Getting stuck is a problem


Dec 29, 2024
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So I finished this project, a shortened 07 Tatum rail with a blown LS motor, and it is simply a blast to drive. But the first time I took it out I got stuck and ended up having to be pulled out. It makes me nervous to ever dune by myself, is there any practical way of getting un stuck without help? Worrying about getting stuck is taking the fun out of it. Any thoughts?. I have a side by side is not as fun to drive but with four-wheel drive it's never going to be stuck,
I will never dune alone, maybe a quick trip to vendors, and I'm very chill about it. I don't think it's ever a good idea to dune alone, too many possibilities of breaking down, crashing, or getting stuck...
But for your question, you can strap a few of those traction boards to your car for when you get stuck.
That car looks like a lot of fun.
Make sure your rear tire pressure is correct. 12 to 18 psi in the rear. Make sure you keep a strap with you, shovel?
We hit some pretty soft pockets last trip in G and had to do some digging to get cars out at different times, but as they say, many hands make the load light, so it was never terrible.
That’s the bummer part of duning alone, harder to get out if you get stuck or broke down.
Thank you so much for your responses. And happy New Years by the way. Is a traction board a mat that goes under the tire or is it a board that is strapped to the tire?
ride height on the car is way too high. might be a factor in you getting stuck.

if your gonna ride alone at least carry a tow strap so you can hopefully find a passerby that is willing to hook up and pull you out. a kinetic strap is the best. and maybe a small shovel to dig yourself out.
You can use your starter to get out. Before you bury the car turn it off. Put it in reverse then bump the starter.
From your picture you may want to check your downtravel in the front, it looks like it’s sitting pretty high.
Thank you for the starter and reverse idea, I am looking for whatever tips I can get . From the picture I had just jacked up the car to put the wheels on and it is sitting a little bit higher than normal but I do need to learn how to set the thing up properly. If I back the spring preload off it handles the stuttery chopped type stuff just wonderfully but it doesn't do as well at the bottom of a dune. Seems like sort of a trade-off. Any thoughts?
Love the suggestions, is a jack helpful to put sand underneath the tires if you dug yourself a hole?
Thank you for the starter and reverse idea, I am looking for whatever tips I can get . From the picture I had just jacked up the car to put the wheels on and it is sitting a little bit higher than normal but I do need to learn how to set the thing up properly. If I back the spring preload off it handles the stuttery chopped type stuff just wonderfully but it doesn't do as well at the bottom of a dune. Seems like sort of a trade-off. Any thoughts?
You’re spot on, there’s a trade off in ride quality vs. bottoming out . I’ve always started at 2” of downtravel (push up and down on the front end, let it settle then measure the length you can pull up before maxing the suspension out).
In the dunes try to avoid a full stop, even the slightest bit of forward momentum does wonders for avoiding getting stuck. Drive 20 yards ahead of where you’re at.
Love the suggestions, is a jack helpful to put sand underneath the tires if you dug yourself a hole?
A jack isn’t ideal in sand, they do make air bags that act as a jack though.
Walmart sells the aluminum snow shovels for the car. They are light and small. Sometimes digging won't do it. Watch where you go. Go back in time and get a lifted 2wd toyota truck to drive as an 18yr old. That will teach you where you can and can't go without help. Other that than, I go nothing.
Starter trick does work got me out once. Another if you know your gonna get stuck which you will do not try and think youll power out by gassing it hard you will only dig deeper.

I have thought about picking one of these jacks up and mounting it in the car just in case I get stuck. I have not done it yet. It would be a bit easier for me because I have an air compressor on board already in the Funco. I saw someone try one of those exhaust ballon jacks once but it did not seem to work to well.
All this input is really really helpful. Thank you so much. I heard once about ratchet strapping a piece of 2x4 to the paddle tire, anybody heard of such an idea to get unstuck?
Just don't park on an incline and you'll never get stuck...always park with even the slightest decline and you will be fine. If you still have issues you're not slipping the clutch properly when you take off.
This is a great tip, and standard practice for me with a buggy
Should we tell him about putting gas in a tire that’s come off a bead and lightning the gas to reseat the tire?
By the time you figure out what is the best way to get unstuck you can learn how not to get stuck. Work on that instead.
Should we tell him about putting gas in a tire that’s come off a bead and lightning the gas to reseat the tire?
While I respect how youz chaw-spitting local-yokels do it in the deep woods of da Ho...

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