$40k in toll violations..................

franchise tax board is worse than the IRS.Unless you are an illegal

Like said those release of interest forms dont mean crap in ca you need to go into the dmv and do its physically right there as it seems the mailed ones hit the trash.

When you sell a vehicle, take the license plates off. That's what I learned. I was receiving Toll Bills after I sold my last work truck. Peace
Yes this. In Az. the plate belongs to you, and you keep it to install on replacement if there is one.

I hate shit like this, people who don't get off their ass and file the paperwork, follow the basic rules of society and responsibility of owning stuff.


I hate Toll Roads and FastPass too, eff those money grab :bs:

When you sell a vehicle, take the license plates off. That's what I learned. I was receiving Toll Bills after I sold my last work truck. Peace
I thought that is what the back of the pink slip is for (Release of liability)

Buyer has 10 days to register.

That thing is taken to AAA or sent into DMV immediately on my part!

I thought that is what the back of the pink slip is for (Release of liability)

Buyer has 10 days to register.

That thing is taken to AAA or sent into DMV immediately on my part!
Problem is some people don't register it in 10 days, they just pay the fee years later. I know I have a friend that has 10 or more cars and none of them are in his name. DON~~~

Sounds like they need a dose or reality and own up and just try to settle the fines. If your stupid enough to get the fines and say F it, then clearly she thinks she’s better the the rest of us.  

Why let her & him get out of it without paying? Is her last name Clinton or Pelosi? She’s not going to learn and feel the pain if someone cleans up her mess. She will continue to think she’s a princess and continue to say F you! 

I get people make mistakes, but $40K in toll fines makes me have no sympathy  for your buddy or wife. They can clean up their mess, and pay for it. 
there is no dose of reality nor is she thinking she is better than the rest and she is not pretending to be a princess.

she is 50 something, she has had very bad back pain and honestly (no excuses) i think she couldn't stand the pain while driving.  she then had two back surgeries, the last one has made it so she cant work anymore, and cant drive unless an emergency.  We all have our own crosses to bear. 

her car is registered in my friends name, not hers,  from the sound of it she has not paid $400 in fines but with penalties went to $40k so it's really a small principal amount.  he did not know until he went to register the car.  once he found this out the car has sat in his driveway now for 5-6 years

all of us would like to save on taxes, some put monies in other countries etc. register Moho out of state, etc.  no harm in asking the OP question of if the car could be registered in other state with no repercussions.  The $400 is an issue with the toll company and not federal funds.  the question is simply can it be register in another state. if so does it trigger something 

there is no dose of reality nor is she thinking she is better than the rest and she is not pretending to be a princess.

she is 50 something, she has had very bad back pain and honestly (no excuses) i think she couldn't stand the pain while driving.  she then had two back surgeries, the last one has made it so she cant work anymore, and cant drive unless an emergency.  We all have our own crosses to bear. 

her car is registered in my friends name, not hers,  from the sound of it she has not paid $400 in fines but with penalties went to $40k so it's really a small principal amount.  he did not know until he went to register the car.  once he found this out the car has sat in his driveway now for 5-6 years

all of us would like to save on taxes, some put monies in other countries etc. register Moho out of state, etc.  no harm in asking the OP question of if the car could be registered in other state with no repercussions.  The $400 is an issue with the toll company and not federal funds.  the question is simply can it be register in another state. if so does it trigger something 
Maybe he could work with them to reduce the penalty amount. Sometimes cash is king. They might be better off with a smaller amount than nothing. DON~~~

I keep the plate then go online and report it sold, print and keep all the records. DON~~~
you forgot about the part where they will send you a check for the remaining months registration

there is no dose of reality nor is she thinking she is better than the rest and she is not pretending to be a princess.

she is 50 something, she has had very bad back pain and honestly (no excuses) i think she couldn't stand the pain while driving.  she then had two back surgeries, the last one has made it so she cant work anymore, and cant drive unless an emergency.  We all have our own crosses to bear. 

her car is registered in my friends name, not hers,  from the sound of it she has not paid $400 in fines but with penalties went to $40k so it's really a small principal amount.  he did not know until he went to register the car.  once he found this out the car has sat in his driveway now for 5-6 years

all of us would like to save on taxes, some put monies in other countries etc. register Moho out of state, etc.  no harm in asking the OP question of if the car could be registered in other state with no repercussions.  The $400 is an issue with the toll company and not federal funds.  the question is simply can it be register in another state. if so does it trigger something 
Couldn't hurt to try and just register it in another state.  If said state comes back and say's hey Ca. Wants $40K you just say I need to go back to CA. and get this taken care of. 

I know of a CR80 that got taken out of state ( Ca.) gifted to another person in that state, Then they drug it back across country to yet another state and then gifted back to the original owner who had moved back to Ca. and in the entire almost 10 years the bike wasn't registered in either of the two states or title transferred nor green tagged and the state of Ca. wanted more money then the bike was worth.  I believe he just slaps a out of state OHV sticker on it now.  Seems the racetracks where it is used as a pit bike require current registration to allow you to use.  

there is no dose of reality nor is she thinking she is better than the rest and she is not pretending to be a princess.

she is 50 something, she has had very bad back pain and honestly (no excuses) i think she couldn't stand the pain while driving.  she then had two back surgeries, the last one has made it so she cant work anymore, and cant drive unless an emergency.  We all have our own crosses to bear. 

her car is registered in my friends name, not hers,  from the sound of it she has not paid $400 in fines but with penalties went to $40k so it's really a small principal amount.  he did not know until he went to register the car.  once he found this out the car has sat in his driveway now for 5-6 years

all of us would like to save on taxes, some put monies in other countries etc. register Moho out of state, etc.  no harm in asking the OP question of if the car could be registered in other state with no repercussions.  The $400 is an issue with the toll company and not federal funds.  the question is simply can it be register in another state. if so does it trigger something 
I would ask for the video footage of them driving in the toll lanes... there's always video or still images. This will prove he was not driving and probably did not know about the issue... take it in front of a judge and have it reduced. it's the only way... the chit part is(and I speak from experience) if you go through a toll lane in CA w/o a transponder or w/an expired account they send a fine to your registered address EVERY TIME. Was she trashing them? I mean, there was some warning somewhere :dunno:  

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When you sell a vehicle, take the license plates off. That's what I learned. I was receiving Toll Bills after I sold my last work truck. Peace
i sold a honda element in okla that had 340k on it, blew a head gasket sold for scrap. next thing you know i get a stop light ticket for no insurance. hell i didn't even know we had them here. i sold the car, left plate on it, guy fixed and was driving it. I knew the exact location so I started making that intersection a pass thru daily going to and from work and anytime i was out. welp guess what I found him driving it, followed him home, went to end of street to turn around and confront him and he had already ran in and left, but not before i got a pic of it. called the division that sent the ticket, emailed them his full name, address, phone number, license plate from his wrecker and his land lords name (googles great), and a pic of my car on the back of his wrecker the day he bought it.

the lady on the phone said man we should hire you, but please don't follow anyone else home lol. they dropped it, i also sent his info to the highway patrol that oversees wrecker licenses. I never saw it again!!

I'm asking for a friend......  

Is this the same woman with the German car with the wheel stiffeners that does the dukes of hazard jumps....  ???   Roflol

I would send a check for just the toll violations ($400 or whatever) and not the BS fees they tack on. See if that works. 

Ignoring them has gotten him this far. Might as well keep it up. Seems to be working. 
If they ask, tell them that you’re currently closed due to an abundance of caution. 
