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  1. Stinky

    A question for SXS owners

    Do I understand correctly, that there are some modern vehicles that need to be warmed up....huh. That sounds like they are junk. Many moons ago, a friend said that they only way to warn up a 250R is to ride it. STart it and drive it....after a few minutes, it is warmed up
  2. Stinky

    Duners Paradise, Someone needs to step up!

    It is gonna ruin the place
  3. Stinky

    Been out of the game for a long time so looking for advice...

    I always thought that was seems that the other manufacturers don't show their HP ratings. My 660 Rhino has 30-35HP and will be topped out at 35mph (and screaming) They don't say what the HP is here (again odd), but a 500 Pioneer is 5 mph faster than my Rhino, and a 700 5mph faster...
  4. Stinky

    Show us your Cool desert finds

    At Buttercup, there are at least 3 dif vehicles left in the dunes. I assume that they are leftover from the days before the fence. There is also a burned ATV on the west-side.
  5. Stinky

    Tires for rocky point

    You can't ride the beach....SOB, they've ruined the place. If that is the case, it doesn't really matter as the rest is hard desert.
  6. Stinky

    What movie are you watching now?

    Stagecouch.....the 1966 version. This version, not sure about it yet, but it seems to be not bad (not like '86 TV version, which sorta stinks) Bing Crosby Stefanie Powers Van Heflin Slim Pickiens Red Buttons Mike Connors Ann Margaret as the Pro...
  7. Stinky

    Metal blade for cutting metal

    I've just noticed some metal blades, that look like a standard circular-saw or table saw blade that are designed for cutting metal. Has anybody used them?
  8. Stinky

    thermostat for LS Engine

    I too have heard the theory of slowing down the water. Additionally, I've heard that it helps slow down the flow leaving the engine which helps pressurize it, a bit, which reduces it wanting to form steam. Alls I know, it that a lot of people say that it is better to run a gutted T-stat than...
  9. Stinky

    Been out of the game for a long time so looking for advice...

    The Honda Pioneer has a regular automatic trans.....I think. They are Honda reliable w/farm suspension. Some people don't like CVTs.....I have one on my Rhino.
  10. Stinky

    Upgrading Honda 250 ex’s.

    Keep your 250. Mine will keep up with a 350X ATC, and a Yamaha Warrior in the dunes. Of course, it won't climb like them. OH, the rider of the 350X weighs about 150# and my son and I both weigh 200#. We both ride the 250 behind the 2 350s. The 250 is a wonderful bike...although, the length...
  11. Stinky

    Help needed evaluating sand rail

    I have no idea. What sort of motor and trans? How old? This forum has a classified section....look there and compare prices.
  12. Stinky

    Football, Troy Aikman Called Out Patrick Mahomes And NFL Refs

    I'll go off in another direction....When the Cardinals were in the Super Bowl. I've heard that one of the Stealers scored a TD and then used the ball for a prop and/or used a cellphone...the networks didn't show it. 1-2 months earlier, the NFL Commissioner was on the radio saying that they are...
  13. Stinky

    Ruts are killing me!

    My BIL rides a 350X (Honda ATC)...he absolutely hates the SXSs and says that they should be banned S of I-8. I ride ATVs and sometimes I feel lucky to get back w/all of my teeth (as they didn't get bounced out).
  14. Stinky

    Ruts are killing me!

    Now that we've all agreed that the ruts are terrible and that the cause is extreme HP, can we come to an agreement that we should petition the BLM to limit the HP Weight ratio to 1 HP to 10# of machine weight for 4 wheeled vehicles (100HP for 1,000#). I'm not totally serious....or am I?
  15. Stinky

    Radiator relocation

    Your airflow should be naturally wants to go that way. You can overcome it w/fans....maybe. In that buggy, IMHO, if you raised your radiator 6", your fans wouldn't come on.
  16. Stinky

    JD'S Memes

    If they hired 78K IRS Auditors, they could play the salary of the Auditors, and also 78K SROs from the money that people were cheating me and you out of....people that show up for their appointments in a Porsche, w/a lawyer in a Maserati SUV, and then pay for it w/a check.
  17. Stinky

    Was it you? 🤔

    There are lots of stupid people out there that need to be saved from themselves. There is not enough data there to make a decision. Riding w/o a helmet is stupid.
  18. Stinky

    Camping on the river

    I assume that the BLM would have info on that. You are gonna need a Groover and a fire-pan.
  19. Stinky

    Holley/Weber or Weber use on a sandrail?

    I'm having a bit of a disagreement w/a guy. He doesn't believe that a Weber progressive carb, or a Holley Weber carb is prone to having the secondary pivot arm and etc are prone to getting sand in there and then sticking. Anybody had, or not had that problem? BTW, if you've had it, it is good...
  20. Stinky

    Radiator relocation

    I had a Honda w/the the direction of airflow reversed from your radiator tilted forward at the top....Your new way won't work, as previously mentioned. AND, as previously mentioned, as high and as vertical as possible is best. BTW, this works best w/air, AND coolant flow. Your...