describe a sxs


Active member
May 6, 2021
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CNET described the Can-Am Maverick X3 as an off-road "golf-cart-dune-buggy-like" vehicle, and often seen "zipping around the desert and sailing off into the dunes."

They remind me of a baja bug for some reason. Short and stout. Rounded body features. 

Reminds me of a good ole polka song, the beer barrel polka.

Roll out the barrel,  we'll have a barrel of fun.


SXS = Mosquito  Annoying bug that you’ll never get rid of. 

It depends what kind

Rhino - workhorse

RZR - A real Fireball

Can Am - Cadillac of the Joyner

Speed UTV - The Real Ghost Rider

Total of All of them - The Jet ski of the Dunes!

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I like the versatility of mine. But I do miss my sand rail. 
However, my therapist says that feeling will diminish over time. 
We shall see. 

I've been building and repairing them for 15+ years.  Professionally for 10+ years.  I've had numerous LT rails and just sold my Funco because it sat around way too much.  That and I think the economy is going to chit the bed and rails are going to lose 15-25% of their value here next season.  

The changes in the SXS over the last 8 years has been crazy.  The amount of money it has brought into our sport is huge.  Factory support for race teams and racing organizations is great for the sport.  The off-road industry as a whole has grown and excelled tremendously.  Sure, there are a few bad apples with the bunch, but they will weed themselves out here when the economy dumps.  SXS will not be the reason if the dunes close.  It will be the people.  Trash is trash.  No matter what they are driving/riding.  With companies like Polaris and Can Am making huge financial investments into the dunes, it will only be a plus when the Gov comes knocking on the door to close them. 

How do I describe todays modern SXS? A machine that is very capable in providing family fun and a thrill for adrenaline junkies.  From exploring mountain trails, to ripping the dunes.  No, they are not as fast as a good LT rail, but they are fun.  Nothing better than being able to use the same vehicle to go rock climbing, Baja rips, trail cruising, dune running and then hit the local grocery store.  They have brought a lot of new friends and family out to enjoy things I have been doing for 40+ years. :ez:

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I've been building and repairing them for 15+ years.  Professionally for 10+ years.  I've had numerous LT rails and just sold my Funco because it sat around way too much.  That and I think the economy is going to chit the bed and rails are going to lose 15-25% of their value here next season.  

The changes in the SXS over the last 8 years has been crazy.  The amount of money it has brought into our sport is huge.  Factory support for race teams and racing organizations is great for the sport.  The off-road industry as a whole has grown and excelled tremendously.  Sure, there are a few bad apples with the bunch, but they will weed themselves out here when the economy dumps.  SXS will not be the reason if the dunes close.  It will be the people.  Trash is trash.  No matter what they are driving/riding.  With companies like Polaris and Can Am making huge financial investments into the dunes, it will only be a plus when the Gov comes knocking on the door to close them. 

How do I describe todays modern SXS? A machine that is very capable in providing family fun and a thrill for adrenaline junkies.  From exploring mountain trails, to ripping the dunes.  No, they are not as fast as a good LT rail, but they are fun.  Nothing better than being able to use the same vehicle to go rock climbing, Baja rips, trail cruising, dune running and then hit the local grocery store.  They have brought a lot of new friends and family out to enjoy things I have been doing for 40+ years. :ez:
I agree fully with this

To add to my side by sides causing the closures's not the machines, it's that they have made it a whole lot easier for a group of losers to now come to the dunes.  1 vehicle with loser driver and 3 loser friends - with a cooler full of beer leaving trash and cans.  If we could do a study I'd bet a lot of money 75% of the trash left if from a side by side loser club. :(

For us less fortunate types, that can't own the all hailed $300K, 2500 HP Sand car that NEVER breaks it is....






I do miss my Dirt bike though that was even more versitile, more affordable and tons of fun, but like the saying goes...

With age comes a cage!
