2D Oil Change


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Getting ready to do my first oil change on my 2D with Deco case. What tips or tricks do I need to know? I read somewhere the capacity is 4 qts. Is that correct? I ordered 2 gals of Maxima 75w-190 from Weddle to make sure I had enough and then extra. I assume you just fill it until oil level reaches the plug level on the side? I’ll use a clean drain pan and inspect the old oil for any trouble signs. I don’t know what oil is in it now so I’ll drain as much out as possible. Anything else?

Yes 1 Gal. It may not hit the fill plug level, depending on how it is sitting. To fill jack that side of car. Get some plastic tube and a funnel. Warm the oil first (in sun or hot water) for a better flow. If it is cold you might take for a ride first before drain. Be sure to enjoy the smell. 

When you pull the drain plug let it sit for a while so the fluid can run off and you can inspect the material stuck to the magnet. Shavings are normal, chunks are not.


Did mine a month or so ago. I don't know if it have ever been changed before.  I felt like i was gonna strip the threads of the filler bolt, but came off eventually. It seemed like it took FOREVER to fill it. Just couldn't get it to flow into the case. Thought the tube was pushed in to tight. Pulled it out and still didn't flow. Maybe took me 20 mins to fill it. Was a PIA.  I just did the one gallon and called it a day.

I will say, even though I had only driven it on the street, it seemed to shift better.  So I was pleasantly surprised. 

Good luck. Let's see pics of your plug. Mine is on of the weekend topics

It takes me a solid 15 minutes to put my skid plate back on, so I turn one bottle upside down, put in a bolt.  Turn another one upside down, put in a bolt.  Turn another...... 

My trans guy said the same thing as LRS.  And I thought it was funny as hell, until he said he was serious.   Lmao

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When you pull the drain plug let it sit for a while so the fluid can run off and you can inspect the material stuck to the magnet. Shavings are normal, chunks are not.

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I would add if you find chunks,   after a stiff drink and good cry ... run you finger or a magnet in the drain hole - you are likely to find more pieces and more tears .... get prepared that the trans is coming out.  Hopefully its just oil

I like to look at the oil as its flowing out with a flashlight on the oil on a 2D you can easily see the Synchro brass if its there  - kinda boring, but a best practice not to miss anything that might be a problem or a problem later

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Got the oil drained. Interestingly enough, the drain plug is not the magnetic type. I’ll get a magnetic one before I refill it. I have a strong magnet that fit in the drain hole so I was able to pick up anything in there. There were no chunks whatsoever. There was only fine stuff and the old oil looked good and had no burnt smell. I wiped the magnet off on a clean absorbent to make sure it was just fine material. 



@Dockmaster Wondering what plugs you removed? I see three there?  One looks like the Drain?  One looks like the fill?  One looks like the  Differential Preload?

If all that "blacK" is magnetic material --- thats an enormous amount 

Um that looks like the trans will need to come out. The third plug could be the preload to the back side of the ring gear. I thought there was some kind of brass there?

I removed the drain plug, the fill plug on the side and the plug on top of the case. I plan to fill using the top plug as it is a straight, vertical shot and will make filling easy. The differential preload looks more like a long threaded brass rod with a lock not to set the location. It is on the other side of the case from the side fill plug. 

the material on the sorbie is a combination of oil and magnetic material. There is not much there, I used the sorbie to wipe off the magnet. It just looks like more in the picture. Also, keep in mind, I ran my magnet all over the bottom of the case so picked up everything there, not just what would typically be on the plug. 

Was it making any noise in any particular gear? I broke my 2d 5 times before going to the S4. Seen what you have more than once and the gears were going bad at that point. 

No noise, no issues. Very low use and generally driven in a non-abusive manner. it is pushed at 510 hp but in a small, lightweight car and not running large diameter tires. 

I am with LRS I would fill it and run it should be just fine

Cool, I would certainly trust LRS. Hopefully many more miles of duning! Once I broke a tooth off of 4th gear on my 2d I cried uncle.  :175:
