Anyone else watching the fall of Kabul? Saigon 2.0?

And that was not happening in Syria, Iran,  Saudi Arabia, Iraq,  etc....  

And yes, all of the hardware is a HUGE problem.  

This is just my opinion, but I believe that the Biden Administration was in a hurry to complete the total withdrawal before 9/11 to use it for political gain. They did not listen to those who may of warned about a hasty departure because politics trumps logic.
Nope you are 100% wrong.....they Knew EXACTLY what was going to happen and it is part of the plan....they WANT complete chaos is the United States...the ONLY way they get and hold on to more power is thru disaster, man made or other. They found out Covid worked, so they will keep playing that card...don't expect the US to get back to "normal" EVER....this is the new normal, Govt controlling EVERY aspect of our lives... 5-9/gal fuel prices.... But hey, you have to understand.....No more mean tweets are on twitter...and that is worth it to them. 

Nope you are 100% wrong.....they Knew EXACTLY what was going to happen and it is part of the plan....they WANT complete chaos is the United States...the ONLY way they get and hold on to more power is thru disaster, man made or other. They found out Covid worked, so they will keep playing that card...don't expect the US to get back to "normal" EVER....this is the new normal, Govt controlling EVERY aspect of our lives... 5-9/gal fuel prices.... But hey, you have to understand.....No more mean tweets are on twitter...and that is worth it to them. 
I think you are giving them too much credit, they are not that intelligent. This is the same group trying to convince us men can get pregnant!

Fire them all,

begin full investigation into the bureaucracy of the CIA as soon as the FBI has been gutted and right set so that we still can protect the American people from the true enemies of our way of life, freedom and free choice of speech, religion, our bodies


Commiecrats are a disgrace just like thier brain dead leader .  

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Meh, Bush, Obama and Trump all knew this was the reality if we pulled out, but all lacked the will to do it.  Biden finally pulled the plug and seems to be okay with the fallout, despite what the "Beltway Bubble" types are currently saying.  He said as much 2 months ago in a CBS interview.

In a year from now is anybody going to care
? ? ?
Maybe you won't(don't know obviously but that statement says alot) but yes, many will. My family is still dealing with the affects of Vietnam and we still care... I was deployed during Desert Storm/Desert Shield and have family that did multiple deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq so yes we're going to care.  If you had friends or family there you may have a different vantage point.

Maybe you won't(don't know obviously but that statement says alot) but yes, many will. My family is still dealing with the affects of Vietnam and we still care... I was deployed during Desert Storm/Desert Shield and have family that did multiple deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq so yes we're going to care.  If you had friends or family there you may have a different vantage point.

Many elders in my family were all WWII vets and my father and uncle were both in Vietnam as well as several of my friends fathers, some of whom came home f$%cked up, so  I get it.    

In my "will anyone care" statement I basically referring to the "beltway bubble" types I mentioned in my post (DC based media, congressional staffers, think tank types, talk radio etc.), who are all pretending to be up in arms about this today,  as well as the public at large who doesn't  follow anything other than what the Kardashians are wearing/shilling. 

Knowing how quickly "they" move on to the next shiny object, I'm guessing this will largely be forgotten in a year.  Sorry for any confusion.

How does a blubbering idiot become president of the United States of America??!! Peace

Nope you are 100% wrong.....they Knew EXACTLY what was going to happen and it is part of the plan....they WANT complete chaos is the United States...the ONLY way they get and hold on to more power is thru disaster, man made or other. They found out Covid worked, so they will keep playing that card...don't expect the US to get back to "normal" EVER....this is the new normal, Govt controlling EVERY aspect of our lives... 5-9/gal fuel prices.... But hey, you have to understand.....No more mean tweets are on twitter...and that is worth it to them. 
I can only hope some show up in our town... 

How does a blubbering idiot become president of the United States of America??!! Peace
Here is an example of how.

The entire country of Afghanistan is in total chaos while being over run by radical islamist zealots and many in our country are demanding the Taliban respect womens rights!! How about basic human rights for ALL the people there? 

Do they really believe that the Taliban is going to establish a Diversity & Inclusion ministry?? What an effin joke!

People that stick to their progressive ideology despite a crisis that affects every human being involved is who vote for idiots like Biden!
