5th Wheel Hitch options

Meter Tech

Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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I have a new Genesis 5th wheel on order, comes with a Rota-Flex Pin Box.....I've always ran with a standard Pin Box and Truck Bed Hitch but would really like to gain some bed space moving forward and improve the ride as well....I currently have a B&W Companion RAM OEM hitch installed.   

Looking for opinions here on the Rota-Flex, Reese Goose Box or the Gen-Y options. 

With the new Genesis I will have to disconnect every trip to level the Rig as well. 

Thanks in advance.  :cheers:

I have the Rota Flex with the B&W companion and it is pretty smooth. Air bags in the rear of the truck helped a bunch too. FWIW trailer is a 38ft forest river.

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I ended up going with gooseneck so I don't know if you're thinking that.

I went with the Gen-Y and love it. Super easy and the build quality is impressive. I don't have anything to compare it to since I swapped it immediately. I love the fact with the gooseneck I can pull out from any angle.

I installed the MORryde pin box on my old Rampage and used a standard Reese Signature Series 18k hitch in the truck. That pin box made all the difference. I've never pulled a travel trailer with a gooseneck setup but every flatbed gooseneck I've pulled hucked and bucked like no ones business.

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I have a Genius as well, I put the Gen Y and love it, I have a short bed and just put the 5” extension on that they offer and it makes a huge difference for clearance for turning. Had a Super-slide prior and loved the hitch but it was a bear to remove. 

I have a Genius as well, I put the Gen Y and love it, I have a short bed and just put the 5” extension on that they offer and it makes a huge difference for clearance for turning. Had a Super-slide prior and loved the hitch but it was a bear to remove. 
I like the look and build quality on the Gen-Y.....but rumor is the Reese Goose box is the only one approved by Lippert not to void the frame warranty? 

Reese goose box for last 5 years on my weekend warrior, it has air ride with dual shocks, you can easily adjust the ride and height with air pressure. I use a hitchen rod when I hookup, makes it easy and fast.

I agree, the Reese Goosebox is the only way to go. I will never have a 200lb fifth wheel ever again. Only drawback is having to adjust the air pressure with load. I have to adjust the air pressure a little when I leave dunes because my gray tanks are more towards the rear of the trailer. 

I love my Goose box.  Heard great things about the Gen Y as well.  Best part is not having a heavy fifth wheel hitch in the bed when you are not towing


We transport 5th pretty often and have three different style hitches.

B & H Champion puck system for the 2021 SIlverado. Light weight, head comes off easily to help set up or removal.  The puck handle rounded off and I need to buy replacements already.  But we install and remove the hitch monthly, just need to be more careful and not beat the handles if the hitch doesn't sit perfect in the pucks.


Curt Q24 slider for my 2014 Silverado and 2006 Silverado (sold it).  We didn't necessarily need a slider, it's just what was offered when I posted on IG that I needed to buy one.  It is heavy AF and usually a two person job to set up or remove.


Reece gooseneck for my 2014 Silverado


We've used the Anderson on top of my Reece gooseneck and it worked fine.  I don't own that hitch, it belinged to the client.  Super light weight and easy to move around but they seem cheap.  Client loves it and hasn't had any issues.


Biggest 5th we've hauled so far.


Reese goosebox for sure I’ve switched 2 trailers over now and they are the best plus no bulky 5th wheel hitch in the bed

just my .02

After tons of research, I got a Pullrite super lite and LOVED it. Smaller footprint than the Anderson and its tubular steel. Seemed way more stout. No chucking or bucking and it only weighed 50lbs. Used it with a short bed F250 and a 35’ toy hauler and never missed the slider. 

Moving a 5th wheel on Friday for a client and my son is on another job so had to toss the Curt Q24 in my truck. Forgot how effing heavy this thing is. 


Anyone using a Reese goosebox on a short bed? Curious about turning radius as I make a u turn in my cul-de-sac. I currently run the superglide on my Mega Cab for my genesis 40cr.

Anyone using a Reese goosebox on a short bed? Curious about turning radius as I make a u turn in my cul-de-sac. I currently run the superglide on my Mega Cab for my genesis 40cr.
I have a Genesis Supreme and Megacab.  Running the goosebox also.  I cannot do a 90* turn but I can do about 75* or so.  

gen y makes a 5” offset plate and ball that mounts to the Ram puck system.  You can find it on their site or E-trailer.

i have a custom 60 gallon tank I made to fit under the rolling cover and infront of the goosebox.  Works great for me,  I even double tow with it.  






That aux fuel tank is rad! Who made it? I have a 100 gallon aux tank I just installed today but it sits up about 3" higher than the bedrails.
