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- May 2, 2021
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Came up with this idea over 10 years ago with @matt86m and @Stugots while eating chicken wings at H(.)(.)TERS one fine Tuesday afternoon in Orange County / I drew it out on a napkin and got all the stuff to do it.....well.....my buddy moved shops and all the parts were lost in the shuffle...... (I was bummed but never took the time to do it all over again....Project was DEAD.......)
I often thought about doing it again but with the price of parts and time.....It never happened/ THEN...................... My buddy Dave calls me a couple months ago and says he found a bunch of chopped 70 parts and a plasma cut out frame....I hauld AZZ to his shop and wala.......last week we spent some time together and here it is..... The ATC 70Q Trailer that pulls behind the :atc70:
i am taking it to glamis this week and to the 70 invasion on new years!!!!!
yesh baby

I often thought about doing it again but with the price of parts and time.....It never happened/ THEN...................... My buddy Dave calls me a couple months ago and says he found a bunch of chopped 70 parts and a plasma cut out frame....I hauld AZZ to his shop and wala.......last week we spent some time together and here it is..... The ATC 70Q Trailer that pulls behind the :atc70:
i am taking it to glamis this week and to the 70 invasion on new years!!!!!
yesh baby

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