It's Saturday 8-7-21 What are you doing this weekend?

Started back up with this project at home. Have my man cave, her she cave and this is the kids playroom. Added a porch this weekend to their little domain. 

it’s been quite some time since I’ve had to buy lumber. These prices are insane. It’s all a conspiracy to blindly allow for inflation with all the money we’re giving away. 

pics or it didn’t happen. Btw I’m not a framer or in any sort of construction. Just played with legos and trains growing up


First day I've felt human.

Been sicker then i can remember, cough, fever-chills, nausea, dizzy, no appetite and couldn't sleep. Ended up at Urgent Care, not COVID-19, EKG, Blood, Urine, everything...aside from being Fat I'm healthy :dunno:

I did get scolded for not getting vaxxed yet. Fat guys like me are not getting thru this round of Kung Flu it appears. 

Time to get me health in order,  wife and kids were pretty upset that I crashed so hard and got lucky this time.

Side work yesterday  and today painting kitchen  doors for a customer, then next Saturday do the cabinets and install doors. 

I did get scolded for not getting vaxxed yet. Fat guys like me are not getting thru this round of Kung Flu it appears. 
So what are you going to do? I will say that with this strain everyone they have shown hooked up to a ventilator did seem to look like a sumo wrestler.

 I turned 60 on Friday, have had COPD for many many years, am quite overweight though not like these sumo looking folks, have had the rona, when I was in the hospital with Kung flu in addition to my regular rescue inhaler they sent me home with a cortisteroid inhaler and same nasal spray.

Still not going to be a guinea pig for Fauci. My karma is in balance, I have a comfortable egg for my wife/adult children/granddaughter, and don’t owe anybody anything (well except for maybe owing some folks some apologies for being an ass when I was younger), but if it’s my time then I don’t think some experimental jab is going to prevent that.

Just curious if your mind has been changed.

I'm on the fence.

It's not even about me, it's more to protect my high risk daughter. She can't get the vaccine,  she is 100% dependent on those who care for her to not pass it on to her (COVID-19).

We will play the lottery with a zillion to 1 chance...but wont risk new medicine?

I just felt i was being selfish. 

Focusing a bit more on my game, but played mediocre at saturdays canyon challenge tournament. Played well today; club championship in two weeks.  Confidence is growing, working on the fundamentals and slowing the mind. 

I drank my very first Chelada this weekend.....well actually tonight.  I bought the Sol brand.  It's like drinking light tomato juice, salty, peppery, actually great tasting.  I just wish it was a little more than 3.5% ABV, but I started with a vodka shot to get it rolling.

Sol Chelada.jpg

I drank my very first Chelada this weekend.....well actually tonight.  I bought the Sol brand.  It's like drinking light tomato juice, salty, peppery, actually great tasting.  I just wish it was a little more than 3.5% ABV, but I started with a vodka shot to get it rolling.

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Try making them from scratch. I start with whatever crappy leftover beer I bought for mooches, add some bloody mary mix then add a little more spice to taste, plus a squeeze of lime. Most of those pre-made ones don't compare to the ones you make for yourself, for obvious reasons.

Try making them from scratch. I start with whatever crappy leftover beer I bought for mooches, add some bloody mary mix then add a little more spice to taste, plus a squeeze of lime. Most of those pre-made ones don't compare to the ones you make for yourself, for obvious reasons.
Thanks for the tip!  It's definitely something to experiment with........with the type of beer and type of spice you choose.

Try making them from scratch. I start with whatever crappy leftover beer I bought for mooches, add some bloody mary mix then add a little more spice to taste, plus a squeeze of lime. Most of those pre-made ones don't compare to the ones you make for yourself, for obvious reasons.
I've never found a Bloody Mary mix that didn't taste like shet.

For both Bloody Mary's and Beers, I use Clamato.  Clamato now makes a shake/seasoning that's super good too.  Walmart carries it.

I've never found a Bloody Mary mix that didn't taste like shet.

For both Bloody Mary's and Beers, I use Clamato.  Clamato now makes a shake/seasoning that's super good too.  Walmart carries it.
Try El Pato. Good and Hot.


Took  :sexywave: out for drinks and dinner Saturday then we took the boat out Sunday.  Ran into a few people we knew and met new peeps as well.

Spent Saturday putzing around running errands with the GF.  Sunday got roped into helping her son move into his first apartment.

He moved into a apartment down near ASU and he didn't have much crap to move so let me put it this way. It was well worth the effort. Lots of young ASU students moving into the first apartment. I told him if he couldn't catch fish in that lake he wasn't alive

It was funny every young girl was pastey white who was moving in, every girl that wasn't moving in was sun burnt on one side and pasty white on the other. 

Every white guy looked like he was looking for a friend to play hacky sack with.  It was over 100 degree's and they were still wearing a beanie as well as  long sleeved flannel. 

  It was over 100 degree's and they were still wearing a beanie as well as  long sleeved flannel. 
Sounds like you blended right in with yore Starbucks and Man Bun!!!!  Glad you had fun! :lmao:


Went and picked this thing up, because apparently I really, really like Grand Cherokees (we had a '16 High Altitude 5.7 Hemi, I've had 2 WJs including the one I still have, and my wife's car is a '18 Trackhawk): 


It's a 2017 Trailhawk with about 26k miles and has the Trailhawk Luxury Group (adaptive cruise, leather/suede interior, bi-xenon headlights, pano sunroof, etc.) and the 5.7L Hemi.  As you can see, the hood vinyl was pretty faded (and somebody had tried to polish it, making it worse) and it had roof-rails and old-man side-steps (NOT sliders).  

So, Sunday (yeah, yeah... this is a "Saturday" thread) I spent some time w/ a buddy getting rid of the vinyl, most of the badges, the rails, and the side-steps.  The hood definitely took the most work, but I'm pretty happy with where we got it to: 



And badges gone:



I still need to give it a full detail (particularly treating the black plastic trim) but it's getting there.  This AM I went ahead and got some new KO2s on it:




They're 275/65-18 which is about a 32.1" and the max that's said to fit these well.  They look a little narrow on the rims for my taste, but this isn't going to be hardcore wheeler, so I think they're good.  I will put some spacers on, but I wanted to get these on and check for clearance at full lock before ordering the spacers.  

For funsies, here are the other two Grands in the family: 




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Well, I don't normally share this stuff, but I'm stuck in a hotel for the foreseeable future.

The EFFIN refrigeration sprung a leak, and EFFED up the kitchen floor.

I'm at 4 weeks now, with 5 to 8 more weeks before repairs are done.

The EFFIN WiFi here is just like AOL dial up.


If I'm slow to see a post and double post it, so be it.

ESCO, I'm talking to you.

