When Enough is enough


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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I have had it .
To know people have been vandalizing memorials for the 13 all over so cal just is about the tipping point for me All you alpha men get your ass beating devices ready .
How much more can we be pushed around by these sick America hating communist Effs . 

I frickin hope Larry files charges on the individual that threw an egg at him. 

Sad thing is they are too stupid to understand why we would be beating them, or they are mentally ill.  We are all at that point I think...just tired of the crap.  

Sad thing is they are too stupid to understand why we would be beating them, or they are mentally ill.  We are all at that point I think...just tired of the crap.  
Quit disparaging the mentally ill!  At least they have a reason for their behavior!! :crazyeyes:

Well I’d like to tie those people to my truck and drag them . The ones  who deystroyed all these American flags posted in honor of our fallen .
I’d like to try surfing on them down a gravel road wearing football cleats. We’ll use barbed wire for the rope. 

She took a swing at the bodyguard as well.........................all while wearing a ugly mask

She took a swing at the bodyguard as well.........................all while wearing a ugly mask
It was a Gorilla mask. Could you imagine if it was a Trump supporter that wore that mask and, threw an egg and hit a guy? 

:dunno:  what my GD brethren are conversing on this am....post vid links :thanks:

thanks for the vid.

Wow, stay classy America :classic_blink:

I have said this for a long time...years...

America hates America.  They hate rules, laws, the military, our history, they hate everything about us except their "protected right" and the free chit the government gives them.

I often tell people that I did not serve a single day of my career in the military with the thought that I was protecting their rights.  That generally upsets them.  I also think there should be more street justice and citizen involvement without prosecution to correct this bullish*t.

Here on GD.com...we are all generally pretty like minded, but what...maybe a 100-200 people are active and post/answer these threads?  That's .00000005 percent of the population.   There is a large portion of our population that either supports this or uses the excuse..."well, what can you do?"
