Anyone else notice all the horrible spots groups would stop in the dunes

I have never seen camping so crowded, dunes weren't that crowded though.  I have been camping in the same spot for 30 years, and I showed up on Christmas Morning and almost couldn't get a spot.  Then got lectured by my neighbors that I am lucky to camp where I am.  Then they proceeded to tell me that the only reason they are camping there was Cement flats and Gecko were packed since Dec 15th.  The lack of respect by the campers was over the top and we camp off the beaten path.

But on the other hand, I felt the dunes were relatively the same in terms of quantity of people.  We had some good runs, yes it was rough, but a little extra speed helped.  Burned 50 gallons of E85, that is always a fun time.
Wonder if your lecture came from the guy that came down to cement flats and started saying we should alter the size of our camp in order to make room for his friends and their 14 rigs that were coming in 5 days later. Kept saying “let’s work together”, but in his mind that seemed to mean give him anything and everything he wanted.  🤡🤡

Wonder if your lecture came from the guy that came down to cement flats and started saying we should alter the size of our camp in order to make room for his friends and their 14 rigs that were coming in 5 days later. Kept saying “let’s work together”, but in his mind that seemed to mean give him anything and everything he wanted.  🤡🤡
Could be, He started his lecture by saying he has been saving this spot for ten days.  Must have had 100 cones out, and he made sure we didn't move a single one.  Then is wife jumped in the mixed, very grumpy lady.  I was nice and walked away, outside of the mortars a couple nights later they were good neighbors.  

Not exactly bad parking spots, but we were at the Plank Road at Buttercup and there were a bunch of camps that let their young kids play (on foot) in the the "kiddie tracks". The kids would duck down when they heard vehicles coming. Many of them are at least three feet from the bottom of the ditch to the top of the berm. It made me cringe with all of the "camp racers" who have no idea that kiddie tracks even exist and hit them blindly at 50 mph or more. Luckily no one got hit.

Also saw these two cars at the bottom of comp hill and later on talked to the driver of the one with the crushed cage. He said that he and his pal came down the hill and then were going out towards the flats when the one in front pulled over unexpectedly and they got together, front corner to rear corner, and the one in front rolled a bunch of times. They were at least 80 feet apart when it was all over. Lucky all he got was a sore neck. When I saw the car I was afraid it would be a lot worse. It was both of their third trips to the dunes. The one with the broken suspension had a kids car seat in it.

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Crazy to hear how bad it is in the camping areas, I still wanted to go but am very glad my "kids" are now all young adults. Little kids in the dunes on busy weekends freaks me out becuase I fear the will get ran over by an idiot they didn't watch out for.

I drove my car out on Friday too see some Folks for a few hours. Was amazed how packed was 22 was. I left at 12;30pm and a steady line of rigs coming in as I left wash rd. Since wash rd is so smooth now people pulling trailers were acting like it was the freeway. As I left I went the speed limit on wash rd as I had rangers infront of me and behind me.The people in the whoops were passing us. LOL
I rolled out 8am on Saturday and passed almost 40 rigs coming in along the 78, I was so glad to of gotten the hell out of there it was beyond packed. 

I got flamed for it before but I'll say it again, I was really hoping the economy would have priced people out of Glamis.  Another flame me statement...SXSs have ruined Glamis and off-roading nationwide.  A lot of good people own SXSs.  They are fun, practical, nothing wrong with them.  Then enter the non-experienced sh*theads and a$$holes that their homie, bro, ese, etc...told them to get or the COVID, let me finance my this to get me out instead of going to Disney or on a vacation types.  AND...more flaming...this younger generation (millennials and zoomers). They don't give a single f*ck about anything but themselves..."MY GLAMIS!"  I'll ride where I want!  I'll stop where I want!, etc...  Most aren't on here and stay on FB or IG.  I really lose my chit when I see older folks acting this way...You f*cking know better.  I see their posts...they only care about themselves and they have their stupid mentality that it takes a village for them to have their fun.   "We need help!"  "I need gas!", blah, blah, blah...  I'm not their village and refuse to be.

This season is a wash for me.  Car is not done.  I have been out a couple times to camp with people and might do a couple more but really haven't done any riding.  Once I get my car back together, I plan on joining the off weekend crowd or even the midweek crowd.  I'm done dealing with retards.  Mac has aged out! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!   :lol:

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i didnot think new years was anywhere close to as bad as halloween. after this year  im done with halloween/camp rzr. i hated that weekend. i dont like the type of people that were out on halloween, and i have never seen the place so trashed. this trip we were out in wash 27, our group got out there on wednesday we had a big group so finding a spot for 9 trailers was harder, if our group was smaller probably would of been a little different. leaving on monday was not really an issue. took about 45 minutes to get from wash 27 to the highway, i rolled out about 11am. on halloween we could not leave untill 6pm. noticed alot of people started leaving saturday and sunday. the washes looked like they thinned out alot by sunday evening. the fireworks at midnight were still good but not as much as the previous years. i still plan on being back out for new years next season. i do look forward to the rest of the season being off weekend trips. 

I think most of the people that stop in the middle of a good line don't realize that they are putting themselves in danger - and of course somewhat ruining the fun for others.  Like its been stated before on this thread, no one is really in the dunes on these large weekends, so when you stop you don't really expect anyone to come close to you...but 10 minutes later, here comes a huge group.  I'm a firm believer that most people mean well, very few individuals seek to piss off others's more lack of common sense than anything. It's hard to tell someone they shouldn't park in a certain spot without sounding like a know-it-all - you just have to hope they'll see someone else stopped in a shitty spot - and be like...hmm, probably a bad idea.

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I got flamed for it before but I'll say it again, I was really hoping the economy would have priced people out of Glamis.  Another flame me statement...SXSs have ruined Glamis and off-roading nationwide.  A lot of good people own SXSs.  They are fun, practical, nothing wrong with them.  Then enter the non-experienced sh*theads and a$$holes that their homie, bro, ese, etc...told them to get or the COVID, let me finance my this to get me out instead of going to Disney or on a vacation types.  AND...more flaming...this younger generation (millennials and zoomers). They don't give a single f*ck about anything but themselves..."MY GLAMIS!"  I'll ride where I want!  I'll stop where I want!, etc...  Most aren't on here and stay on FB or IG.  I really lose my chit when I see older folks acting this way...You f*cking know better.  I see their posts...they only care about themselves and they have their stupid mentality that it takes a village for them to have their fun.   "We need help!"  "I need gas!", blah, blah, blah...  I'm not their village and refuse to be.

This season is a wash for me.  Car is not done.  I have been out a couple times to camp with people and might do a couple more but really haven't done any riding.  Once I get my car back together, I plan on joining the off weekend crowd or even the midweek crowd.  I'm done dealing with retards.  Mac has aged out! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!   :lol:
Is there a post of the month or year award???? If so, no voting needed, winner is right here.

High Sierra Dad said:
He isn't the only one that has said this. It's been said numerous times on here, by numerous Members.
But @Mac said it with such eloquent, fluidity on the screen!

It's as if Stephen J. Cannel, Nancy Drew, Stephen King and J.K. Rowling all had a huge gang bang and had a kid!   :bag:

Pure poetry!


I also Agree with Mac!   :oto:

High Sierra Dad said:
He isn't the only one that has said this. It's been said numerous times on here, by numerous Members.
Nick, who hurt you?

Always so quick to be combative.

I've stopped telling people about summer being awesome.  Each year has a been a few more and more camps.  I'm realling looking forward to 100°+.

High Sierra Dad said:
He isn't the only one that has said this. It's been said numerous times on here, by numerous Members.
They didn't say it as well as Mac did. If I hurt their feelings, or yours, by not giving them credit, oh well, who gives a Eff??

I did not feel like the camping area was packed like years ago.   Plenty of room in the wash.  A lot of the groups in the wash had empty spaces due to people leaving early.   Years ago we woke up to a group that parked close enough we could hand them coffee through the windows of the RVs.   

The dunes were busy in the usual spots, but the rest of them were pretty wide open.   Only thing I noticed is the places groups that were not broken down decided to take a break.

I think Camp RZR weekend is the busiest now.   This Thanksgiving was not bad.

I got flamed for it before but I'll say it again, I was really hoping the economy would have priced people out of Glamis.  Another flame me statement...SXSs have ruined Glamis and off-roading nationwide.  A lot of good people own SXSs.  They are fun, practical, nothing wrong with them.  Then enter the non-experienced sh*theads and a$$holes that their homie, bro, ese, etc...told them to get or the COVID, let me finance my this to get me out instead of going to Disney or on a vacation types.  AND...more flaming...this younger generation (millennials and zoomers). They don't give a single f*ck about anything but themselves..."MY GLAMIS!"  I'll ride where I want!  I'll stop where I want!, etc...  Most aren't on here and stay on FB or IG.  I really lose my chit when I see older folks acting this way...You f*cking know better.  I see their posts...they only care about themselves and they have their stupid mentality that it takes a village for them to have their fun.   "We need help!"  "I need gas!", blah, blah, blah...  I'm not their village and refuse to be.

This season is a wash for me.  Car is not done.  I have been out a couple times to camp with people and might do a couple more but really haven't done any riding.  Once I get my car back together, I plan on joining the off weekend crowd or even the midweek crowd.  I'm done dealing with retards.  Mac has aged out! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!   :lol:
The welcome to Gecko mid-weekers greeting group is waiting for you.   

  • Haha
Reactions: Mac
Use to go out on Friday after work and leave Sunday after lunch. Then noticed a few people already there when we got there. Found out they left after work on Thursday, That became the thing next thing you know it was well lets get there on Wednesday morning get in a good day before the Thursday people get there. Now places are full up on Wednesday and Tuesday is the go to start of a trip. 

I am done with the big weekends Christmas till New Years use to be fun it was empty on Christmas Eve and people didn't start showing up till the 26rth and a groups didn't even start rolling in till almost New Years. My favorite trips are now overrun.  Don't know what weekend I will go out next but it will not be any kind of event weekend 

Camp RZR is referred to in our group as Kamp Kindergarten. We quit going that weekend after 2nd one.

And I agree with MAC

Heard one group on the radio one night when we were headed to olds complaining about how hard it was to follow the GPS route in the dark to the hill, :bangin:

We were guilty of this twice…

Mainly because guys kept breaking chit at the bottom of a bowl near crowded areas (Olds and between Sunset and Osbourne). 

We always make sure to put a vehicle up high on the approaches so no one is surprised. 

There was one group I came across that was just downhill of a ridge near Osbourne. Not exactly the best spot to hang out…
Broke Down Buggy Crew!! Glad nothing's changed!

@Mac you are on point, 100%. Unfortunately that's a big part of why I sold out.....hoping that economy thing cleans this chit out. Enough deaths in SxSs and they will stop selling them like they did 3 wheelers. 20 years or so and just about all of them will be gone! Of course, I'll be 80 in 20 Eff!

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