Another reason why so many people are over weight in the US

J Alper

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Apr 30, 2021
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Just got back from Italy and everyone is so skinny

though i would start a Akins or a Keto Diet,
I can see why it is so hard to loose weight with processed foods,

they add Sugar in there chicken

Check this out,

How much carbs do they eat over there?
Because of the heat and the wife and kids were away, I literally did nothing yesterday but watched Sopranos and ate Mexican leftovers.
A few times I realized, THIS, is how people get fat.
My days off almost always consist of at least some yard work and sweat.
I have been very careful about my diet the last year or so and it is almost impossible to go out and eat healthy. Sugar is in EVERYTHING....
ive been eating carnivore/keto (mostly carnivore) for 3 years now. the times i do stray and eat whatever and how much of it i eat i am wrecked the next few days with same symptoms as a hangover from a bender (havent drank since 2006 but still remember the hangovers). the withdrawls i had when i quit sugar/carbs were insnane, i never had withdrawls when i quite alcohol, i just stopped no big deal. sugar withdrawls symtoms i experienced were pretty much the same as a drug addict kicking drugs im told.
Every time I go on a cruise it is normal to gain a few pounds after all you eat at least three times a day and drink plenty of ICDB. So it was no big deal to when I get home to step on the scale and tell myself, yeah, I got to get rid of some weight.

When I went on the Mediterranean Cruise, I ate like I always did, drank like I always do and to my surprise I had actually lost weight. Not much but a little. I figured t was because Europe doesn't allow them to use any GMO foods.
ive been eating carnivore/keto (mostly carnivore) for 3 years now. the times i do stray and eat whatever and how much of it i eat i am wrecked the next few days with same symptoms as a hangover from a bender (havent drank since 2006 but still remember the hangovers). the withdrawls i had when i quit sugar/carbs were insnane, i never had withdrawls when i quite alcohol, i just stopped no big deal. sugar withdrawls symtoms i experienced were pretty much the same as a drug addict kicking drugs im told.
I've been on the same diet since April. I've dropped 30 lbs and feel great. The crap food hangover is a real thing!
I had gastric bypass surgery 11 months ago and I lost 100lbs. Went from 330lbs to 222lbs (lowest) and now I'm around 235lbs. Best decision I ever made. People will say it's the 'easy' way to loose weight. Trust me, there's nothing easy about not being able to eat the kinds of foods or amount of food that I've been eating for 52 years. I'd post pics but the site isn't working right now.
Seed oils, carbs, and sugar are the major culprits in obesity and health issues. You wonder why we have such crap food that even third-world countries won't allow, but then you remember big Pharma is heavily invested in all the food companies. They know after 10 years of feeding your children sugar and carb packed cereal that they'll be taking their diabetes drugs soon.. A new study just came out and said something like 40% of America is diabetic or prediabetic.
Terrible Foods here in America. Gained a bunch of pds on the Cruise / vacation Trip. Already lost it since we've been home. Diet................if you want to call it that.............just paying attention to the stuff Inhaled. As @Esco're going to die anyway. Enjoy! Peace
My daughter just graduated from USC. She did all her pre med stuff there.

In a nutshell...

If sugar was discovered today, they would ban it immediately. It's So fucking bad for you it's unreal, yet, it's added to almost everything we eat.

The powers that be are Trying to kill us, just so they can make a buck by keeping us addicted to sugar.

I'm no saint, that's for damn sure, but I've always tried to take care of myself. Ain't nobody else gonna do it!

I've been doing the intermittent fasting deal since the first of this year. I've lost 20lb's so far, just changing When I eat.

I can Easily go 18 hours without eating now.

It was a BITCH in the beginning, but it's not all that hard to get used to.

Last time I went to Yosemite with my daughter (who's 25) I had no problem out hiking her.

Living a long life is genetics. Living an active life, is pretty much up to you. 👍🏼
It's funny/sad to see pics of people at the beach from the 50's and 60's then the beach now and WOW! You can see that people were more active most likely, and ate better back then.
People are lazy these days!
Diet and exercise are the keys.
You need to do something everyday, move around don't come home and go straight to the couch with a bag of bon bon's! LOL.
Walking is great, low impact.
It's hard though, especially when it is 105 degrees out.

There's a saying:
"If you really want to do something you'll find a way! If you don't want to do something, you'll find an excuse!"
How much carbs do they eat over there?
The pasta and pizza over there is for the tourist lol, when i talk with some of the locals, they eat a lot of fish steak cheese, natural olive oil, olives, arugula salad everywhere so basically they live a natural Atkins / Keto diet,

I remember at lunch one day, The people in front of us where super skinny the female was like model skinny, i was thinking, she will only eat a salad for lunch, bam they deliver to the table a steak she eat for lunch and a Arugula salad.

The Coffee, the coffee over there was so smooth by the end of the trip i used no sugar in my coffee, i got home to my Starbuck beans and holy crap did it Tast bad and had to add around 1/2 oz of simple Surup to get it down.

It is so disappointing that the stuff in Europe that is criminal there - what we put in our food here is crazy 67 ingredients in chicken.
if yore standing up and look down and cant see yore feet yore effed, no offense, when I said eat, drink what you want that was meant in moderation not excess
I started eating 1 meal a day and cut out my daily Big Gulp. Lost 40lbs. All that sugar was going to kill me.