Another reason why so many people are over weight in the US

So a lot of us have been around and are now aging. This is some bullshit! I have a couple things on my blood work that need attention but over all, I'm good.

So aside from eating better and working out, what are you guys doing and what are you willing to do?

I post "mens health" stuff on here as I go through things because as gay as it sounds, men don't talk about it enough and we all end up feeling like we're somehow alone, navigating this world. It's bullshit because men need this conversation too.

I started taking testosterone. I'm low and my primary doctor said he'd prescribe it. I get injections every other week which is proving to not be enough. I need to at least inject every week. The rollercoaster of high and low SUCKS! Due to this, I can't say it's really doing anything for me. I just did another round of bloodwork and should know something next week to see if we need some adjustments.

On top of that, I've started looking at my vitamins and supplements. I take Vitamin D (I'm clinically low, body has none), started taking glucosamine and magnesium. I'm waiting on an appointment to start injecting sermorelin peptide (pushes HGH production in your body). HGH boost is suppose to help with visceral fat reduction, weight loss, lean muscle growth and sleep. I'm really hoping for the sleep and fat loss with this. The sleeping pills aren't cutting it anymore. That was very short lived. After I start, I'll give an update.

Are any of you taking or doing anything you'd be willing to share? I know society is on this semaglutide fad now. It works for some. I'm not willing to go there...yet.
So a lot of us have been around and are now aging. This is some bullshit! I have a couple things on my blood work that need attention but over all, I'm good.

So aside from eating better and working out, what are you guys doing and what are you willing to do?

I post "mens health" stuff on here as I go through things because as gay as it sounds, men don't talk about it enough and we all end up feeling like we're somehow alone, navigating this world. It's bullshit because men need this conversation too.

I started taking testosterone. I'm low and my primary doctor said he'd prescribe it. I get injections every other week which is proving to not be enough. I need to at least inject every week. The rollercoaster of high and low SUCKS! Due to this, I can't say it's really doing anything for me. I just did another round of bloodwork and should know something next week to see if we need some adjustments.

On top of that, I've started looking at my vitamins and supplements. I take Vitamin D (I'm clinically low, body has none), started taking glucosamine and magnesium. I'm waiting on an appointment to start injecting sermorelin peptide (pushes HGH production in your body). HGH boost is suppose to help with visceral fat reduction, weight loss, lean muscle growth and sleep. I'm really hoping for the sleep and fat loss with this. The sleeping pills aren't cutting it anymore. That was very short lived. After I start, I'll give an update.

Are any of you taking or doing anything you'd be willing to share? I know society is on this semaglutide fad now. It works for some. I'm not willing to go there...yet.
I recently went to the hospital, which ended up being vertigo. Only time in my life I’ve been to the hospital for any kind of illness overnight. They tested for everything as I have a low heart rate normally and wanted to blame that. But every test it came back, checked out great which I’m very thankful for. One thing I learned coming up on my 50s as my testosterone was low, I was put on a booster that helps my body rebuild its own testosterone as opposed to actual testosterone injections. When in the hospital and talking about this, I told them I was taking this booster and the cardiologist told me that they’re seeing a lot of problems with testosterone as it’s getting more popular with the number one reason being it will break down the plaque in your veins my veins came back perfectly healthy. But I know a couple people that had the chip off in their vein and serious problems. With one person not getting full brain function back for a couple months.

What I have recently started doing is I guess fasting I don’t eat anything until 11 AM and then I don’t eat anything after dinner. It seems to be helping I’m losing about a pound every day or two. I have been consistently working out more which really just consist of walk run 2 miles but I’ve been doing that for six months and didn’t see real results except for mobility and joint pain going away.

So a lot of us have been around and are now aging. This is some bullshit! I have a couple things on my blood work that need attention but over all, I'm good.

So aside from eating better and working out, what are you guys doing and what are you willing to do?

I post "mens health" stuff on here as I go through things because as gay as it sounds, men don't talk about it enough and we all end up feeling like we're somehow alone, navigating this world. It's bullshit because men need this conversation too.

I started taking testosterone. I'm low and my primary doctor said he'd prescribe it. I get injections every other week which is proving to not be enough. I need to at least inject every week. The rollercoaster of high and low SUCKS! Due to this, I can't say it's really doing anything for me. I just did another round of bloodwork and should know something next week to see if we need some adjustments.

On top of that, I've started looking at my vitamins and supplements. I take Vitamin D (I'm clinically low, body has none), started taking glucosamine and magnesium. I'm waiting on an appointment to start injecting sermorelin peptide (pushes HGH production in your body). HGH boost is suppose to help with visceral fat reduction, weight loss, lean muscle growth and sleep. I'm really hoping for the sleep and fat loss with this. The sleeping pills aren't cutting it anymore. That was very short lived. After I start, I'll give an update.

Are any of you taking or doing anything you'd be willing to share? I know society is on this semaglutide fad now. It works for some. I'm not willing to go there...yet.

Intermittent fasting is the hot ticket. You don't have to change WHAT you eat, just WHEN you eat! I'm really down to one big meal a day now, and I'm fine with it. In the beginning though, it's a bitch!!! Who knew, eating a pint of ice cream before you go to bed every night, is bad for you! lol

Exercise, get to walking. Get a sports watch and try and get 10k steps in every day. Your body needs it!!!

Was talking to my daughter this weekend (she's pre med) and she was saying the body STOPS building, supporting, and maintaining muscle mass on its own, after 30. So? You HAVE to hit the weights as well.

Eat right, exercise and adequate sleep. Wanna dig deeper? Watch this series on LONGIVITY by Chris Hemsworth. I bought the book his doctor wrote and listen to it while I'm driving. Good stuff.

Intermittent fasting is the hot ticket. You don't have to change WHAT you eat, just WHEN you eat! I'm really down to one big meal a day now, and I'm fine with it. In the beginning though, it's a bitch!!! Who knew, eating a pint of ice cream before you go to bed every night, is bad for you! lol

Exercise, get to walking. Get a sports watch and try and get 10k steps in every day. Your body needs it!!!

Was talking to my daughter this weekend (she's pre med) and she was saying the body STOPS building, supporting, and maintaining muscle mass on its own, after 30. So? You HAVE to hit the weights as well.

Eat right, exercise and adequate sleep. Wanna dig deeper? Watch this series on LONGIVITY by Chris Hemsworth. I bought the book his doctor wrote and listen to it while I'm driving. Good stuff.

Chris is on roids... ever see Spiderhead?... great movie on Netflix, but you can tell he's juiced up...


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I recently went to the hospital, which ended up being vertigo. Only time in my life I’ve been to the hospital for any kind of illness overnight. They tested for everything as I have a low heart rate normally and wanted to blame that. But every test it came back, checked out great which I’m very thankful for. One thing I learned coming up on my 50s as my testosterone was low, I was put on a booster that helps my body rebuild its own testosterone as opposed to actual testosterone injections. When in the hospital and talking about this, I told them I was taking this booster and the cardiologist told me that they’re seeing a lot of problems with testosterone as it’s getting more popular with the number one reason being it will break down the plaque in your veins my veins came back perfectly healthy. But I know a couple people that had the chip off in their vein and serious problems. With one person not getting full brain function back for a couple months.

What I have recently started doing is I guess fasting I don’t eat anything until 11 AM and then I don’t eat anything after dinner. It seems to be helping I’m losing about a pound every day or two. I have been consistently working out more which really just consist of walk run 2 miles but I’ve been doing that for six months and didn’t see real results except for mobility and joint pain going away.

I've never operated on a full brain so I'm not worried...

Dude, glad you're ok and on the mend. Vertigo is no joke. I would get that from time to time while flying. Talk about your life depending on mind over matter.
Intermittent fasting is the hot ticket. You don't have to change WHAT you eat, just WHEN you eat! I'm really down to one big meal a day now, and I'm fine with it. In the beginning though, it's a bitch!!! Who knew, eating a pint of ice cream before you go to bed every night, is bad for you! lol

I know "intermittent fasting" is a big deal but...I'm borderline hypoglycemic and HANGRY is a real thing. No freaking way can I do it. I've tried. My wife says she's perfectly happy with a chubby hubby. Still, I'd like to get back to my glory days and be thinner.

Yes, very well aware of weights. It's a whole different plan. Heavier weights, lower reps. Building and keeping muscle mass is the key.
Chris is on roids... ever see Spiderhead?... great movie on Netflix, but you can tell he's juiced up...


This series is about longevity. Not body building.

Check it out. It's basics, but was very enlightening to me...

The episode on memory loss actually showed why getting out and hiking (and not just walking)is a solid weapon against that!

Who knew? 🤷‍♂️
I know "intermittent fasting" is a big deal but...I'm borderline hypoglycemic and HANGRY is a real thing. No freaking way can I do it. I've tried. My wife says she's perfectly happy with a chubby hubby. Still, I'd like to get back to my glory days and be thinner.

Yes, very well aware of weights. It's a whole different plan. Heavier weights, lower reps. Building and keeping muscle mass is the key.

I get that. What's funny is...

I don't get as "hangry" as I used to!

It's amazing what the human body can acclimate to. Just don't try and do it all at once! 😱

Extend your not eating by one hour every week. Slow and steady gets it done. 👍🏼
Its crazy us men don't talk about healthcare more. I'm just the same as most, "just suck it up buttercup and be a man". Until recently when i cant walk without serious back pain, sitting relives it instantly. After MRI's and x-rays found my S-1 and S-2(bottom of spine just above hips) to have extra some bone growth to outsides and some early arthritis. Seeing a pain management place and first thing they prescribe muscle relaxers, eff drugs i don't do them unless absolutely necessary. Prescribes PT exercises and loose weight. PT makes it worse, tried pills once and didnt relieve my pain. Dr, drags his feet for a month and does nothing as nothing has changed. Went back and now its schedule you for a nerve numbing procedure for another month out, fawk! this pain is killing me. Tried to push it up and no go as Dr has to follow their process with insurance approval and be "fair" to other patients. Pain got too bad last week i left work and missed a day and a half floating in the pool to take weight off spine. Found a spine surgeon to look at my MRI and X-rays, he says nothing bad enough for surgery, which is a relief. And to move forward with numbing and eventually burning of the nerve ends by the S-1 and 2. So back to waiting 3.5 weeks i go in pain.

It all boils down to the stupid things i have done in my past as in carrying heavy things and just abusing my back. Sure my fatass has put on some weight in the last 10 years and my job has turned into more of a desk bitch than a field worker. This is a big wake up call as i want to retire at 51 in a couple years and enjoy life, which includes a lot of physical activity. Take care of your body early and hopefully it will let you enjoy your golden years.
Yesterday, my buddy Art said he's on the "Carnivore" diet.
He lost 40 pounds eating only meat. (Beef, Chicken, Fish, Pork)
and eggs, lots of eggs, and cheese.
No breads, no sugar of any kind, no alcohol, no oils. (Butter only to cook with)
Some vegies as filler and color.
As for me, I eat meat, cheese, and eggs also. No oils of any kind.
Beer is my downfall.
But, my weight is steady.

Art says his back pain is gone, he sleeps better, and his scaly skin is gone.
Its crazy us men don't talk about healthcare more. I'm just the same as most, "just suck it up buttercup and be a man". Until recently when i cant walk without serious back pain, sitting relives it instantly. After MRI's and x-rays found my S-1 and S-2(bottom of spine just above hips) to have extra some bone growth to outsides and some early arthritis. Seeing a pain management place and first thing they prescribe muscle relaxers, eff drugs i don't do them unless absolutely necessary. Prescribes PT exercises and loose weight. PT makes it worse, tried pills once and didnt relieve my pain. Dr, drags his feet for a month and does nothing as nothing has changed. Went back and now its schedule you for a nerve numbing procedure for another month out, fawk! this pain is killing me. Tried to push it up and no go as Dr has to follow their process with insurance approval and be "fair" to other patients. Pain got too bad last week i left work and missed a day and a half floating in the pool to take weight off spine. Found a spine surgeon to look at my MRI and X-rays, he says nothing bad enough for surgery, which is a relief. And to move forward with numbing and eventually burning of the nerve ends by the S-1 and 2. So back to waiting 3.5 weeks i go in pain.

It all boils down to the stupid things i have done in my past as in carrying heavy things and just abusing my back. Sure my fatass has put on some weight in the last 10 years and my job has turned into more of a desk bitch than a field worker. This is a big wake up call as i want to retire at 51 in a couple years and enjoy life, which includes a lot of physical activity. Take care of your body early and hopefully it will let you enjoy your golden years.

Manly men don't suffer.

I rode a 2 wheeler like a pissed off teenager until I hit 50 (street and dirt). I just couldn't do it anymore. Add 1000's of hours flying a helicopter, almost 6 years of life on a ship and then every other stupid thing I've done in life. Constant back and neck pain, knee pain, hip pain, name it.

I did have a specialty pain medicine doctor. He did a deep dive on a lot of stuff. One of the biggest contributors to my pain was a very low dose statin drug for cholesterol, "Rosuvastatin". Over the course of 3 years, it slowly chipped away at me to a point where I could barely get out of bed or off the couch. I quit taking it and with in 3 days, I could move around much better!

Take a deep dive into the "side effects" of anything you're taking. It will surprise you. Some doctors said..."Oh...that's very few people that have that..." well...I have that!

Also, blood work. A doctor will say they checked everything. I have found this is a lie. There are so many specific tests. Vitamins, hormones, etc...are NOT checked on normal blood work. You have to ask. I had a vitamin D deficiency that was killing me. I wanted to die. Aches, pains, depression, anxiety off the charts. The doctor tested for it. Boom...I had NONE! I take a high dose vitamin daily and I'm much better.

Thanks for sharing.
It's amazing what the human body can acclimate to. Just don't try and do it all at once! 😱


I say the main reason American's are so obese is we simply eat too much.

A decade ago, at 45, I was the heaviest I'd ever been and decided to do something about it. I'm 6'2" and was pushing 240, which for me was heavy. I learned to seriously control my portions and was blown away by how little food my body actually needed to function without being hungry. I dropped 60 pounds over the course of about 8 months and have kept most of it off since. I stretch every morning, cycling/walking are my go tos for exercise and I also swim in the ocean a few times a week during the summer.

I say the main reason American's are so obese is we simply eat too much.

A decade ago, at 45, I was the heaviest I'd ever been and decided to do something about it. I'm 6'2" and was pushing 240, which for me was heavy. I learned to seriously control my portions and was blown away by how little food my body actually needed to function without being hungry. I dropped 60 pounds over the course of about 8 months and have kept most of it off since. I stretch every morning, cycling/walking are my go tos for exercise and I also swim in the ocean a few times a week during the summer.

Well done. 👏👍🏼👏
I have been having some issues with my blood work & my Dr. set me up with a dietician. My diet was very much like yours & she said that I was not consuming enough protein, so I have to be more conscious about making sure I put protein with lunch (mostly nuts, its just easy to do) & more meat @ dinner than what I was taking in. going back in to get more blood work in October to see if its helping.
So far everything i have read says nuts are the way to go,
A Motivation Topic for Da chEFF. Enjoy reading everyone's stories. Entered a stretching class today. I'm going to see how well they stretch this old fat man out. Peace
I've been in Kanab for a week with a group of friends....they are all skinny, they DON'T eat that much food and they never sit still.....they stay away from sugars and breads....but they are hiking this or walking 20,000 steps a day.... I feel better, cause they won't let me eat.....maybe there is something to just being active.... they are almost all retired it's easier for them... but I'm just amazed at how much they move.... and I'm not starving to death, but eating easily 1/2 of what I normally would at home.