Anyone else notice all the horrible spots groups would stop in the dunes

This past week in Glamis I could not believe the amount of groups with kids running around stopped in the worst spots possible.   This were not groups stopped because someone broke.  They just decided it would be a spot to take a break. They were either at the bottom of a dune in a well traveled area or stopped in the middle of a line maybe 25-30' past a transition.  Their kids running all over the place as others tried to navigate around them.    

Common sense with their kids went right out the window.  
I think the term is called SXS owner,  

Favorite Glamis For me is the no people time....Love the Serinity Now !!!!  I will still go on big weekends BUT my expectations are less then ZERO

Big Weekends = Enjoy the :atc70:  camp life........Hit the off spots and have a good time with Family who is on semester break

Off Weekends = Dune Dune Dune

Spring / Summer = Night Rides and Dune and enjoy the emptiness

Soo hard to leave that place for me: I LOVE it there no matter what........Only thing that makes me crazy is when people leave trash / bottles ...etc and disrespect the natural beauty. 

Ill say it again: this sport (just like in life) has some of the BEST humans on the planet (Our camp in 22 this past 10 days for example)   BUT also has some of the biggest AZZHATS on the planet...................when you accept that on big weekends there will be more of the azzhats and lower your "Glamis Experience Meter" can have a great trip despite the morons.......You gotta know its not gonna be like an off weekend.........

@Mac OR @BaBaBouy OR @dbartin my camp....I LOWER my expectations and get through it...(Its tough).....BUT the sight of them driving away and having a few days left without them is PURE JOY !!!! You feel like Griswold running thru the parking lot at Wally World to Charriots of Fire playing in your head when those dipchits leave Glamis! :smile:

Moral of the story: LOWER your expectations and camping with these "characters" becomes much more bearable!


Lots of Low Interest Promos going on right now... :deal:

CAN-AM MAVERICK X3 MODELS - Financing 1.49% for 36 months 

RZR XP MODELS - Financing 0.99% for 36 months 

It will get even worse, before it gets better.

Broke Down Buggy Crew!! Glad nothing's changed!

@Mac you are on point, 100%. Unfortunately that's a big part of why I sold out.....hoping that economy thing cleans this chit out. Enough deaths in SxSs and they will stop selling them like they did 3 wheelers. 20 years or so and just about all of them will be gone! Of course, I'll be 80 in 20 Eff!

High Sierra Dad said:
Wow. Pretty far stretch on word comprehension.

If multiple people mention that 2D Mendeola's break with too much HP for about 18 years, then someone comes on with a lengthy description of why (this year)... and gets nominated for "post of the year" when it's been mentioned for years... and someone brings that up, it's "COMBATIVE"?

No, it's not. Not in the least. It's just someone bringing up the simple fact that numerous people have also mentioned it, previously. 
Too much HP for 18 years seems like a good run for a 2D Mendeola...I didn't think they lasted that long? :dunno:



Sorry, back to topic!

I got flamed for it before but I'll say it again, I was really hoping the economy would have priced people out of Glamis.  Another flame me statement...SXSs have ruined Glamis and off-roading nationwide.  A lot of good people own SXSs.  They are fun, practical, nothing wrong with them.  Then enter the non-experienced sh*theads and a$$holes that their homie, bro, ese, etc...told them to get or the COVID, let me finance my this to get me out instead of going to Disney or on a vacation types.  AND...more flaming...this younger generation (millennials and zoomers). They don't give a single f*ck about anything but themselves..."MY GLAMIS!"  I'll ride where I want!  I'll stop where I want!, etc...  Most aren't on here and stay on FB or IG.  I really lose my chit when I see older folks acting this way...You f*cking know better.  I see their posts...they only care about themselves and they have their stupid mentality that it takes a village for them to have their fun.   "We need help!"  "I need gas!", blah, blah, blah...  I'm not their village and refuse to be.

This season is a wash for me.  Car is not done.  I have been out a couple times to camp with people and might do a couple more but really haven't done any riding.  Once I get my car back together, I plan on joining the off weekend crowd or even the midweek crowd.  I'm done dealing with retards.  Mac has aged out! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!   :lol:

Lots of Low Interest Promos going on right now... :deal:

CAN-AM MAVERICK X3 MODELS - Financing 1.49% for 36 months 

RZR XP MODELS - Financing 0.99% for 36 months 

It will get even worse, before it gets better.
Damn whos financing these sub prime rates, dealers or manufactures? 

I visited the Rental Place in Vendors to get pricing for a group of mine that wants to come out. I asked them.........."Do Y'ALL have any type of training before you just give these SXS's to anyone?" Their answer, "YES, we have a 45min video to show them." So basically, you can rent to anyone who's never been to Glamis and hand them the keys to a vehicle with too much HP and no knowledge of the environment? Nothing like being set up for failure.

My philosophy.........."Have a good Leader to show you a good time. The Leader keeps everyone safe" No one gets hurt. Unless you're a complete idiot. Not saying names. Peace 

We camped in our usual spot, found plenty of virgin sand if you know where to look, even on Saturday afternoon. It seems the latest generation of duners use GPS to go from destination to destination, almost like a flat road beat through the dunes from each of the popular spots. Burned 90 gallons of fuel between Tuesday and Saturday in our cars.
I call those tracks SxS breadcrumbs.  You don't even need GPS anymore, just find a straight line through the dunes with nothing but chatterbumps and whoops, turn right or left.  Either Olds or the Swingset is on the other end.

I call those tracks SxS breadcrumbs.  You don't even need GPS anymore, just find a straight line through the dunes with nothing but chatterbumps and whoops, turn right or left.  Either Olds or the Swingset is on the other end.
Don't forget China Lake.  Thanks to that bacteria pond more people have found the easy way to China Wall. 

Don't forget China Lake.  Thanks to that bacteria pond more people have found the easy way to China Wall. 
Before SxS's, China Wall was empty on the biggest of weekends.  Loved duning out there back then.  Imagine trying to do an EPO race now out there..................just an example, these never happened. :classic_blink:

Before SxS's, China Wall was empty on the biggest of weekends.  Loved duning out there back then.  Imagine trying to do an EPO race now out there..................just an example, these never happened. :classic_blink:
Plenty of good dunes with very little to no traffic out there. 

The China Lake has brought way more that way.   They have discovered the easy straight shot in from the Washes.   
