Anyone else watching the fall of Kabul? Saigon 2.0?

I agree, we should have and remain an 'air/drone' campaign only,.. just keep sending them back to the 8th century. That would be money well spent.


Remember..Trump had a deal cooking with the Taliban for us to pull out and they would take charge. Wasn't supposed to go this way I'm sure...But you have to admit that the optics are perfect to expose this Fraudulent President. Can't wait for him to crash the economy...

Thousands of American lives, trillions of American dollars... twenty years later and absolutely pissed away.

We were never going to change the 1,000 year war that has been raging there but this "exit" is about as bad as it could possibly be. 

Frustrating and embarrassing.

$100 that the inept one comes on TV soon and blames 45 for this.
3:45 Eastern

add 1 point every time he says tallybon

add 1 point for every time he stutters

add 5 points for every brave men and women

deduct 50 points for each time he deflect his involvement

deduct 50 points for each time he sways he didn't say that

add 100 points if he answers any questions

Come on, great leader we have here. He told them filthy Muslims “y’all treat them ladies right ya hear” on our way out. Everything is going to be okay. Back to work now.

Turn them all to glass.....

The problem is, lots and LOTS of them helped us.  All of those Afghans that helped, and their extended families, will be tortured and murdered now.  That's how we thank them?  I'm not even really talking about the ANA/P (because they were as two-faced as could be, in general), but I'm talking everyday civilians who came to our aide in so many ways.  Informing, interpreting, etc.  They will be slaughtered, just like all the Afghans who helped us expel the Soviets, who we then bailed on in EXACTLY the same manner.  That act pretty much created the Taliban and the generations of terrorists who did things like 9/11 (keep in mind we helped Osama bin Laden build his training camps and taught him most of what he knew when he was anti-Soviet).  Those who forget history... 


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I get what you're saying... BUT the original Taliban had plenty of CIA trained Afghans who were just a bit too rough around the edges to be mujahideen-types, but still roughly allied with us against the Soviets.  Make no mistake, we've had our finger in this pie forever, and we've done nothing but f@wk it up worse and worse.  Still, what is happening now is a new level of disgraceful. 


The problem is, lots and LOTS of them helped us.  All of those Afghans that helped, and their extended families, will be tortured and murdered now.  That's how we thank them?  I'm not even really talking about the ANA/P (because they were as two-faced as could be, in general), but I'm talking everyday civilians who came to our aide in so many ways.  Informing, interpreting, etc.  They will be slaughtered, just like all the Afghans who helped us expel the Soviets, who we then bailed on in EXACTLY the same manner.  That act pretty much created the Taliban and the generations of terrorists who did things like 9/11 (keep in mind we helped Osama bin Laden build his training camps and taught him most of what he knew when he was anti-Soviet).  Those who forget history... 

I just want the bad turned to glass :biggrin:

I have heard a few folks say this.  what do you mean? 
Billions of $$ of high tech military hardware just disappeared over the border to iran (the world's most prolific sponsor of terrorism) right before the 20 year anniversary of 9/11.  BTW the leaders of the third world no longer fear and/or respect the US.  Those Effing towel heads were well behaved from '16-'20 because Trump was willing to put them in their place (6 feet under), but this administration will not do that.  Expect another 9/11 level of attack sooner rather than later....

Billions of $$ of high tech military hardware just disappeared over the border to iran (the world's most prolific sponsor of terrorism) right before the 20 year anniversary of 9/11.  BTW the leaders of the third world no longer fear and/or respect the US.  Those Effing towel heads were well behaved from '16-'20 because Trump was willing to put them in their place (6 feet under), but this administration will not do that.  Expect another 9/11 level of attack sooner rather than later....
Don't forget about the thousands of prisoners that the Taliban just released, many of whom are al qaeda terrorist.

This is just my opinion, but I believe that the Biden Administration was in a hurry to complete the total withdrawal before 9/11 to use it for political gain. They did not listen to those who may of warned about a hasty departure because politics trumps logic.

I recently had a dream that the country was for sale. Oh, not related sorry. It was the strangest dream. Invaders from other countries landing in every town almost 2 to 1. They seemed mixed between middle eastern, Chinese, and Russian. I only shared that dream with my wife. She just shrugged, and I brushed it off. It feels like it means something, just don't know what. I'm not into politics a whole lot other than feeling robbed like a lot of you here. It was surreal. 
