Forum Moderator
- May 1, 2021
- 15,649
- 9,185
Excited to see my Dune Family in the "Toy Capital of the World." Which (by the way) Rhymes with "chEFF A Da World". We've been Reading and commenting about a lot of negativity on the board lately. Although it's TRUE STORIES, it sucks! I hate it. This TOPic is for Positive Words! Can't always speak on the Negative. Negativity Sucks. I get it. The more our Positive Conversation is spoken, the odds of having Great things happen increase. I'm very thankful we get the opportunity to do this together. I'm very thankful to know Y'ALL here on this great site (GD.COM) or in the Sand of Mother G. We've gotten most of our best friends from this Dune Community. Life deals us what life deals us. We Learn from our mistakes, (God Willing) we get to live thru them. Cheers to Safe Travels / Good Friends / Awesome Experiences / Toys / Machines Running Great. Speaking of New Toys.....Can't wait to feel this BadBoy in the bowls / whoops / flats and whatever else we can find. Peace