What's your opinion/take on the efforts of DOGE?


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has my undivided attention. I seriously cannot believe this is happening and things are coming out.

democrats are losing their fucking minds that their money laundering and slush funds are being cut off. All these worthless "pork" contractors are being cut off, stupid and worthless programs being cut. I swear I'm living in a dream. Elon is saying that even at the rate they are going, the audit is going to take until September to get through everything. AND...I hope they start including Republicans in this. I do not believe for a minute that this is one sided but, I do believe it is skewed more left than right. Everyone who has done this to America need to be ousted and brought to justice.

So what's YOUR take on this? Does anyone have any problems with the young staff he's using? I think its great. They are smart and have the potential to clean up this mess before they age out and have to think about a retirement, taxes, social security/medicare. Clean up this mess created before it becomes their problem.

Other things I want to see come out of this...
- No more birthright citizenship. This included illegal anchor babies and even natural born people here in the US. Citizenship needs to be EARNED. Those here are grandfathered, moving forward, people must earn their citizenship through 2 years of civil, social or military service. If served honorably and without issue, you can become a citizen and gain additional benefits (secondary education, medical, social security, etc...) Those that choose not to serve or become citizens, can remain but will remain"permanent residents" and still pay taxes to support the country, infrastructure and benefits of those that chose to serve and become citizens. All costs of services provide to citizens will be at your won expense.
- Make it law that when I bill is written, it can ONLY include REAL things that support that bill. No more education bills that include environmental crap, gun control, aid, ...
- Criminal charges on politicians and judges that created this mess. Politicians that broke and continue to break laws loose their seats and go to jail. They should be held to a higher standard. No more political stump from the bench.
- Media fairness. Media outlets should have to be licensed to report the "news". This "news" must be audited for truthfulness, clarity, un-opinionated, and tell the whole truth...no spin. If you can't do that or choose not to, you are labeled as entertainment. You can still broadcast, you just can't make any claims that you are news or are telling any form of truth.
- Moving forward, Aid can only be given to US interests and only for things that support and sustain life. No entertainment, no luxury items, no cultural expenses. Food, shelter, medical. That's it. AND...Aid can only be given when there is a surplus AFTER the US and its citizens are take care of first.
- Pull out of the UN. It's a worthless organization that only uses the US. They use out money, our military, our resources and then allow other countries to bad mouth us, punish us, give up more resources. I'll include any global treaty or organization for that matter.
- Bring back law and order. Heavy-hand the shit out of this. You cross the line of "peaceful protest", Boom...jail. You obstruct or hinder others freedoms...Boom...jail. You bring false charges or frivolous lawsuits up...the charges get flipped and whatever the max limit of sentence is, YOU get it and you pay restitution to the person/party you falsely accused. So tired of this shit.
I like asking pedocrats why they are upset about wasteful spending being discovered or stopped. In their defense I guess someone has to pay for story hour with a transvestite and hormone blockers.
I like how it's going so far for DOGE and auditing/shutting down waste.

I do know a number of military civilians that are being told to come back to the office, but they're:

1. Remote traveling employees who aren't assigned a home office because they're usually just on the road.
2. Employees with no "office" to come back to. We sold off or shut down a lot of military property in the last 20 years. Guys are literally setting up cinder block "desks" in hallways because the space was never intended

Just a little more time to solve the above would've been nice. Many, who are very hard working guys, are just taking the early exit deal because they don't have a choice.

That being said: it sucks, but it's also weeding out a lot of guys who just plain suck and did everything they could to get paid while fishing all day.

@Mac my solution for ridiculous bills is that it can't be more than 10 pages, and can only reference specific statues or bills it's replacing/amending. Any currently active bills with excess pork in them should be brought back as separate bills that comply with the above and voted on.
The audits are great. It's crazy to watch the people complaining about it. It certainly seems that a LOT of the people complaining about the government audits actually work for, you guessed it, the government. I would love to see this trickle down to state and local governments as well.
@Mac my solution for ridiculous bills is that it can't be more than 10 pages, and can only reference specific statues or bills it's replacing/amending. Any currently active bills with excess pork in them should be brought back as separate bills that comply with the above and voted on.
Kamala Harris has likely been in charge of writing bills for the democratic party:
Page 1, (Opening sentence of Super Bill #1)
This Bill is a bill that requires the approval of this bill for it in fact to become a bill and within this bill are other bills that can become bills within the said bill of bills and these bills will allow the furthering of more bills within this bill and how we make these bills really is another bill in itself! (insert 1,000 more pages of this word salad)
It will become more and more clear every day to at least 80% of the country, (the other 20% will continue to be wrong about everything). That this is the only path to stop everything from going down the rest of the way completely down the drain. Not only that but we should all understand exactly why and how close we were. Something had to happen, or everything was going to fail.
That our own money was being used for exactly everything going sideways not only in this country but contributed to allot of other countries downfall as well. Think about it, it was becoming obvious that they were funding both sides of things create conflict and there is profit in conflict to fund sustainment of political power. The levels of corruption are so completely rampant at nearly all levels of government, from national to state to local. Nearly everything probably has some level of pervasive corruption that has built up over the years to unsustainable levels.
The ability to print our own money was the only way this could fester so long and postpone the failure long enough to hopefully make a course correction. This is the least painful way but there is going to have to be some sort of pain here and there but we need to keep the momentum.
Love it and really enjoy the melt downs.

I certainly want to see some people prosecuted; I could care less which side of the aisle they are on. DOGE is doing the same thing any publicly traded company would be doing if they were struggling, time to run this country like a business, cut the waste. Our government is far too big, I heard upwards of 65% of all employees in this country work for a government entity, probably includes teachers and first responders, either way, seems very bloated.
I like how it's going so far for DOGE and auditing/shutting down waste.

I do know a number of military civilians that are being told to come back to the office, but they're:

1. Remote traveling employees who aren't assigned a home office because they're usually just on the road.
2. Employees with no "office" to come back to. We sold off or shut down a lot of military property in the last 20 years. Guys are literally setting up cinder block "desks" in hallways because the space was never intended

Just a little more time to solve the above would've been nice. Many, who are very hard working guys, are just taking the early exit deal because they don't have a choice.

That being said: it sucks, but it's also weeding out a lot of guys who just plain suck and did everything they could to get paid while fishing

Agree, I like seeing this work being done. I just wish there was a little more planning and communication where it is being done. The amount of confusing emails that HR has now answers to is unnerving. They are doing this at such a fast rate that many good workers are being caught up in the fallout. I know alot of people taking the buyout because there is so much confusion on what is going on and what the path is. Plus them just firing anyone with Probation Employee next to their name is going to have 2 ill effects, 1) those positions may have really been needed to be filled, so now that is an empty position that there may not be someone to take over the workload 2) Useful employees that actually are doing good work will be lost.
I know that right now they are focusing on Departments that are very bloated, just keeping my fingers crossed the cuts don't end up to deep.
I keep telling everyone at work this is just the shock and awe phase and we will be okay once it settles down.
@Mac my solution for ridiculous bills is that it can't be more than 10 pages, and can only reference specific statues or bills it's replacing/amending. Any currently active bills with excess pork in them should be brought back as separate bills that comply with the above and voted on.

AND...written in plain language so everyone can understand it.
The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has my undivided attention. I seriously cannot believe this is happening and things are coming out.

democrats are losing their fucking minds that their money laundering and slush funds are being cut off. All these worthless "pork" contractors are being cut off, stupid and worthless programs being cut. I swear I'm living in a dream. Elon is saying that even at the rate they are going, the audit is going to take until September to get through everything. AND...I hope they start including Republicans in this. I do not believe for a minute that this is one sided but, I do believe it is skewed more left than right. Everyone who has done this to America need to be ousted and brought to justice.

So what's YOUR take on this? Does anyone have any problems with the young staff he's using? I think its great. They are smart and have the potential to clean up this mess before they age out and have to think about a retirement, taxes, social security/medicare. Clean up this mess created before it becomes their problem.

Other things I want to see come out of this...
- No more birthright citizenship. This included illegal anchor babies and even natural born people here in the US. Citizenship needs to be EARNED. Those here are grandfathered, moving forward, people must earn their citizenship through 2 years of civil, social or military service. If served honorably and without issue, you can become a citizen and gain additional benefits (secondary education, medical, social security, etc...) Those that choose not to serve or become citizens, can remain but will remain"permanent residents" and still pay taxes to support the country, infrastructure and benefits of those that chose to serve and become citizens. All costs of services provide to citizens will be at your won expense.
- Make it law that when I bill is written, it can ONLY include REAL things that support that bill. No more education bills that include environmental crap, gun control, aid, ...
- Criminal charges on politicians and judges that created this mess. Politicians that broke and continue to break laws loose their seats and go to jail. They should be held to a higher standard. No more political stump from the bench.
- Media fairness. Media outlets should have to be licensed to report the "news". This "news" must be audited for truthfulness, clarity, un-opinionated, and tell the whole truth...no spin. If you can't do that or choose not to, you are labeled as entertainment. You can still broadcast, you just can't make any claims that you are news or are telling any form of truth.
- Moving forward, Aid can only be given to US interests and only for things that support and sustain life. No entertainment, no luxury items, no cultural expenses. Food, shelter, medical. That's it. AND...Aid can only be given when there is a surplus AFTER the US and its citizens are take care of first.
- Pull out of the UN. It's a worthless organization that only uses the US. They use out money, our military, our resources and then allow other countries to bad mouth us, punish us, give up more resources. I'll include any global treaty or organization for that matter.
- Bring back law and order. Heavy-hand the shit out of this. You cross the line of "peaceful protest", Boom...jail. You obstruct or hinder others freedoms...Boom...jail. You bring false charges or frivolous lawsuits up...the charges get flipped and whatever the max limit of sentence is, YOU get it and you pay restitution to the person/party you falsely accused. So tired of this shit.

Check out Mac, being all mature and shit! 😁

And for the record....

I Completely agree. 👏👏👏
The BS has to stop.....total collapse is not an option!!
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Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) was inevitable to ultimately save America and the Taxpayer.

I Fully support it, let the light shine and watch them all scurry like the fat roaches they are.

Wish we could go through this with our CA Government LOL