Anyone else notice all the horrible spots groups would stop in the dunes

Sand Shark

Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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This past week in Glamis I could not believe the amount of groups with kids running around stopped in the worst spots possible.   This were not groups stopped because someone broke.  They just decided it would be a spot to take a break. They were either at the bottom of a dune in a well traveled area or stopped in the middle of a line maybe 25-30' past a transition.  Their kids running all over the place as others tried to navigate around them.    

Common sense with their kids went right out the window.  

Other than good weather, that was a rough trip for me.  Sand was almost unrideable for a quad.  Even the deep washes were trashed.  My daughter and I hit some ruts on the way to Vendors that were like trenches.

I've never seen it that busy in my life.  Washes were packed to 27.  Crowded at least to 30.

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Other than good weather, that was a rough trip for me.  Sand was almost unrideable for a quad.  Even the deep washes were trashed.  My daughter and I hit some ruts on the way to Vendors that were like trenches.

I've never seen it that busy in my life.  Washes were packed to 27.  Crowded at least to 30.
One reason my group doesn’t do holiday weekends anymore. 

My favorite was the cringy post about the guy who taught his kids to always pick up any trash they see in the dunes. As he videos his kid, maybe 8yr old, get off his quad hike down the dune pick up whatever it was and then slowly hike back up to his quad. No freaking way! I cringed hard. I know what comes over those dunes instantly with no warning. Eff that!!! 

I have never seen camping so crowded, dunes weren't that crowded though.  I have been camping in the same spot for 30 years, and I showed up on Christmas Morning and almost couldn't get a spot.  Then got lectured by my neighbors that I am lucky to camp where I am.  Then they proceeded to tell me that the only reason they are camping there was Cement flats and Gecko were packed since Dec 15th.  The lack of respect by the campers was over the top and we camp off the beaten path.

But on the other hand, I felt the dunes were relatively the same in terms of quantity of people.  We had some good runs, yes it was rough, but a little extra speed helped.  Burned 50 gallons of E85, that is always a fun time.

I drove my car out on Friday too see some Folks for a few hours. Was amazed how packed was 22 was. I left at 12;30pm and a steady line of rigs coming in as I left wash rd. Since wash rd is so smooth now people pulling trailers were acting like it was the freeway. As I left I went the speed limit on wash rd as I had rangers infront of me and behind me.The people in the whoops were passing us. LOL

Other than good weather, that was a rough trip for me.  Sand was almost unrideable for a quad.  Even the deep washes were trashed.  My daughter and I hit some ruts on the way to Vendors that were like trenches.

I've never seen it that busy in my life.  Washes were packed to 27.  Crowded at least to 30.
I am glad I don't have my quad anymore.  The dunes were not quad friendly.     We headed toward the Wall and Ceiling and found plenty of untracked sand.  

Anything near the Swingset, Olds, and Osborne were beat up Christmas day.  

it was busy as far as campers go but i felt like the sand was pretty quiet?  I was only there thursday and friday.

I left my camp at 7:15 on friday and went to osborne on sand highway and hung out in the dunes, i didnt see a single person riding until almost 8:30. i drove down by vendors after i left wash 6 and i was the only one driving around. 

Sand was pretty rough though!

We camped in our usual spot, found plenty of virgin sand if you know where to look, even on Saturday afternoon. It seems the latest generation of duners use GPS to go from destination to destination, almost like a flat road beat through the dunes from each of the popular spots. Burned 90 gallons of fuel between Tuesday and Saturday in our cars.

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Not exactly bad parking spots, but we were at the Plank Road at Buttercup and there were a bunch of camps that let their young kids play (on foot) in the the "kiddie tracks". The kids would duck down when they heard vehicles coming. Many of them are at least three feet from the bottom of the ditch to the top of the berm. It made me cringe with all of the "camp racers" who have no idea that kiddie tracks even exist and hit them blindly at 50 mph or more. Luckily no one got hit.

Also saw these two cars at the bottom of comp hill and later on talked to the driver of the one with the crushed cage. He said that he and his pal came down the hill and then were going out towards the flats when the one in front pulled over unexpectedly and they got together, front corner to rear corner, and the one in front rolled a bunch of times. They were at least 80 feet apart when it was all over. Lucky all he got was a sore neck. When I saw the car I was afraid it would be a lot worse. It was both of their third trips to the dunes. The one with the broken suspension had a kids car seat in it.



Not exactly bad parking spots, but we were at the Plank Road at Buttercup and there were a bunch of camps that let their young kids play (on foot) in the the "kiddie tracks". The kids would duck down when they heard vehicles coming. Many of them are at least three feet from the bottom of the ditch to the top of the berm. It made me cringe with all of the "camp racers" who have no idea that kiddie tracks even exist and hit them blindly at 50 mph or more. Luckily no one got hit.

Also saw these two cars at the bottom of comp hill and later on talked to the driver of the one with the crushed cage. He said that he and his pal came down the hill and then were going out towards the flats when the one in front pulled over unexpectedly and they got together, front corner to rear corner, and the one in front rolled a bunch of times. They were at least 80 feet apart when it was all over. Lucky all he got was a sore neck. When I saw the car I was afraid it would be a lot worse. It was both of their third trips to the dunes. The one with the broken suspension had a kids car seat in it.

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Sign & Drive!!!

We were guilty of this twice…

Mainly because guys kept breaking chit at the bottom of a bowl near crowded areas (Olds and between Sunset and Osbourne). 

We always make sure to put a vehicle up high on the approaches so no one is surprised. 

There was one group I came across that was just downhill of a ridge near Osbourne. Not exactly the best spot to hang out…

That picture of the dude duning the trailer reminded me of the dude that towed his trailer to the bottom of Olds years ago. The trailer was going to be repossessed so he flogged that puppy down sand highway to Olds.

This was probably 22 years or so ago, I saw a picture later on of the truck and trailer in the air off one of the huge whoops coming into Olds.
