2021 Can am clutch whine

That shouldn’t even be a question.  The dealer need to take care of it.   

well I got ahold of the salesperson he said I f I wanted to go to Can ams website and click on Customer service. I asked for a phone number he said he didnt have one

I am gonna call the customer service line Monday. Not too sure if this will even do anything "most likely not" but still gonna make the call

Call Can Am like you said and make sure a claim has been opened.   Keep hounding Can Am to make sure they are communicating with the dealer and also to make sure the dealer is communicating with Can Am.   It is a pain in the ass, but it seems to be the only way to get things done.  I found the dealer would say they are waiting on Can Am and it turns out when you call Can Am they received nothing from the dealer. 

When I was dealing with a limp mode issue with my first Can Am I had to hound them.  I knew what the issue was causing the limp mode (white paste all over the spark plug electrodes).  I kept telling the dealer to replace the spark plugs, but they insisted it was a belt issue.  I fought with the crappy dealer service department and Can Am.  Finally got them to replace the spark plugs and then the dealer tells me they had to replace my belt.  The wanted to charge me for the belt and I told them no way.  They replaced my primary clutch at 86 miles due to a bad bearing and they did not replace my belt then.  Fought some more and they warrantied the belt. 

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Damn Wes, I know you have gone back 4 times to the Dealership for this...any updates?


Update is still waiting on them to get parts. Can am after I called them directly approved the repairs and the dealership called me the very next day as Can am promised they would. Next week I am gonna call Can am AGAIN and be more direct and basically say Just give me my $$$ back and keep that car

UPDATE!!!!! So after a day spent on the phone with BRP "can am" and then the dealer and the  BRP and then the dealer again.

First I called BRP "can am" said the dealer has has my car basically the entire time I have owned it since its had an issue since day 1. I told them I either want a refund on my down payment or I want a replacement car. They told me that falls on the Dealer because they dont sell cars to the Public. I then asked what exactly the claim is from the dealer. They read it to me saying it needs a Primary clutch and a Crank. I said oh Hell No you arent pulling my engine apart it Brand new I want a new car!! They said call the dealer

Second I call the service manager talk to him he says Yes they asked for a Primary clutch and crank and they will pull the motor apart to rebuild. "This car has Noty even 3 hours on it" He then says Can am only approved the clutch replacement at this point to see if by some miracle it would solve the issue.I said when will the clutch be in? He said don't Know??

Third I get ahold of the salesman and say I want a refund or a replacemnt car this is BS. He says to me ONLY can am can approve that NOT the dealer I said NO can am told me it is up to the dealer.He said NO its up to Can am

Fourth I call Can am Back speak to another Person He says NO its the dealer that will determine to replace or refund you as they have no control over that. I said You are the factory when will the clutch be there he said Not sure all Back ordered. I say so My car is sitting at the dealer with the Factory warranty running out as you guys are jacking around. He said warranty issues will be addressed after the car is fixed. I said who says it will be fixed when you are chosing the easiet problem to fix and not all thats recommended. He says take it up with the dealer. I said make sure everything said here is documented they agreed.

Fifth I get ahold of the salesman again He says You need to wait to talk to the GM on Thursday. In the meantime my warranty is running out I still have to make payments On a car that God knows when or if it mightbe fixed. I am holding strong to them NOT pulling my Motor apart in the open carport area they call a service bay. Not happening!!

I have a friend in Texas talking to a friend that owns a Can am dealership to try to find me someone at Can am who might actually listen to what I am saying. I have another friend sent me a lawyer info. I am not the person to jump to Lawyers but I am getting painted in a corner here

That really bites the fing run around game gets old real damn fast sorry you are having to go through this BS hopefully you can get a hold of someone at BPR that has a set of balls and they make the dealer make it right refund or replace how hard can that be anyway. Would hate for you to have to go the attorney route that’s always a no win situation unless you are the attorney but it might not hurt to use that as leverage 

Wow! What a nightmare and I’m super surprised to hear this from BRP. I thought they were better. I guess they are no better then Polaris. 

I agree with you that they should give you your money back, new vehicle or Law Up! I would not accept a rebuilt motor, if the crank is actually is part of the issue.

Now if BRP agrees to a new create engine and new primary & secondary clutch, then that’s the only way Id agree. Considering how many cars, & engines they give away to race teams, this should be no big deal. They could even take the car back and give it to a race team and give you the car they would be giving them for free. 

I can’t believe that Can Am wants to rebuild your engine with only that many hours on it. 
I would only accept a new car or a new motor, not a rebuilt. 
Maybe the BBB can help. This smells like a lemon and I think there are laws that support the consumer in these situations. 
Good luck. 

Damn dude.

Get a Lawyer, A New Can Am or a full refund of your money are the only two options acceptable IMHO.

Take a day off from work go to the dealership and walk into the general managers office and call BRP from his office. Be on the phone with them telling you that it's up to the dealership, He won't be able to back track out of that. You will get more done in 30 minutes in person then you will over the phone in a week.  You know what you want and you know what you will accept be the thorn in their side not the guy on line 3 wanting to talk.


I had a problem with a GM warranty person who was lying to me. She claimed the service writer told her that I caused the broken connector, the service writer had admitted to me that the connector was only accessible deep in the valley of the engine and was broken by a dealer tech when they replaced the engine.

I got her on the phone, did a 3 way call and got the service writer on the phone and she repeated her lie. The service writer jumped all over her and told her that was NOT what he said. She then backtracked and claimed that she "misheard" him. She still denied my claim, looking back, I should have appealed it and asked for a different warranty person. 

Take a day off from work go to the dealership and walk into the general managers office and call BRP from his office. Be on the phone with them telling you that it's up to the dealership, He won't be able to back track out of that. You will get more done in 30 minutes in person then you will over the phone in a week.  You know what you want and you know what you will accept be the thorn in their side not the guy on line 3 wanting to talk.

I like this plan.

BRP and the dealer will claim it is the other.     There is no reason the dealer can not pull a clutch off another car and put it on yours to determine if it is in fact the clutch causing the problems.    

Way back when I first took my X3 into Bert's they did me a solid and grab a clutch from another car when my primary was bad.  It went all down hill from there on my other trips back to them.   

And why do they think the crank is bad?
I am going Off what the dealer told me that They believe the Crank is Bad Because the Primary wont stay tight to it. They say it basically just comes off and is Lose. Fingers crossed that maybe it was a bad Primary for some reason and NOT the crankshaft.

I got a call from the Service manager today saying My New Clutch was suppose to be there today and If it showed up today First thing Thursday morning They are working on my car. He also said they will Not Have me come pick it up if there is any question that the NEW Primary clutch didnt fix the issue.

What strikes me as weird was yesterday NOT the dealer or BRP could tell me when a new clutch would show up.

10am Tomorrow I am schedule to have a chat with the General manager on this. Also My old Boss told me Tuesday night he would have HIS lawyer friend send a Letter to the Dealership for me. We will see where this goes from here.

What I am asking for I dont think is that far out of line Honestly. I am only asking for my deposit back IF they will NOT give me a replacement car. I am NOT asking for the money I have paid on the payment I understand I would have to eat that part. I am NOT asking for a 2022 car at all I know they have the exact same model car I bought sitting there "different color" but still a 2021 model exactly what I have. I am also asking for them to adjust my Factory warranty as the Car has sat at the dealership for 1/4 of the warranty. Maybe I am asking for too much but I refuse to accept the dealership rebuilding the engine. Yes I would be OK if BRP sent a complete New engine to the dealership thats Fine but the dealer rebuilding the engine and when they get done with doing that the car will be OUT of warranty before I ever drive it is Not acceptable.

I believe I remember the primary bolt is is only good for 1 torque. Make sure they are replacing it not just re-torquing. Maybe upgrade to something like this https://evopowersports.com/products/can-am-maverick-x3-xd-series-primary-clutch-bolt after getting it back. I would have them change out the primary with a new bolt, if the crank is shot get a new engine. Either way they need to extend the warranty to cover the time it's been unusable. Sucks, but it will get figured out  :thumb:

I am picking it up Tomorrow with New Primary clutch so we will see Fingers crossed it works
