Make America great again... what decade?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Saw this question posted somewhere else. The majority was saying they wanted the country to go back to the way it was in the '90s..
What say you? When was America great to you?
(And before I get lambasted I know our country has always been great, this is just for fun)
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Tough call. I look at the moral decline and priority of self above all else over the last six decades and I have always blamed baby boomers for that, and the millennials are a product of them. Dirty ass hippies. Anything since was already desensitized and too far gone to be fixed. I guess I'd go with the 70s... the 1770s.

It would have to be before FDR and the new deal... before the war pigs... before the oligarchy...
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I would say 70's, then we can beat the shit out of the peacenick hippies who spawned the current generation of Commie pukes running things.
What’s funny is the current group of liberals blame the boomers for their current “predicament”…

When it was the hippy liberals of that generation who ushered in all the spending excess that fucked us.
I have always blamed baby boomers for that,

Totally agree with this. I am from the tail end of the boomer generation. Some of the most selfish and rudest people are around my age and those traits were were passed on to their spawn!
I also believe geography has bearing on behaviors. Rural people tend to have better manners and values than those who live in major population area's. I'm generalizing here and there are exceptions to the rule, but not enough!
I agree with the Internet being to blame so I asked the internet and AI told me to tell you the following...AOL Dialup was the turning point LMAO

Before AOL dial-up, the internet was primarily accessible only to universities and large institutions, with most people accessing online services through dedicated platforms like CompuServe, Prodigy, or Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) via slow dial-up connections, meaning the internet was largely text-based, with limited multimedia capabilities and significantly slower speeds than what we experience today; the World Wide Web, as we know it, hadn't been widely adopted yet, making browsing and visual content nearly non-existent for most users.

Key points about the pre-AOL dial-up era:

  • Limited access:
    Only a small percentage of people had internet access, mostly researchers and those working in technical fields at universities or corporations.

  • Text-based interaction:
    Online services were mostly text-based, with limited graphics or multimedia options.

  • Slow connection speeds:
    Dial-up modems were significantly slower than today's standards, making even basic tasks like loading web pages take a long time.

  • Dedicated online services:
    People accessed the internet through specific online services like CompuServe or Prodigy, which had their own unique interfaces and content.

  • BBS culture:
    Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) were popular for online communication, allowing users to post messages on specific topics and interact with other users.
I was born in '76 so I've experienced so much. Minus the cold war and fear of nukes, the late 80's seem good.
Economy was good (from what I hear) and culture was FUN. Movies, toys, TV, friends, outdoors activities, everything seemed fun. Shit wasn't PC and we had some good tech to make life comfortable.
The 80's were crazy... Sonny and Ricardo were out chasing the Columbian Marching Dust.....all over Miami......people slept less back then.