Camping on the river


Dec 29, 2024
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When I was younger I took my kids canoeing from Laughlin to Castle Rock above Lake havasu, and we would camp on the river banks on the way down. It was a lot of fun. I'd like to do the same trip with my grandkids. Is it legal to primitive camp on the beaches? I realize this is a pretty random question but maybe somebody on here knows. Thanks
in some area's yes, others no
the Havasu Wildlife area is no camping
the Indian land you'd need a permit
but most of the CA side and probably down closer to Havasu like Castle Rock you can

Green or Grey area's likely NO, beige or white areas likely YES
Green is wilderness, grey is Indian, beige is BLM, white is private
Between Laughlin and Needles, it's unlikely that there are areas where you could camp, once down river of Needles, there are many beaches that you could camp on, I've seen lot's of people do it. Then down river from Topock, you're in the Refuge, so there is no camping, and also not very many good beaches unless the water is down. I have a friend who camps there though, he has a little rock cave he uses at Devils elbow, I could show you on a map. I don't think he's ever encountered any issues, as it's pretty hidden. After Devils elbow, you could find some places that you wouldn't be bothered at, but you'd be almost all the way to Havasu by then.
Wow, that was really helpful, thank you you guys
All kinna places to camp in Parker. 👍🏼
Not a great place to go canoeing.

It has been a hundred years since I did anything like this, but we went from above Blythe to I want to say just before Martenez. It was just a two-day trip and we spent the night just outside of Palo Verde on the 78.
When I was younger I took my kids canoeing from Laughlin to Castle Rock above Lake havasu, and we would camp on the river banks on the way down. It was a lot of fun. I'd like to do the same trip with my grandkids. Is it legal to primitive camp on the beaches? I realize this is a pretty random question but maybe somebody on here knows. Thanks
There was a woman would do guided canoe trips from walters camp to fishers. About a 3 day canoe trip. Pretty much legal to camp whole way. Walters has a campground and store same with fishers. Its easy enough to do yourself no guide. Winter months are best to avoid aggressive boaters
This sounds like a really really cool idea. I’ll have to remember this for when my kids are a few years older.
Not a great place to go canoeing.

It has been a hundred years since I did anything like this, but we went from above Blythe to I want to say just before Martenez. It was just a two-day trip and we spent the night just outside of Palo Verde on the 78.

Normally, yes.

But this time of year?? It's pretty quiet out there. 😊
My plan is to go when it warms up, but if we don't bother anybody maybe nobody will care
I assume that the BLM would have info on that.

You are gonna need a Groover and a fire-pan.