sooo glad I topped off the thirsty V10 at Costco along with 15 gallons in the cans before the war which will help a tiny bit.  Also glad the prices dont effect Race fuel much and my little 2.5L sips gas. 

Fishing season is also close and my boat gets 2.5 mpg on a good day!  I also just spoke to my daughter in Nebraska and they are ONLY paying freaking $3.60 a gallon!

I stopped last time at $4.00 gal. I'm calling uncle until this crazy stuff stops. Fuel is my Company's biggest expense. Gotta start passing the savings on to the customers. Peace

Its NUTS!!!! I do not see how we can live the same life with all the new prices.  The people who have money will just get a lot of dunes and vacations without all the crowds (their good times will only get better) The rest of the population is in for a huge wake up call.

I am not worried about gas prices as much as I worry about a full out Nucular war. In the next 6 months China will take Taiwan, Putin will have taken over Ukraine and will be on the war path for all European countries that helped Ukraine fight back

While sleepy Joe has his pudding and Kamala explains the root causes of immigration our country will do one of 2 things

#1 Fight back and Unite to put true leaders back into office that can neturalize the chit show OR

#2 self destruct from the cancer that is deep within, as John Kerry flies around trying to cut carbon emissions by 45percent by 2030.

I can't stand the way things are going..... Tough times ahead. At the end of the reset...The people with $$$ will be sooo far ahead and the middle class will be wiped out!!!

Try playing monopoly when you are trying to go around the board when someone owns Boardwalk and Penn Ave with Hotels on them!  

Its Gonna be UGLY and thats my positive spin on things.......meanwhile NOTHING will change for pensioned Govt employees / The elite Political politicans on both sides and anyone who has $$$$$$........ They will surge ahead at a record pace............It is history repeating itself...NOTHING CHANGES!!!!!

And the Band Played On!!!





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It's Putin that did this! Oil prices are set on a global market. Prices vary due to state taxes.

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I am not worried about gas prices as much as I worry about a full out Nucular war. In the next 6 months China will take Taiwan, Putin will have taken over Ukraine and will be on the war path for all European countries that helped Ukraine fight back
Nuclear War will not happen, nobody wins at that.  Even a thug like Putin knows that. The fact that it is a possibility and the US has Sleep Joe and the Hoe in charge he can't be stopped.  He wants Ukraine's GDP and there is nobody who will stop him, NATO will not act and Putin will not take on NATO, just doesn't work in the long run for him.

China will not take Taiwan either, they will be given it. Why take something that the world will give you on a silver platter.

Give this war a little more time and the China will step in and make the peace.  That will leapfrog them ahead of the west as the worlds policeman. After that happens NATO will be sold off and a new treaty will be approved of the safe keeping of Europe and Asia, even the Middle East.  At that point Taiwan will be given to China and the US will become like the old British Empire.  

Give this war a little more time and the China will step in and make the peace.  That will leapfrog them ahead of the west as the worlds policeman. After that happens NATO will be sold off and a new treaty will be approved of the safe keeping of Europe and Asia, even the Middle East.  At that point Taiwan will be given to China and the US will become like the old British Empire.  
Very well said!  You may be onto something....China shifts the blame on to Putin,....They save the day....... Both Russia and China come out stronger with China as a world Hero and the USA is in the back seat........ Crazy times!


And just like that there was a flood of RVs and big trucks on the market.......

This is all on purpose.... this isn't by chance...this isn't Putin's fault... All  you people that voted for the Dems... screw you!.  We had one shot at freedom and YOU  f'd it up.  Great job.  

When I got discharged in 1975 and gas went up from .39 to .59 cents a gallon and I said enough. 

We made adjustments, changed some habits and still managed to enjoy the dunes.

Whats upsetting is it doesn't need to be this if the current administration would take charge.

Starting thinking about this last night. We've got a summer trip planned up central California, Oregon, and Washington and then back down the coast. Somewhere in the 3,000 miles range. Would be well over $1,600 in fuel. Do I scratch that and find a base camp for 2 weeks and explore from there in the jeep? Someplace like Colorado or Montana with plenty of fishing and off-roading within a day trip from camp. 

Starting thinking about this last night. We've got a summer trip planned up central California, Oregon, and Washington and then back down the coast. Somewhere in the 3,000 miles range. Would be well over $1,600 in fuel. Do I scratch that and find a base camp for 2 weeks and explore from there in the jeep? Someplace like Colorado or Montana with plenty of fishing and off-roading within a day trip from camp. 
