Anyone else watching the fall of Kabul? Saigon 2.0?


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May 5, 2021
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Billions of high tech US military goods being shuffled into iran as I type this.  The average biden supporter cannot comprehend the ramifications.........  The is exponentially worse than biden's other failures........ 😞

LOL I think the taliban got the drones too....troops, guns and military gear all headed to Iran. Executing people in the streets, freeing all the Al Queda prisoners.  This is setting up as a perfect storm for terrorism.......

Seriously....  What the 

how the hell can we leave anything there that is not burned the the sand.....  it's not like we haven't had at least 10 years to plan for this.....   

I’m just enjoying my glass of Buffalo Trace while waiting on president sippy cup to return from summer camp so that he can send his quite successful border czar over to Afghanistan and straighten those rascally mooselimbs out.

Can't wait for this to be a reason to import 500k "refugees".

This should highlight the fact that some nations, some people have absolutely no desire for Western Civilization.  Leave them alone to their Crapty way of life.

We should have gone in, killed a bunch and bailed.  

We needed to get the hell out of there. We needed to cover our tail way better than this.

The people that live there need to choose their path.

I would think Trump would have had an offensive push before we ran.

Amazing! KILL ALL Americans. And we pay zero attention. Here we go again. Where's the next bombing? Peace

Seriously....  What the 

how the hell can we leave anything there that is not burned the the sand.....  it's not like we haven't had at least 10 years to plan for this.....   
Prudent planning by the left, 9/11 will be here before you know it. Are you ready?

Even CNN is saying what a huge mistake Biden & his administration has caused. You know if CNN is not shielding and protecting this administration, it’s got to be bad. 

CNN has video of thousands of Afghans running into to the airports, even showing people jumping on and clinging to moving US planes as they go down the tarmac. Usually they bury this stuff or the headline is Trump related to divert the attention away from Biden. Not anymore! 

NBC news is showing the same videos of people jumping on moving military planes and standing on top of commercial planes parked at terminals They even mentioned that as the U.S retreats that China & Russia are poised to move in. 

I just keep waiting for these Lib networks to spin this and say Trump did this! Biden goes on Vacation and Trump took over the White House. 

Taiwan has to be very concerned and afraid as they see this administration chooses to not to protect & control our own boarders. Then we purposely retreat from Afghanistan and within hours and days the Talabon takes control of the Country, with China & Russia looking to move it. What hope does Taiwan have they we will help keep China from doing the same to Taiwan. I bet they have very little faith in our allegiance.  

Thousands of American lives, trillions of American dollars... twenty years later and absolutely pissed away.

We were never going to change the 1,000 year war that has been raging there but this "exit" is about as bad as it could possibly be. 

Frustrating and embarrassing.

$100 that the inept one comes on TV soon and blames 45 for this.

We needed to get the hell out of there. We needed to cover our tail way better than this.

The people that live there need to choose their path.

I would think Trump would have had an offensive push before we ran.
Agreed, but after May, Xiden dropped Trump's exit plan that would have been a lot better  than this 💩show and went with this plan...

Thousands of American lives, trillions of American dollars... twenty years later and absolutely pissed away.

We were never going to change the 1,000 year war that has been raging there but this "exit" is about as bad as it could possibly be. 

Frustrating and embarrassing.

$100 that the inept one comes on TV soon and blames 45 for this.
We should of left about an hour after we stopped dropping bombs in heavy rotation. Left it still on fire and not even worry about who was going to be in charge next, just leave them with the promise that if you harbor terrorist's again who attack us it will be somebody else sitting in what's left of your mud hut. 

They have been kicking out invaders sense the beginning of time.  To think we would be any different was ignorant on our part.  Whatever Army comes over the hill after we leave will have the same issues we had.  

$100 says that a plane load of cash is already on the way as a way to beg forgiveness and to not attack us again.  

Biden says he couldn't change Trump's policy...

Didn't he just spend 6 months undoing every policy Trump put in place? We just had a judge force Biden to put a Trump immigration policy back in place because..?   He didn't have a plan to protect Americans or the immigrants.

He just created a whole new generation of terrorist by leaving people behind. Afghans are dying for helping Americans while Biden completely abandoned them.  

I'd want revenge. 

China just publicly warned Taiwan that we wont be therr for them just like Afghanistan. 

China and Russia are about to checkmate our asses. 

Meh, Bush, Obama and Trump all knew this was the reality if we pulled out, but all lacked the will to do it.  Biden finally pulled the plug and seems to be okay with the fallout, despite what the "Beltway Bubble" types are currently saying.  He said as much 2 months ago in a CBS interview.

In a year from now is anybody going to care ? ? ?

Not sure the outcome would be different with Trump in office, we should have been out of there 10 years ago or longer.  We accomplished our goals a long time ago.  Why do we think we can change culture in these countries.  Taliban walked into these cities and took them over without even a fight for the most part.  At this point, we protect our assets and let the country figure themselves out or time to let another country or Nato fight.

The end result wouldn't have been different, but the way we're withdrawing could have been very different.

And yes I think we'll remember this for many more years to come.
