Sandcar shipping


Active member
May 5, 2021
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Can anyone help me with suggestions/advise about who to contact to ship a sandcar from California (Apple Valley, I think) to Little Sahara sand dunes in Oklahoma? I need to get an idea about cost. 

I requested a quote online, and within minutes had 6 emails from different companies and a phone call. Most are giving "guaranteed" prices that seem too good to be true, so I don't really trust the process. 

I transport sandrails everyday. Little Sahara is about 1300 miles one way= $3000 open flatbed, $3500 enclosed trailer. Most of what we do is last minute hotshot type stuff. If we can book something going both directions the cost will be lower.


Thanks for the info. I have to decide if the shipping cost will make the overall cost of the buggy too much. Your actual price is what makes me not trust these other brokers, because they are promising as low as $725.00-total-fully insured. No hidden fees, etc. I am sure there is a lot of VERY fine print in their contracts!

tey are car haulers most sand rails wont fit on car hauler trailer a car is more like the size of a utv

Thanks for the info. I have to decide if the shipping cost will make the overall cost of the buggy too much. Your actual price is what makes me not trust these other brokers, because they are promising as low as $725.00-total-fully insured. No hidden fees, etc. I am sure there is a lot of VERY fine print in their contracts!
The brokers will sell the job to a hauler, or another broker and try to fill a 10 or 11 car trailer.  As @Jersey_Jeff73 said most sandrails won't fit onto or into a standard car trailer.  I've heard nightmare stories about people waiting weeks and even months to get a car delivered only to have the price double and even triple and driver say pay now or I won't unload it and if I have to bring it back there's another fee.  Shady AF.  

I'm not a board sponsor so I'm not supposed to solicit my services unless via PM, so I apologize to the staff here.  Be careful who you hire.  Most car haulers will not know how to properly strap down a sandrail, will not have a winch (we winch all cars onto our flatbeds) and they will most likely not know how to put an Albins or Mendeola into reverse.

Thanks y'all for the input. These are actual concerns I have, that you have confirmed. I had a rail shipped from Washington state years ago, and it was a disasterous nightmare. I have forgotten most of the details, so your experience helps me to try to be cautious. This is a pic of the car. 


Thanks y'all for the input. These are actual concerns I have, that you have confirmed. I had a rail shipped from Washington state years ago, and it was a disasterous nightmare. I have forgotten most of the details, so your experience helps me to try to be cautious. This is a pic of the car. 

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A buddy of mine retired last year to Oklahoma after 25 years in the USAF. He drives for me occasionally but also does his own transports. I can hit him up and ask what he'd charge to get the car from CA to OK. He may be able to piggyback it with another job to get the price down. 

That would be appreciated. Thanks! My delivery date could be flexible.

That would be appreciated. Thanks! My delivery date could be flexible.
I think you would be better off getting a SxS then buying that car.  Hate to be a naysayer but as someone that does a lot of buying / selling that is something I would avoid. 

I do appreciate your advice on the car. And I will take it into serious consideration. Could you give examples of issues that you see? (Maybe even through PM)  But as far as the SXS idea, that will never happen.

I have used @L.R.S. many times, it is very turnkey,  leave them the keys to the shop and come home and the car is on its way,  Thank you jeff class act, 

I have used @L.R.S. multiple times with great results. Like the above have mentioned, super easy to deal with and they are always very professional!

Another option than lrs would be don glasco at “leadfoot_transport_llc” on Instagram, he does a lot of high end cars, cost may work out a little better since he goes to Glamis but is based in Texas. Check out his page! 

How wide is it?  This time of year, you definitely want enclosed transport...

another vote for LRS.  he has shipped a couple things for me.  One thing that needs to be mentioned is that he ships millions of dollars of sandrails EVERY week.  He knows how to load them, secure them, etc.  Most cars get winched on the trailer (no clutch wear).  Some newbie smoking the clutch in your new toy while loading will make the cost of using LRS seem cheap.  IDK if little sahara has a dedicated forum; but might be worth a shot to post something.  There is probably 10 guys that need their car shipped to CA for upgrades, transaxle work, etc.
